


1. 北 [běi]2. 北 [bèi]北 [běi]方向,早晨面对太阳,左手的一边,与“南”相对:~方。~辰(古书指北极星)。~上(古代以北为上,后指去本地以北的某地,与“南下”相对)。~极星(出现在天空北部的一颗亮星,人常靠它辨别方向)……


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……



汉语拼音:běi fēng










    1. 从北方吹来的风。亦指寒冷的风 [northerly]。

    2. 尤指[美国密西西比河流域以西的]大平原上突然的强北风或得克萨斯以及墨西哥湾上和西加勒比海的同样的风 [norther]。

    3. 西班牙的冬季北风



  1. at this time, I remember many years ago wrote a poem: northerly ah, please do not bird overblow, it is in the sky flying flowers . . . . . .


  2. Only when the wind blew very strongly from the north could he feel even the slightest touch of his magical heritage.


  3. He was wrapped in furs, and he roared all day about the garden, and blew the chimney-pots down.


  4. Whir to the north wind blowing, cold shivering him, as if exposure to a dark ri big icehouse.


  5. On the day when the north wind started blowing, the little bird said he had to leave away for a warmer place in the south.


  6. as if I had already flown out of the room, straddled the neck of the North Wind and galloped off into space.


  7. Carl thrust his hand into his pockets, lowered his head, and darted up the street against the north wind.


  8. Topiary's fellows do not seem to be in a mood to venture off into the north wind forever.


  9. In the sky, it is still floating in the white snow falls, it seems to be with the north wind - that a strong cold melody in the dance.


  1. 北风怒号。

    A north wind is howling.

  2. 北风呼吼。

    The north wind howled.

  3. 北风呼呼吹

    The North Wind Doth Blow.

  4. 北风的拍打

    The lash of a north wind.

  5. 北风寒冷刺骨。

    The north wind was bitter and deadly cold.

  6. 刮的是北风。

    The wind is north.

  7. 这风是北风。

    The winds are northerly.

  8. 这风是北风。

    The winds are northerly.

  9. 刮起了北风。

    There is a north wind coming.

  10. 北风呼呼地吹。

    A north wind is whistling.

  11. 正在刮着北风。

    A north wind was blowing.

  12. 北风劲吹。

    The north wind is blowing hard.

  13. 北风飒飒吹过。

    The north wind whistled past.

  14. 北风如刀刺骨。

    The north wind cuts like a knife.

  15. 北风冬天里歌唱。

    North wind sings in winter.

  16. 北风呼啸, 寒冷来到。

    Cold comes with the north wind.

  17. 北风呼啸,寒冷来到。

    Cold comes with the north wind.

  18. 北风乱夜未央

    The cold wind roaring in the ongoing night.

  19. 北风又吹了起来。

    North wind blew up.

  20. 北风使天更冷。

    And the north wind makes it even colder.

  21. 刮着刺骨的北风。

    A keen north wind was blowing.

  22. 是北风得怒吼罢?

    Was it the angry roar of the North Wind?

  23. 是北风的怒吼罢?

    Was it the angry roar of the North Wind ?

  24. 北风使我感觉寒冷。

    The north wind chilled me.

  25. 北风吹透羊皮袄。

    North wind is blown thorough sheepskin jacket.

  26. 北风凛冽,大雪纷飞。

    The north wind was blowing cold; the snow was falling in thick flakes.

  27. 北风吹雁雪纷纷

    The north wind blows down snow and wild geese fly away

  28. 如果北风又开始呼啸,

    And that old North wind begins to blow

  29. 北风使他们冻僵了。

    The north wind froze them.

  30. 北风卷地百草折,

    The north wind swooped down and the White Grass snapped.


  1. 问:北风拼音怎么拼?北风的读音是什么?北风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北风的读音是běifēng,北风翻译成英文是 Wind from the north.

  2. 问:北风吹过拼音怎么拼?北风吹过的读音是什么?北风吹过翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北风吹过的读音是běifēngchuīguò,北风吹过翻译成英文是 At the Back of the North Wind, written by George MacD...

  3. 问:北风清松拼音怎么拼?北风清松的读音是什么?北风清松翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北风清松的读音是Běifēng Qīngsōng,北风清松翻译成英文是 Kitakaze Kiyomatsu

  4. 问:北风航空拼音怎么拼?北风航空的读音是什么?北风航空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北风航空的读音是,北风航空翻译成英文是 Nordwind Airlines

  5. 问:北风之神级核潜艇拼音怎么拼?北风之神级核潜艇的读音是什么?北风之神级核潜艇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北风之神级核潜艇的读音是,北风之神级核潜艇翻译成英文是 Borei class submarine


北风 [běi fēng] north wind; norther; northerly; northward wind; northern wind; Boreas;

    1. 《诗经》中的作品

    2. 2007年内蒙古出版社出版的图书

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    8. 魔兽世界物品

    9. 汉语词汇

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