






本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……


快乐或使人快乐:~乐(lè ㄌㄜˋ)。~老(欢度晚年)。~亲(使父母快乐)。~悦。自~。~情陶性。……



汉语拼音:liáo yǐ zì yú








  • 【解释】:聊:姑且。姑且用以自我娱乐宽慰。
  • 【出自】:《汉书·南粤王赵佗传》:“西北有长沙,其半蛮夷,亦称王。老夫故敢妄窃帝号,聊以自娱。”
  • 【示例】:弹琴鼓瑟,~。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;指自我欣赏


  1. They create them personally for self-entertainment, or as presents for relatives.


  1. 她和她婴儿说话聊以自娱。

    She diverted herself with talking to her baby.

  2. 读书以自娱

    to read for pleasure

  3. 聊以自慰的宽解

    Dutch consolation

  4. 大人们却能聊以慰藉。

    Adults find it comforting.

  5. 有时他独自吟诵几节, 聊以自慰。

    At times he repeated lines to himself and this consoled him.

  6. 我现在也只能以此聊以自慰了

    I guess that's all the catharsis I can take right now.

  7. 我只靠这一点点收入聊以生活。

    I am just living on a slender income for the moment.

  8. 我只靠这一点点收入聊以生活。

    I am just living on a slender income for the moment.

  9. 他聊以自慰的是幸亏事情没有更糟。

    He consoled himself with the think that it may had been worse.

  10. 他有幽默感, 这使他在逆境中聊以自慰

    His sense of humour is a useful buffer when things are going badly for him

  11. 大多数怯懦者都有这种私下聊以自慰的办法。

    Most timidities have such secret compensations.

  12. 就要看你我在一起,只有微笑聊以蔚籍。

    I look at you and me and I smile.

  13. 能够聊以自慰的是,同一年,法国也被迫宣告破产。

    It was a poor consolation that France had been forced to admit its own bankruptcy in the same year.

  14. 能够聊以自慰得是,同一年,法国也被迫宣告破产。

    It was a poor consolation that France had been forced to admit its own bankruptcy in the same year.

  15. 啊,你准备留下来了。我想这算是能够聊以自慰吧。

    Well, you're staying. That's something I suppose.

  16. 政府唯一聊以自慰的是反对派与他们一样困惑不解。

    The governments only crumb of comfort is that their opponents are as confused as they are.

  17. 聊乘化以归尽。

    Let me abide by the law of nature to lead a life of nature.

  18. 因此, 我们将对扶轮基金会捐献, 以聊表谢忱。

    Therefore, we will make a contribution to The Rotary Foundation as our expression of thanks.

  19. 屡举进士不第,后绝意仕进,以诗文自娱,终身隐居。

    Scholars frequently cite not the first, never intended to officialdom after, a poem of selfentertainment, lifelong seclusion.

  20. 常以写文章自娱自乐, 文章稍微显示出自己的志趣。

    Writing article often fun, little article shows that their own interests.

  21. 移交飞机前,应当以私聊方式与相关管制员进行协调。

    Handover of aircrafts should be done only by coordination with other ATC.

  22. 在空闲时间里人们以不同的方式自娱自乐。

    In their free time people enjoy themselves in different ways.

  23. 自娱, 嬉戏以轻松, 快乐的方式自娱

    To amuse oneself in a light, frolicsome manner.

  24. 他想起来原来他和有彦聊过关于一子以什么谋生的事。

    He recalls an inconclusive conversation with Arihiko about what she does for a living.

  25. 我以读书自娱。

    I amuse myself with reading.

  26. 他以写生自娱。

    He amused himself with sketching.

  27. 我们以游戏自娱。

    We amused ourselves with games.

  28. 我常以读书自娱。

    I often amuse myself by reading.

  29. 男孩们以游戏自娱。

    The boys amused themselves with games.

  30. 我常以看电视自娱。

    I often amuse myself with television.