


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng shōu






  1. 上等年成,丰收。

    清 严如熤 《三省边防备览》卷十一:“上收之岁,﹝玉米﹞一包结子千粒。”



  1. But that, too, has its difficulties. Just how much a process like this can be shaped by natural selection is unclear.


  2. Wen: We are reforming our judicial system, including taking the right to review death penalty cases up to the Supreme People's Court.


  3. It's become less about when I turn off the office lights and more about when I turn off (at least, mentally) the inbox.


  4. Or read the company newsletter the next time it lands on your desk.


  5. He lost to the young Sophocles, whose work was heavily influenced by that of Aeschylus.


  6. Ann gets many presents from her friends at her birthday party.


  7. If no ping is received on a connection during the time-out period, a server instance considers the connection to have timed out.


  8. Sitting there, Mr. Loeb said, they received a text message from the doctor: 'Congratulations, you had a baby girl! '


  9. Today, I got a request on facebook - it was a request to add a sibling .


  1. 坐下来的时候, 短裙就会往上收。

    Short skirts tend to ride up when you sit down.

  2. 我从电视上收看到了那场棒球赛。

    I watched the baseball game on TV.

  3. 吉米被选为班上收餐费的班长。

    Jimmy has been made dinner money monitor.

  4. 人从荆棘上收不到无花果, 从茨藤上也剪不到葡萄。

    For men do not gather figs from thorns nor from a bramble bush do they gather the grape.

  5. 收上起落架期间,一个轮胎爆破。

    We have a tyre burst during landing gear retraction.

  6. 操纵手柄向上,起落架收上时舱门打开。

    Control handle up, gear retracting door open.

  7. 云彩若不收上去,他们就不起程,直等到云彩收上去。

    But if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up.

  8. 操纵手柄向上起落架收上并锁住舱门关闭。

    Control handle up, gear up and locked, door closed.

  9. 第二年二月二十日, 云彩从法柜得帐幕收上去。

    On the twentieth day of the second month of the second year, the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle of the Testimony.

  10. 语文科代表, 你要收上全部作文, 把它们放在偶的办公桌上。

    Section monitor of Chinese, collect all the compositions and take them to my office, please.

  11. 正在太阳的映照下,水从大年夜海、河流战湖泊上蒸收。

    In the heat of the sun, water evaporates from seas, rivers and lakes.

  12. 我敢不揣冒昧地说,她是不会从这种交往上有所收获得。

    I will venture to say that she cannot gain by the acquaintance.

  13. 新系统上线财务收付费的测试工作。

    Be responsible for new system testing for payable and receivable.

  14. 你吃完就把餐桌上的东西收了。

    Clear away as soon as you finish eating.

  15. 新系统上线财务收付费得测试工作。

    Be responsible for new system testing for payable and receivable.

  16. 请帮你母亲把餐桌上的东西收掉。

    Please help your mother to clear away.

  17. 他在下雨之前把场地上的上衣收了进来。

    He got the jackets in from the ground before the rain started.

  18. 他在下雨之前把场地上的椅子收进了来。

    He got the chairs in from the ground before the rain started.

  19. 我们账面上的应收账款有许多已成为呆滞资金。

    We have a lot tied up in accounts receivable.

  20. 我们账面上得应收账款有许多已成为呆滞资金。

    We have a lot tied up in accounts receivable.

  21. 掌上电脑在电表抄收管理上的应用方案

    Application Scenario of Palm Computer in Electric Meter Reading and Charge Gathering Management

  22. 多少现金被搁置在应收帐户上?搁置多久?

    How much cash is tied up in accounts receivable, and for how long.

  23. 净利或净收益分配表应收票据上的延期利息收入

    Statement of allocation of net profits or net income deferred payment of interests on notes

  24. 我把树上收的苹果都存放起来了。

    I stored all the apples from our trees.

  25. 一个在赌桌上收钱或付钱的人。

    An attendant at a gaming table who collects and pays bets.

  26. 她把她的手从他的臂上收回来搁在他的肩上。

    Releasing his arm, she laid her hand upon his shoulder.

  27. 请在信封上用正楷把收信者得全名写清楚。

    Please print the recipient's full name on teh envelope.

  28. 请在信封上用正楷把收信者的全名写清楚。

    Please print the recipient's full name on teh envelope.

  29. 这一年农场从1980年种的树上收了70万公斤桃子。

    This year the farm gathered 700,000 kilograms of peaches from trees planted in 1980.

  30. 这一年农场从1980年种得树上收了70万公斤桃子。

    This year the farm gathered 700, 000 kilograms of peaches from trees planted in 1980.