







汉语拼音:méng yá









  1. 亦作“ 萌牙 ”。草木初生的芽。

    《礼记·月令》:“﹝仲春之月﹞是月也,安萌牙,养幼少,存诸孤。” 唐 刘恂 《岭表录异》卷中:“﹝波斯枣﹞如小块紫矿, 恂 亦收而种之,久无萌芽,疑是蒸熟也。” 清 韩泰华 《无事为福斋随笔》卷上:“漫消磨、一寸光阴,一寸萌芽。”

  2. 开始发芽。

    《汉书·东方朔传》:“甘露既降,朱草萌牙。” 宋 梅尧臣 《依韵和持国新植西轩》:“浇灌同一时,萌芽或先后。” 清 高述明 《塞外》诗:“炎风初解冻,夏草渐萌芽。”

  3. 开始产生。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·神思》:“刻鏤声律,萌芽比兴。” 宋 赵与时 《宾退录》卷三:“ 西都 外戚之盛,萌芽于 元帝 之时。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·门外文谈》:“文字在人民间萌芽,后来却一定为特权者所收揽。”

  4. 比喻始发或初生的事物。

    《汉书·李寻传》:“宜察萧墙之内,毋忽亲疏之微。诛放佞人,防絶萌牙。” 唐 韩愈 《和侯协律咏笋》:“萌芽防寖大,覆载莫偏恩。” 明 方孝孺 《艾庵记》:“絶旧愆之萌芽,培天德而日滋。” 鲁迅 《中国小说史略》第二篇:“故神话不特为宗教之萌芽,美术所由起,且实为文章之渊源。”



  1. Once a year, they must produce a "Global Technology Outlook" , an attempt to spot important trends early.

  2. Known here as "shanzhai ji" , or bandit phones, China's gray market handset industry was virtually non-existent just a few years ago.

  3. Her eyes were filled with tears, and she was smiling like a bud flowering into bloom.

  4. You know -- and there is a lot -- (Laughter) There is a lot -- a lot has been going on since Isaac Newton and all that stuff happened.

  5. But those genes are not active in most cells, otherwise we would be sprouting hair all over the liver and nails from the tips of our noses.

  6. The point is that his political opponents and many in the financial markets did not believe him and used "green shoots" as an ironic taunt.

  7. In retrospect budding love just when everything is always pure and beautiful, to the later, the only betrayal and lies.

  8. I can not help but think of home in front of the Chrysanthemum Cong do not know if it can no longer be able to sprout.

  9. But I should not care if I sprouted into a living tree, put forth leaves and flowers, and bore fruit.


  1. 长出, 萌芽

    germinate, shoot up spur n.

  2. 萌芽平均长度

    Average length of the bud.

  3. 资本主义的萌芽

    the seeds of capitalism

  4. 资本主义萌芽说

    statement on the seeds of capi talism

  5. 扼杀在萌芽状态

    Nip it in the bud

  6. 花粉萌芽率

    pollen germination rate.

  7. 萌芽状态的文艺

    nascent literature and art

  8. 包含总体的萌芽。

    It contains the germ of the whole.

  9. 上周,萌芽枯萎了。

    Last week, the green shoots shrivelled.

  10. 一个想法的萌芽

    the germ of an idea

  11. 西欧的资本主义萌芽

    bud of capitalism in Western Europe

  12. 今年树萌芽得早。

    The trees are budding early this year.

  13. 使某物发芽,萌芽

    germinate vt to cause sth start growing.

  14. 这是隶书的萌芽。

    This was the beginning of Li calligraphy.

  15. 种子萌芽与幼苗生长

    seed germination and seedling growth

  16. 科学耕作的萌芽阶段

    the beginnings of scientific agriculture

  17. 爱萌芽,源于彼此吸引。

    Love starts as an attraction to another.

  18. 把它消灭在萌芽状态。

    Nip it in the bud.

  19. 泡桐萌芽更新研究报告

    A Research Report on Regeneration of Paulownia Sprout

  20. 爱在对方的心里萌芽。

    To grow in their heart.

  21. 迈克消灭在萌芽之中?

    Mike Nip this thing in the bud.

  22. 种子在土壤中萌芽了。

    The seeds quickened in the soil.

  23. 这个观念还在萌芽阶段

    The idea is embryonic.

  24. 不容种族优越感萌芽生根

    Sense of racial superiority must not be allowed to take root

  25. 它们将萌芽,开花和结果。

    They will bud and blossom and bear fruit.

  26. 当时航空仍在萌芽阶段。

    At that time aviation was still in its infancy.

  27. 自古以来萌芽生长的冲动

    The ancient pulse of germ and birth

  28. 花朵萌芽并绽放的过程。

    the process of budding and unfolding of blossoms.

  29. 萌芽不伐,将折斧柯。

    It is good to nip the briar in the bud.

  30. 把某事消灭在萌芽状态

    to nip something in the bud


  1. 问:萌芽拼音怎么拼?萌芽的读音是什么?萌芽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌芽的读音是méngyá,萌芽翻译成英文是 sprout; emerge

  2. 问:萌芽松拼音怎么拼?萌芽松的读音是什么?萌芽松翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌芽松的读音是méngyásōng,萌芽松翻译成英文是 Pinus echinata

  3. 问:萌芽林拼音怎么拼?萌芽林的读音是什么?萌芽林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌芽林的读音是méng yá lín,萌芽林翻译成英文是 sprout forest

  4. 问:萌芽的拼音怎么拼?萌芽的的读音是什么?萌芽的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌芽的的读音是,萌芽的翻译成英文是 budding

  5. 问:萌芽囊肿拼音怎么拼?萌芽囊肿的读音是什么?萌芽囊肿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌芽囊肿的读音是méng yá náng zhǒng,萌芽囊肿翻译成英文是 eruption cyst

  6. 问:萌芽孢子拼音怎么拼?萌芽孢子的读音是什么?萌芽孢子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌芽孢子的读音是méng yá bāo zǐ,萌芽孢子翻译成英文是 sporeling

  7. 问:萌芽更新拼音怎么拼?萌芽更新的读音是什么?萌芽更新翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌芽更新的读音是méng yá gēng xīn,萌芽更新翻译成英文是 copse regeneration

  8. 问:萌芽阶段拼音怎么拼?萌芽阶段的读音是什么?萌芽阶段翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌芽阶段的读音是méng yá jiē duàn,萌芽阶段翻译成英文是 embryoism

  9. 问:萌芽繁殖体拼音怎么拼?萌芽繁殖体的读音是什么?萌芽繁殖体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌芽繁殖体的读音是,萌芽繁殖体翻译成英文是 blastochore

  10. 问:萌芽 (左拉)拼音怎么拼?萌芽 (左拉)的读音是什么?萌芽 (左拉)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌芽 (左拉)的读音是,萌芽 (左拉)翻译成英文是 Germinal


