


上,升:~山。~车。~门。~天。~台。~场(chǎng )。~高。~攀。~临。~科。~程。~堂入室。踩,践踏,脚向下用力:~踏。踢~。记载:~记。~报。~载。谷物成熟:~岁(丰年)。五谷丰~。立刻:~时。“~即相许和,便可作婚姻。”进:~崇……





汉语拼音:dēng chuán








  1. Well as I said, we had a group of photographers that went out on board ships and actually photographed the activities in process.


  2. I was like the ship before my education began , only I was without compass , and had no way of knowing how near the harbor was .


  3. Was boarding, especially in the dark, the only means of stopping the ships?


  4. Traveling businessmen all docked here. So this used to be the most prosperous place in Yangzhou.


  5. Damn, the mainland is in a state of war with Taiwan right now, so if anyone's boats move in to Taiwan, China can demand to search them.


  6. When the difficulties of embarkation have been surmounted, it will still be necessary to marshal these ships and bring them across the sea.


  7. Solo's luck ran out while running a shipment of Kessel spice, and his freighter, the Millennium Falcon was boarded by an Imperial patrol.


  8. I hoped that the company can give the date which I arrange to go on board newly, with airplane ticket.


  9. Examination and possessions must accept an operator in charge as pressing the boat personnel down is registered.


  1. 他们登船了

    They've boarded the ship!

  2. 登船装货港。

    The port of embarkation.

  3. 登船及搜查权

    the right of visit and search.

  4. 几点开始登船?

    What time does boarding start?

  5. 船长什么时候登船?

    When does the captain come aboard ?

  6. 是的,有登船专列。

    Yes, there's a boat train.

  7. 是得,有登船专列。

    Yes, there's a boat train.

  8. 登船时得速度时8节。

    Make boarding speed of6 knots.

  9. 登船时的速度时8节。

    Make boarding speed of8 knots.

  10. 攻击将其余登船人员

    Attacking the pirates who've taken the rest.

  11. 登船搜查或攻击之人员

    boarding party

  12. 停止使乘客登船或飞机

    Stopped to embark passengers.

  13. 我们什么时间可以登船呢

    When do we board

  14. 所以说登船不是第一次

    So being on a ship, it's not the first time.

  15. 准备登船搜刮,好的,长官

    Prepare a boarding party!Yes, sir.

  16. 请问登船的地点在哪里?

    Would you tell me where we embark the ship ?

  17. 请问登船得地点在哪里?

    Would you tell me where we embark the ship ?

  18. 汽笛响了,旅客们该登船了。

    There goes the siren for passengers to go aboard.

  19. 准备登船的陆战队两栖旅

    Ready Afloat Marine Amphibious Brigade.

  20. 去准备登船部队武器攻击

    Prepare the boarding party and set for your weapons for stun.

  21. 没有,兰斯女士还没登船

    No, Ms. Lance is not yet onboard.

  22. 您能告诉我怎样登船吗?

    And would you tell me how to go about it? ?

  23. 登船之前请托运你的行李。

    Check your luggage before boarding.

  24. 未经授权的参观者不允许登船。

    No unauthorized visitors are permitted on board.

  25. 他们在利物浦登船前往纽约。

    They embarked at Liverpool for New York.

  26. 里普,告诉你的船员让我们登船

    Rip, tell your crew to let us board.

  27. 我和妻子是最早赶到登船的。

    My wife and I were the first to arrive and hopped on board.

  28. 他们何时能够登船并从事哪些岗位?

    When will they be on board and in what positions?

  29. 新登船旅客受到了职务安全教育吗?

    Are new passengers instructed on occupational safety?

  30. 建议你船在引航员登船时船员备锚。

    Advise you have your crew on stand by for weighing anchor when pilot embarks.


  1. 问:登船命令拼音怎么拼?登船命令的读音是什么?登船命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登船命令的读音是dēng chuánmìng lìng,登船命令翻译成英文是 Embarkation Order



【拼音】 dēng chuán

【解释】 上船

【例句】 部队在午夜时登船

【英语】 embark 另有网络释义,源自于电影《2012》,影片中,当2012世界末日到来之时,各国政府联手秘密制造了一艘诺亚方舟,希望借此逃过这一人类浩劫。然而船票却是天文数字,不是人人都能登上船的。由于2012年的日益逼近,随着一些名人的去世,网络上便出现言论说这些人都是去登船了。