


1. 能 [néng]2. 能 [nài]能 [néng]才干,本事:~力。~耐。才~。有才干的:~人。~手。贤~。~工巧匠。~者为师。胜任,善于:~够。~柔~刚。力所~及。欲罢不~。~动。会(表示可能性):小弟弟~走路了。应该:你不~这样……









汉语拼音:néng jìn qǔ pì








  • 【解释】:能就自身打比方。比喻能推己及人,替别人着想。
  • 【出自】:《论语·雍也》:“能近取譬,可谓仁之方也已。”
  • 【示例】:独夫为我,即曰贪贼;~,即曰仁义。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. judge other people'

  3. s feelings by one'

  4. s own;can explain by simple analogy;place oneself in another'

  5. s place -- to do unto others what one would do unto oneself

  1. 仅上数层便能近赏3700亩沙湖碧波荡漾。

    The 3700 mu poppled Shahu Lake can be appreciatd just step up a few stories.

  2. 遇到敌人时也能近距离发射, 效果类似于蓝色的激光束。

    The enemy can be encountered when fired at close range, the effect is similar to the blue laser beam.

  3. 能拿近点吗

    Cccan you hold that a little bit closer?

  4. 我们本来能停近点的

    Yeah, we would've parked closer.

  5. 这个电影院能容纳近千人。

    This cinema can hold almost a thousand people.

  6. 这个电影院能容纳近千人。

    This cinema can hold almost a thousand people.

  7. 他一天能喝近两磅牛奶。

    He would consume nearly two pounds of milk per day.

  8. 我猜这电影院能容纳近一千名观众。

    I guess this cinema can seat close to a thousand.

  9. 不能储存近酸类、易燃或易氧化的化学类物品。

    Do not store near acids, heat or oxidizable materials.

  10. 拆下玻璃钢外罩以便能更近检查每一个构件。

    Dismantle the fiber glass cover for a closer inspection of all components.

  11. 能如此近得看到动物所以我们很享受这样得旅程。

    The animals are close up and enjoyed the safari trip.

  12. 能如此近的看到动物所以我们很享受这样的旅程。

    The animals are close up and enjoyed the safari trip.

  13. 如果能不近酒色,他将成为一名出色的运动员。

    He's going to be a fantastic player if he keeps away from booze and women.

  14. 因为能如此近的看到动物所以我们很享受这样的旅程。

    The animals are close up and enjoyed the safari trip.

  15. 呼语用于与人的对话时,能拉近距离,产生亲切感。

    When it is addressed to somebody, it can shorten the distance between the characters in the conversation and make you feel cordial.

  16. 这个系统装有紫外线灯和能产生近红外光的卤素灯。

    The system is equipped with an ultraviolet lamp and a halogen lamp that produces nearinfrared light.

  17. 我听不清你说什么,能离我近点儿吗?

    I can't hear you, come a bit closer.

  18. 我听不清你说什么,能离我近点儿吗?

    I can't hear you, come a bit closer.

  19. 一种能在相对近的射程内高角度射击的大炮。

    A cannon that can be fired at a high elevation for relatively short ranges.

  20. 我们能听到越来越近的公牛那沉重单调的蹄音。

    We would hear the heavy, monotonous tread of the approaching bull.

  21. 纠正线能帮助避免近距离摄影时削掉头和脚。

    Parallax correction mark in the viewfinder can help avoid chopp head and feet off at close distance.

  22. 我离那头麋鹿非常近,能听见它吃力的呼吸声。

    I was close enough to the elk to hear its labored breathing.

  23. 而这或许是因为英国的可再生能源通常选择近海风能。

    This is in part because Britains renewable of choice is often offshore wind power.

  24. 我能听到脚步声越来越近。

    I could hear the steps coming closer.

  25. 我们能不能要张离乐队近一点儿的桌子?

    Could we have a table close to the band?

  26. 踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近一点吗?

    Is it closer to happiness if we tiptoe?

  27. 施法时不能离目标太近, 以免危及自身。

    Try not to be near the victim when you use this spell.

  28. 他就不能找个离家近点的性变态来打架吗?

    He couldn't find another pervert to have a fight with closer to home

  29. 怎样才能形容敏感在近十八世纪末全面开花的新状态?

    How can one describe the new state of sensibility which came into full flower towards the end of the eighteenth century

  30. 他们站得离我们很近,我们能听到他们的谈话。

    They were standing near enough for us to overhear their conversation.