







汉语拼音:dào qǔ





1.亦作“盗取”。窃取;掠夺。《汉书·田延年传》:“延年 上簿诈增僦直车二千,凡六千万,盗取其半。”晋 干宝《搜神记》卷十二:“伺道行妇女有美者,輒盗取将去,人不得知。”《古今小说·沉小官一鸟害七命》:“张公 惊慌了,只得将前项盗取画眉、勒死 沉秀 一节,一一供招了。”沈从文《我的生活·保靖》:“有时,后山虎豹来人家猪豢中盗取小猪。”

2.谦辞。犹摘录,抄录。唐 柳宗元《唐铙歌鼓吹曲》序:“臣幸以罪居 永州 ……时恐惧,小閒,又盗取古书文句,聊以自娱。”



  1. 亦作“盗取”。窃取;掠夺。

    《汉书·田延年传》:“ 延年 上簿诈增僦直车二千,凡六千万,盗取其半。” 晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十二:“伺道行妇女有美者,輒盗取将去,人不得知。”《古今小说·沉小官一鸟害七命》:“ 张公 惊慌了,只得将前项盗取画眉、勒死 沉秀 一节,一一供招了。” 沈从文 《我的生活·保靖》:“有时,后山虎豹来人家猪豢中盗取小猪。”

  2. 谦辞。犹摘录,抄录。

    唐 柳宗元 《唐铙歌鼓吹曲》序:“臣幸以罪居 永州 ……时恐惧,小閒,又盗取古书文句,聊以自娱。”



  1. Some of the poachers, he said, had stolen honey buried by the Jarawa and destroyed the carved containers used to store it.


  2. So with slavery there too would be the theft of land aboriginals had not abandoned since time immemorial .


  3. Watch out for this email that must be a pirate account trying to steal your password to your account.


  4. Samples were stolen from her lab, and a paper was even set fire on her desk.


  5. XSS attacks can be used to steal login information or other sensitive information from visitors to a particular site.


  6. Militants in Nigeria's oil-producing Niger delta have been tapping pipelines and illegally exporting crude for the best part of a decade.


  7. The bank will "hold people accountable if they steal from the poor, " Zoellick said.


  8. You think you can just steal a man's life and expect there to be no price to pay?


  9. One story tells us about a thief who used a kite to fly. He wanted to steal the gold from the top of an old tower.


  1. 盗取新观点

    poach for fresh ideas.

  2. 盗取并拿走

    take and carry away.

  3. 盗取电脑上的文件。

    and steal documents from your computer.

  4. 他的银行卡密码被盗取了。

    The secret code of his bank card has been stolen.

  5. 他向我招认他盗取了那笔钱。

    He confessed that he had taken the money.

  6. 究竟是什么人盗取了他们的钱呢?

    What person purloin be after all their money?

  7. 究竟是什么人盗取了他们得钱呢?

    What person purloin be after all their money ?

  8. 波帕还出售这些盗取来得信息。

    Wave handkerchief still sells the information of these pilfer fetch.

  9. 窃贼盗取了一个侏儒的魔法鲁特琴。

    Thieves steal a gnome's magic lute.

  10. 在此期间, 假网站已经成功盗取账户信息了。

    During this time, the fake website has successfully stolen the account information.

  11. 攻击者盗取了所有10个指纹时会怎样呢?

    What happens when an attacker steals all10 fingerprints

  12. 通过恶意程序清除, 盗取, 捕获或传送内容

    Erasure, theft, capture, or transmission by malicious programs such as Trojan horses, keystroke loggers, and certain types of spyware

  13. 这就是为什么我要从梦中把它盗取出来。

    Which is why I have to steal it.

  14. 猫设计骗局并开始盗取人们信用卡上的钱。

    The cats devise and start a scam to obtain money from people's credit cards.

  15. 索马里海盗一般不会盗取货物或杀害人质。

    Somali pirates generally do not steal goods or kill hostages.

  16. 这三个小偷密谋如何能盗取蒙娜丽莎的画像。

    The three thieves plotted how they were going to steal the painting of Mona Lisa.

  17. 我们认为克拉迪的手下借火灾来盗取武器。

    Our theory is that kradic's men caused the accident to steal the hydrosec.

  18. 在法庭上,他们已经供认了谋杀,盗取和抢劫行为。

    They had confessed to murder, looting and robbery in the court.

  19. 在法庭上,他们已经供认了谋杀、盗取和抢劫行为。

    They had confessed to murder, looting and robbery in the court.

  20. 攻击者将盗取的账号信息、游戏装备等变卖获利。

    The Zhang number information purloin, game installs aggressor to wait fully sell off gain profit.

  21. 盗用身份是滥用私人认证信息, 以盗取金钱为目的。

    Identity theft is the misuse of private authenticating information to steal money.

  22. 注意这个邮件如海盗账户一样, 会盗取你账户的密码。

    Watch out for this email that must be a pirate account trying to steal your password to your account.

  23. 不要告诉任何人 我事实上能够盗取别人的设计。

    Don't tell anybody we can actually steal from each other's designs.

  24. 所有曾经被盗取的都将被归还, 这是对所有国家而言的。

    All that was stolen will be returned, to people as well as to countries.

  25. 您还需要下载软件, 它可以盗取你的在线播放电影。

    You necessity also download the software that would purloin you to play a movie online.

  26. 黑客已开始瞄准这些站点,盗取密码并出售虚拟资产。

    Hackers had started to target the sites, stealing passwords and selling virtual assets.

  27. 在渗透网络盗取数据之后的下一步是破坏或篡改它们。

    The next step after penetrating networks to steal data is to disrupt or manipulate them.

  28. 我认为第三方不会通过蓝牙广告盗取我的个人信息。

    The third party would not steal my personal information through Bluetooth advertising.

  29. 网络上, 盗取用户名和密码的钓鱼网站早已不新鲜。

    On the network, the fishing website of purloin user name and password already not fresh.

  30. 有否适当得管理措施来防止盗取及影印优惠卡单据?

    Are there adequate controls to prevent misappropriation and photocopying of privilege card vouchers?


  1. 问:盗取拼音怎么拼?盗取的读音是什么?盗取翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盗取的读音是dàoqǔ,盗取翻译成英文是 To steal.


盗取,dào qǔ,有窃取;掠夺的意思。