




与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……







汉语拼音:shì wài táo yuán








  • 【解释】:原指与现实社会隔绝、生活安乐的理想境界。后也指环境幽静生活安逸的地方。借指一种空想的脱离现实斗争的美好世界。
  • 【出自】:晋·陶潜《桃花源记》描述的一个与世隔绝,没有遭到祸乱的美好地方。
  • 【示例】:在这儿,在这~的仙境中,有了人世喧嚣的声音。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作主语、宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. Then, slowly, relatively low price of the two or three line of the city, it is "the land of idyllic beauty" ?


  2. I feel as if I have is in a different world.


  3. Like the land of idyllic beauty Kongtong Island, who said, " ring around the water, chaochenjuesu" .


  4. My father would hum along, his eyes closed, tears escaping from the corners as if I'd transported him to some magical, heavenly place.


  5. Meteor Crater, 40 miles east of Flagstaff, is an out-of-this-world site for those with a thimbleful of imagination.


  6. If such a quiet life and the then relative social instability ratio is simply a billowing out of this world of Xanadu.


  7. It was not as prosperous Shanghai, Shangri-la, as there is no mystery, but it has its own characteristics.


  8. You think, use what kind of vocabulary to laud all not in order to lead, the human life fairyland or utopia also only so-so.


  9. Among Arcadia's Best are the firefighters that knock down the fires in our local forest, as you'll see in this2- minute video.


  1. 简直像在世外桃源。

    It's like taking a vacation from the world.

  2. 这是个世外桃源。

    Thia is a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world.

  3. 世外桃源是不存在的。

    Utopia does not exist.

  4. 现时的生活并非世外桃源。

    Life is no garden of Eden at the moment.

  5. 他们把学院视作世外桃源。

    They view colleges as an ivory tower.

  6. 走走停停, 自由自在, 在这世外桃源

    Walk and free in so beautiful world

  7. 这是一个世外桃源,不是吗

    It's a seductive place, isn't it?

  8. 我们就直接回世外桃源的家。

    We're heading straight home to patch of heaven.

  9. 我感觉好像置于一人世外桃源。

    I feel as if I have been in a different world.

  10. 你们住的地方真可谓世外桃源啊!

    What an Arcadia you live in!

  11. 我感觉好像置身于一个世外桃源。

    I feel as if I had been in a different world.

  12. 小河旁有几户民居,如世外桃源。

    He Pang a few small residential households, such as Xanadu.

  13. 加布丽尔知道世外桃源的假期结束。

    Gabrielle knew her vacation from the world had ended.

  14. 一如世外桃源我们痴醉在无限的温情之中。

    As Xanadu we Chizui among the infinite tenderness.

  15. 这个旅店坐落在一处世外桃源般的地方。

    The hotel was located in a heavenly place.

  16. 这个旅店坐落在一处世外桃源般得地方。

    The hotel was located in a heavenly place.

  17. 这个旅店坐落在一处世外桃源般的地方。

    The hotel was located in a heavenly place.

  18. 世外桃源虚构的既安逸又放纵的生活之地

    An imaginary land of easy and luxurious living.

  19. 你想,世上还有世外桃源一样的地方吗?

    You think the world of Xanadu, the same place could there be?

  20. 一起消失的,是一个关于世外桃源的美丽传说。

    Disappearing with them will be a beautiful tale about the innocent and unearthly world.

  21. 现在回望过去, 当时的世界就像一个世外桃源。

    Looking back at it, it seems now an idyllic world.

  22. 我会在如同世外桃源的家里进行我的所有工作,交易。

    I would like paradise in the home for all my work, the transaction.

  23. 在饱经战争磨难的欧洲, 瑞士是和平的世外桃源。

    Switzerland was an enclave of peace in wartorn Europe.

  24. 生活在美林湖畔就是生活在公园里, 一派世外桃源景色。

    Merrill Lynch is living in lakes living in Park Lane, one Xanadu scenery.

  25. 春天来到了,吉尔吉斯斯坦看上去像是一个世外桃源。

    There is something of Arcadia about Kyrgyzstan in the spring.

  26. 在我面前展现着整个山谷, 像是一个世外桃源。

    In front of me lay the whole valley like a an untouched paradise on earth.

  27. 远离尘嚣的世外桃源,融入不同文化,终身难忘的记忆。

    Escape to private hideaways, immerse yourself in different cultures, life long memory.

  28. 试想原始水域,世外桃源的海滩,豪华水疗设施和住宿。

    Imagine pristine waters, hideaway beaches, luxury spa amenities and accommodations.

  29. 首相被指责生活在世外桃源,完全无视国家的贫困。

    The Prime Minister was accused of living in cloud cuckoo land and being completely unaware of the poverty in the country.

  30. 他对喧嚣的人世感到厌倦,渴望寻个世外桃源的去处。

    He is tired of the hustle and bustle of the world and longs for a haven of peace.


  1. 问:世外桃源拼音怎么拼?世外桃源的读音是什么?世外桃源翻译成英文是什么?

    答:世外桃源的读音是shìwàitáoyuán,世外桃源翻译成英文是 utopia



“世外桃源”是个多义词,它可以指世外桃源(器乐专辑:国乐2 世外桃源), 世外桃源(重庆酉阳世外桃源), 世外桃源(四大名著中的世外桃源), 世外桃源(世外桃源小区), 世外桃源(汉语词语), 世外桃源(许巍的歌曲), 世外桃源(其它版本flash小游戏), 世外桃源(桂林世外桃源), 世外桃源(张家界世外桃源长茂山), 世外桃源(建德世外桃源), 世外桃源(北京桃源仙谷), 世外桃源(谭咏麟唱片名称), 世外桃源(肇庆世外桃源), 世外桃源(何家劲演唱歌曲), 世外桃源(宜昌世外桃源景区), 世外桃源(美国电影), 世外桃源(北京延庆香屯村), 世外桃源(桃花源古镇)。