


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:bù lì







  1. 不尽力,不用力。

    《后汉书·杨终传》:“ 汉 兴,诸侯王不力教诲,多触禁忌,故有亡国之祸。” 宋 范成大 《荣木》诗:“天黑路长,屹蹶可畏。隶也不力,奚取六驥。” 明 唐顺之 《条陈海防经略事疏》:“﹝有司﹞始则催徵不力,继则发给不时,失误军机,多由於此。”



  1. The company whose business used to prosper has turned out to be crippled by inefficient management and lack of competitive products.


  2. Stratford said the report also identifies weak IPR enforcement as one of China's "greatest shortcomings as a trading partner. "


  3. Such kind of cases is usually caused by the failure of internal control, especially that of the currency capital control.


  4. He said, would be ineffective in handling cases for special management or clean-up police officers from the police force.


  5. Poor supervision of the city's construction industry was one of the causes behind the high-rise building fire.


  6. The president now finds himself accused of being both a warmonger for entering the war and a wimp for his lame prosecution of it.


  7. This is the United States of inadequate supervision by the regulatory authorities, or to indulge in his capacity as the rentier looting.


  8. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg blamed the public poor relief, but he said all had been sent clear of snow.


  9. Those risks have been aggravated, she said, by the public's sense that policy makers' response has been inadequate.


  1. 老板指责他工作不力。

    The boss taxed him with having neglected his work.

  2. 他否认当晚守望不力。

    He denied that he'd failed to keep a proper lookout that night.

  3. 领导常批评他办事不力。

    The boss frequently criticizes him for not doing his best.

  4. 领导常批评他办事不力。

    The boss frequently criticizes him for not doing his best.

  5. 卫生法律和法令执行不力。

    Weak implementation of the health laws and decrees.

  6. 她因领导不力而受到批评。

    She was criticized for her lack of leadership.

  7. 他因工作不力,被老板辞退。

    He wasn't hardworking enough, and so was dismissed by the boss.

  8. 以及其对孩子的安全监管不力

    and disregard for the child's safety.

  9. 游说不力是该党失败的原因。

    Bad salesmanship was responsible for the partys defeat.

  10. 处理一局势, 事务, 生意等不力

    Mishandle a situation, an affair, a business deal, etc

  11. 查处不力, 反腐的一大障碍

    Ineffective Investigation and Prosecution, an Obstacle to Combating Corruption

  12. 调查工作从一开始就进行不力。

    This has been a bad inquiry from day one.

  13. 查处不力,反腐得一大障碍

    Ineffective Investigation and Prosecution, an Obstacle to Combating Corruption.

  14. 坠机是导航不力的直接后果。

    The crash was a direct result of inadequate navigational aids.

  15. 发言者抗议对手枪贩卖监控不力。

    The speakers protested the lack of controls on handgun sales.

  16. 但监督不力源于管理和治理欠缺。

    But poor oversight is a management and governance deficiency.

  17. 因工作不力,他的职务给撸了。

    He has been removed from office for incompetence.

  18. 她因领导不力而受到了点名批评。

    She was criticized by name for her lack of leadership.

  19. 可惜执行不力,违规者极少受到起诉。

    But enforcement is erratic, with few prosecutions for violations.

  20. 几个项目都因组织不力而被推迟。

    Several projects have been delayed by poor organisation.

  21. 对司法人员职务犯罪查处不力等方面。

    To aspect and so on, judicial personnel duty crime investigation not strength.

  22. 工作的下体不力史蒂夫马登靴子。

    Working the body hard enough steve madden boots.

  23. 任何侵犯人权行为都是执行不力的证明。

    Any human rights violation was evidence of flawed implementation.

  24. 计划因为这位经理执行不力被取消了。

    The decision to cancel the project was due to the poor executive performance of the manager.

  25. 她指责政府办事不力, 司法过程进展太慢。

    She blames the government and a slow moving judiciary for the long wait.

  26. 而在流通渠道过程中,监管不力更为凸显。

    And in current channel process, superintendency not do one's best more highlight.

  27. 关于地方政府对中央政策执行不力的思考

    Reflections on Local GovernmentsUneffectiveness in Implementing the Centric Policy.

  28. 网络层面有网络虚拟性的影响和网络监管不力的影响。

    There are virtual network level of impact and influence of the network supervision.

  29. 此次疫情是政府监管不力和内讧的结果。

    It was the result of regulatory inaction and infighting.

  30. 许多政策行动由于执行不力往往无疾而终。

    A lot of policy initiatives go nowhere because of poor execution.


  1. 问:不力拼音怎么拼?不力的读音是什么?不力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不力的读音是búlì,不力翻译成英文是 incompetent




【读音】bù lì(口语变调:bú lì)


【出处】《后汉书·杨终传》:“ 汉兴,诸侯王不力教诲,多触禁忌,故有亡国之祸。” 宋·范成大《荣木》诗:“天黑路长,屹蹶可畏。隶也不力,奚取六骥。”
