


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng jí






  1. 急忙。

    王统照 《刀柄》:“天还没到午刻,上急地跑到离城十里的大镇上休息了半天。”



  1. Its 681 pages of text are at times as grueling as a forced march across the Mongolian steppe.


  2. The car sped along the streets.


  1. 指人口在数量上急增。

    Surge in numbers, as of populations.

  2. 注意!道上有急转弯!

    Look out for the sharp bend on the road!

  3. 油价在经历疯狂的乱舞, 急上急下的价格令几家欢喜几家愁。

    After oil prices Luanwu crazy, anxious, anxious make the price of a few happy few worries.

  4. 从工作来看,有时候在有的问题上是急了一些。

    Sometimes, in certain spheres, we were a bit too impetuous in our work.

  5. 但如任何船舶上的任何急,只有一等泵。

    Provided that in the case of any emergency generator in any ship only one such pump shall be required.

  6. 她看着一点不像急着上厕所的样子

    She doesnt look like shes got a pot in which to piss.

  7. 猴子回到家后,急着上厕所,把镜子往桌上一放就离开了。

    Monkey home, the rush to the toilet, the mirror Wang Zhuoshang a place on the left.

  8. 船在水上急驶。

    The boat sped over the water.

  9. 在策略步骤上切不可操之过急。

    We should never execute tactical measures with undue haste.

  10. 你在学习英语上有点过急。

    You are a little previous in learning English.

  11. 支票付款在数量上大大超过现金急交易。

    Payment by cheque easily outnumber cash transactions.

  12. 非凡是治疗上呼吸道感染。急慢性咽炎。支气管炎效果明显。

    Treat the upper respiratory tract especially infection, urgent chronic pharyngitis, bronchitic effect is apparent.

  13. 内急。急于上厕所

    I feel the call of nature

  14. 孩子被绑架时,奶奶像热锅上的蚂蚁一样急得团团转。

    Gran was like a cat on hot bricks when his kid was kidnapped.

  15. 孩子被绑架时,奶奶像热锅上的蚂蚁一样急得团团转。

    Gran was like a cat on hot bricks when his kid was kidnapped.

  16. 急得象热锅上的蚂蚁

    as restless as ants on a hot pan

  17. 他急得象热锅上的蚂蚁。

    his stewing over the fight kept him awake most of the night.

  18. 真抱歉上一次没有来的急和你打招呼。

    I'm sorry the last time did not come to the emergency and say hello.

  19. 她抓住橡皮紧紧地罩在脸上, 急急呼吸。

    She held the rubber tight to her face and breathed fast.

  20. 我不该急着跟你上床

    I shouldn't hop in the sack with you.

  21. 他急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。

    He looked like a cat on hot bricks.

  22. 他等着他, 急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。

    He waited for her arrival with a frenzied agitation.

  23. 我们等不急在返校舞会上见你了。

    We can't wait to see you at the homecoming dance.

  24. 我们一听, 急得像热锅上得蚂蚁, 团团转。

    We have a very anxious, like a wok on the ants, round and round.

  25. 我们一听, 急得像热锅上的蚂蚁, 团团转。

    We have a very anxious, like a wok on the ants, round and round.

  26. 脚步声时断时续,却越来越急,在街角上反复回荡。

    The footsteps were incessant, and the hurry of them became more and more rapid.

  27. 吉尔的作业找不到了, 急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。

    Failing to find her homework, Jill is just like a cat on a hot tin roof.

  28. 在这简短,面对面交谈的时候,他急得象坐在针毡上一样。

    He was so nervous that he had had a hard time keeping his seat during this short, direct conversation.

  29. 当他知道他的太太快要生孩子了, 他急得像只热锅上的蚂蚁。

    When he knew his wife was going to have a baby, he was like a hen with one chick.

  30. 马从山上急冲而下。

    The horse dashed down the hill.