


1. 熏 [xūn]2. 熏 [xùn]熏 [xūn]气味或烟气接触物品,引申为长期接触的人或事物对品行、习惯的影响:~染。~陶。~制。利欲~心。火烟上出:~蒸。气味刺激人:臭气~人。暖和:~风。熏 [xùn](煤气)使人窒息中毒。……





汉语拼音:xūn rén






  1. 拒绝别人。

    清 俞正燮 《癸巳存稿·熏》:“凡熏人者,亦曰吓人也。《诗·桑柔》云:‘反予来赫。’传云:‘炙也。’笺云:‘口拒人为赫。言汝反来赫我,出言悖怒。’”按,《诗·大雅·桑柔》 郑玄 笺:“口距人谓之‘吓’。我恐女见弋获,既往覆阴女,谓啟告之以患难也。女反赫我,出言悖怒,不受忠告。”



  1. Now the gold and silver brook consecutive days if it doesn't rain, rivers will become dirty, smelly, also sends out a share of ozone smoked.


  2. Russians maintain that they love it, but the neighbours find the smell a bit overpowering.


  3. Given the hundreds of millions of Indians still dependent on sooty kerosene lamps for light each night, such figures are modest.


  4. The streets in this district were narrow and muddy, and there were terrible smells everywhere.


  5. Let's open the window and air this smoky room.


  6. You don't destroy a man's career because he yielded to an impulse in that ponderous stinking cavern below Grand Central


  7. Black smell of char for weeks, the ruin already


  1. 笼子里粪臭熏人。

    The cage smelled of excrement.

  2. 来啊,你这熏人的东西!

    Come here, you smelly individual!

  3. 是春天吧, 微风过去, 四散的草熏人欲醉。

    Spring is right, a little breeze past, trying to flee the grass smoked drunk.

  4. 是春天吧,微风过去,四散得草熏人欲醉。

    Spring is right, a little breeze past, trying to flee the grass smoked drunk.

  5. 烂泥塘水面漂浮着各种垃圾, 散发出熏人的恶臭。

    The rotten bog surface is floating each kind of trash, sends out smokes person's odor.

  6. 熏人的黑焦炭气味几个星期不散,断壁颓垣

    Black smell of char for weeks, the ruin already

  7. 烂泥塘水面漂浮着各种垃圾,散发出熏人得恶臭。

    The rotten bog surface is floating each kind of trash, sends out smokes person's odor.

  8. 她那廉价香水甜腻熏人的气味一下子包围了他。

    Her cheap, cloying scent enveloped him.

  9. 这臭味简直要把人熏倒。

    The stink was fit to knock you down.

  10. 咝咝作响的熏咸肉令人馋涎欲滴的香味

    the appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon

  11. 那样会把所有参加葬礼的人都熏跑的!

    That shit'll clear a funeral home out.

  12. 那样会把所有参加葬礼得人都熏跑得!

    That shit'll clear a funeral home out.

  13. 一些人喜欢使用熏香。

    Some people enjoy using incense.

  14. 那老妇人被煤气熏倒了。

    The old woman was overcome by gas fumes.

  15. 一股可人的暖流渐渐熏得全身舒畅了。

    A joyous warmth began to relax his body.

  16. 金座台灯投下的光影,安静得教人熏然。

    The shadow cast by the golden table lamp is so quiet that it leaves you intoxicated.

  17. 以色列人也使用这种流行的熏香。

    The Israelites also used this popular incense.

  18. 一些人放冥想音乐和燃烧蜡烛或熏香。

    Some play meditative music and burn candles or incense.

  19. 烟熏鲱鱼被腌成了黄色,令人垂涎欲滴。

    Kippers are dyed yellow to make them more appetizing.

  20. 这人有传染病,他的衣服和床必须用烟熏来消毒。

    The man was declared infectious and his clothes and bed had to be fumigated.

  21. 就是那权欲熏心的人想取代总统本阿里而已。

    In order for someone to become president instead of Ben Ali?

  22. 其他人在火葬的时候燃烧没药作为熏香之用。

    Other people burned myrrh as an incense during cremations.

  23. 熏猪肉是在煎锅里烧的。令人想到森林的熏肉味

    Bacon is cooked in a frying pan. the woodsy smell of smoked meat

  24. 乳香是神圣的熏香和以色列人的神圣涂油的一种成分。

    Frankincense was an ingredient in the sacred incense and holy anointing oil of the Israelites.

  25. 每年,当地人利用熏制室来腌制成吨的鱼和其它海产品。

    The local people use smokehouses to preserve tons of fish and other seafood annually.