


拿着:~刃。~鞭。~笔。掌握:~政。~教(jiào )。捕捉,逮捕:战败被~。坚持:固~。~意。实行:~行。凭单:回~。朋友:~友(志同道合的朋友,简称“执”)。姓。……


1. 拗 [ǎo]2. 拗 [ào]3. 拗 [niù]拗 [ǎo]弯曲使断,折:竹竿~断了。拗 [ào]不顺,不顺从:~口。~口令。拗 [niù]固执,不驯顺:执~。~不过他。……



汉语拼音:zhí niù








  1. 亦作“ 执抝 ”。坚持己见,固执任性。

    宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷十:“﹝ 荆公 ﹞又曰:‘有 伊尹 之志,则放其君可也;有 周公 之志,则诛其兄可也;有 周 后妃之志,则求贤审官可也。’似此议论,岂特执抝而已,真悖理伤道也。” 清 李渔 《蜃中楼·龙战》:“当初是令姪女执拗,不肯与小儿成亲。” 鲁迅 《而已集·魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》:“个人这样闹闹脾气还不要紧,若治国平天下也这样闹起执拗的脾气来,那还成什么话?”

  2. 拦阻。

    《水浒传》第七二回:“ 李逵 守死要去,那里执抝得他住。”《明史·杨廷和传》:“ 江 左比岁不登,中官请遣官督织造…… 廷和 等不奉命,因极言民困财竭,请毋遣。帝趣益急,且戒毋瀆扰执拗。”



  1. The immediate political row this week concerned how much the government should say about Mr Venables's circumstances.


  2. Sometimes I'm stubborn enough to search for days before caving, and I ask questions only two or three times a year when I have to.


  3. A stubborn and practically contrary woman---- this was the reason why she was unaware of her own true love.


  4. She knew too much of the obstinacy of men to oppose any of their ridiculous humours.


  5. Some of his crabby belligerence may have been prompted by the ill-health and awful accidents that dogged his wife and children.


  6. but next day beheld me on the road to Wuthering Heights, by the side of my wilful young mistress's pony.


  7. Lately they have had to deal with a difficult ally whose awkward strength is in part their own creation.


  8. she looked at him , at the stranger who was not a gentleman and who insisted on coming into her life.


  9. He has a stubborn, grumpy face, but looks extremely fit for a man of his age.


  1. 别那么执拗!

    Don't be difficult!

  2. 他性情执拗。

    He has a stolid makeup.

  3. 执拗儿童违抗父母。

    Refractory children disobey their parents.

  4. 这个小孩脾气执拗。

    The child has a stubborn temper.

  5. 甩掉她,执拗尖锐的人!

    Get rid of her, obsessive and shrill!

  6. 表现执拗, 表现顽梗表现或感受执拗

    To manifest or experience perseveration.

  7. 笑意全收,甜蜜地执拗。

    All suggestion of a smile faded, and she was sweetly stubborn.

  8. 她是一个执拗的姑娘。

    She is a wilful girl.

  9. 他很执拗,所以很难说服他。

    It was difficult to persuade him because he was very stubborn.

  10. 游击队执拗地攻击我们的後方。

    Guerrillas harried our rear.

  11. 她执拗地要等一辆出租车。

    She waited obdurately for a taxi.

  12. 她是个淘气又执拗的孩子。

    She was a wicked and obstinate child.

  13. 所有的护士都非常清楚他的执拗。

    His stubbornness was well known to all the nurses.

  14. 我想我是太执拗于自己的生活。

    I guess I get wrapped up in my own drama.

  15. 他的执拗已达到不再适合的程度。

    His perseveration continued to the point where it was no longer appropriate.

  16. 你这样执拗,谁能跟你讲道理呢

    Who can reason with you when youre being contrary.

  17. 你这么执拗的时候, 谁能和你理论?

    Who can reason with you when you are so contrary?

  18. 为了避免这种痛苦, 他执拗地坚持着。

    To avoid this hurt, he hung on.

  19. 顽固不化执拗,倔强的状态或品性

    The state or quality of being intractable or hardened.

  20. 执拗的顽固地不服从领导或控制。

    Responsive Obstinately resistant to authority or control.

  21. 他躺在那里,对自己的执拗感到惊奇。

    He lay there, amazed at his own rigidity.

  22. 当孩子们不听父亲的时候总是很执拗!

    Kids always screw up when they don't listen to their father!

  23. 据他母亲回忆,他是一个任性执拗得人。

    He was difficult and wayward as long as his mother could remember.

  24. 据他母亲回忆,他是一个任性执拗的人。

    He was difficult and wayward as long as his mother could remember.

  25. 据他母亲回忆,他是一个任性执拗的人。

    He was difficult and wayward as long as his mother could remember.

  26. 与她的音乐有关的方面, 她固执, 易怒而执拗。

    She is stubborn, sulky and contrary where her music is concerned.

  27. 固有的偏见、执拗的观点与没有观点一样贫瘠可怜。

    Entrenched prejudices, obdurate opinions are as sterile as no opinionsall.

  28. 与她的音乐有关的方面,她固执,易怒而执拗。

    She is stubborn, sulky and contrary where her music is concerned.

  29. 罗斯是个沉默寡言, 有时还是个执拗的女孩。

    Rose is a still, sometimes a stubborn girl.

  30. 罗斯是个沉默寡言,有时还是个执拗得女孩。

    Rose is a still, sometimes a stubborn girl.


  1. 问:执拗拼音怎么拼?执拗的读音是什么?执拗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:执拗的读音是zhíniù,执拗翻译成英文是 obstinate

  2. 问:执拗地拼音怎么拼?执拗地的读音是什么?执拗地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:执拗地的读音是,执拗地翻译成英文是 pertinaciously

  3. 问:执拗的拼音怎么拼?执拗的的读音是什么?执拗的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:执拗的的读音是,执拗的翻译成英文是 pertinacious

  4. 问:执拗地讲拼音怎么拼?执拗地讲的读音是什么?执拗地讲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:执拗地讲的读音是,执拗地讲翻译成英文是 ding

  5. 问:执拗的人拼音怎么拼?执拗的人的读音是什么?执拗的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:执拗的人的读音是,执拗的人翻译成英文是 bigot


