











汉语拼音:yī réng jiù guàn








  • 【解释】:一:都,全;仍:因袭,依照;贯:习惯的办法。执照老规矩办事,没有丝毫改变。
  • 【出自】:《论语·先进》:“鲁人为长府,闵子骞曰:‘仍旧贯,如之何?何必改作?’”
  • 【示例】:其谱~,并未变动。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. Let things remain the same.;be the traditional one;Everything is as it used to be.;follow the old routine;keep the status quo;stick to the old practice

  1. 事物发展的每一过程都贯串着矛盾。

    The phases of development of any phenomenon are permeated with conflicts.

  2. 两群羊合在一起仍旧是一群。

    Two groups of sheep put together is still one group.

  3. 我仍旧觉得被一大群马包围很可怕。

    I still find it terrifying to find myself surrounded by large numbers of horses.

  4. 这一关系在对角化后仍旧为真。

    the diagonalization of a normal matrix by a unitary transformation.

  5. 克洛斯岛上没有一所房子的窗户仍旧是齐全的。

    Not one house on the Close still had its full complement of windows.

  6. 蟾蜍又点了点头,仍旧一言不发。

    Toad nodded once more, keeping silence.

  7. 这样,学问和道德可以融贯一气了。

    That way scholarship and moral virtue can be combined.

  8. 但是国王仍旧对哈姆雷特发疯一事感到怀疑。

    But the king still doubted Hamlets madness.

  9. 我仍旧努力打好每一场比赛。

    I still play hard every day.

  10. 然而我们仍旧有另一个选择。

    Still, there are other options.

  11. 他一以贯之地批评总统。

    He has been a persistent critic of the president.

  12. 不。这条狐狸仍旧快猎犬一步。

    No. This fox is still one step ahead of the hounds.

  13. 但我们仍旧遗落了重要的一环

    But we were still missing a critical element.

  14. 一以贯之,卖价愈低,销量愈高。

    To generalize, the lower the selling price, the more we can sell.

  15. 相贯线作图的一种新方法

    A New Method for Making a Drawing by Correlation Line

  16. 南要打成小满贯仍缺少一墩。

    South will still be one trick short of the slam.

  17. 他们是一群学者,学贯东西,独步古今。

    They are a group of unmatched scholars versed in things ancient and modern.

  18. 我们便得到了另一个结果 仍旧非常简单

    Now we get another result, still very simple.

  19. 他们建造了一座橫贯海湾的拦海堤坝。

    They built a barrage across the bay.

  20. 时间, 精力和创造力是需要一以贯之。

    Time, effort and creativity are needed to accomplish this.

  21. 但你仍旧要坐同一家航空公司的班机。

    But you have to fly the same airlines.

  22. 学术自由是大学一以贯之的精神追求。

    Academic freedom is the spirit of the university to pursue.

  23. 仍旧比我出的价高, 我买一蓝的, 一绿的怎样?

    Thats still more than I wanted to spend. What if I take the blue one and the green one

  24. 求解相贯线特殊点问题一例的探讨

    A Probing Study on Finding the Solution of the Problem of the Special Points on the Intersecting Line

  25. 一份美差, 仍旧与从小到大的伙伴是死党。

    A great job, stiII best friends with the guys I grew up with.

  26. 但那天阿森纳仍旧是一个出色的队伍。

    Arsenal remain an excellent side on their day.

  27. 他有一以贯之创作朗朗上口曲调的才能。

    He has an unerring talent for writing catchy melodies.

  28. 直到现在最后的晚餐仍旧是一幅伟大作品的残骸。

    The last supper remains today the wreck of a great painting.

  29. 那里有一小片天然草坪, 一道溪水流贯其中。

    There was a small natural meadow there, through which flowed a stream.

  30. 那么他们的古怪能否得到一以贯之的根本解释?

    Is there a consistent underlying explanation for their oddness?


一仍旧贯,汉语成语,喻执照老规矩办事,没有丝毫改变。一切按照旧有的惯例行事。出自:鲁人为长府,闵子骞曰:‘仍旧贯,如之何?何必改作?’ 《论语·先进》