







汉语拼音:qiè qǔ








  1. 偷窃;偷取。

    《朱子语类》卷六六:“大率是为君子设,非小人盗贼所得窃取而用。” 宋 苏轼 《春秋定天下之邪正论》:“而欲一旦窃取其名,以欺后世,苟《春秋》不为正之,则世之为仁者相率而为伪也。” 明 王守仁 《传习录》卷中:“霸者之徒,窃取先王之近似者,假之於外,以内济其私己之欲。” 梁启超 《为国会期限问题敬告国人》:“政党每一主张一政策,政府必立即窃取而实行之,以夺其翘异之标帜。”

  2. 谦词。采用。

    《孟子·离娄下》:“ 孔子 曰:‘其义则 丘 窃取之矣。’” 明 唐顺之 《吏部郎中薛西原墓志铭》:“先生之註《老子》,则可谓得其髓者矣,乃窃取先生之意而为之铭。” 清 恽敬 《上举主陈笠帆先生书》:“ 敬 才弱,不敢犯 东坡 ,因颠倒其局用之;至变化则窃取 子长 ,严整则窃取 孟坚 也。”



  1. You even issued me a user name and a password so secret it had to be hidden in a "safe place" lest someone purloin it.

  2. If you only got a little bit of corn, and everybody's hungry, you hide it away where other folks can't steal it.

  3. He did not rob openly, but stole secretly and cunningly, out of respect for club and fang.

  4. It is sort of a botanical outlaw -- a parasitic plant that steals nutrients from another plant while deceiving insects into pollinating it.

  5. In any event, at least we are talking about how much of my article appears in yours.

  6. We were a little disappointed, since the game companies seemed to have stolen our ideas in advance, but we rallied quickly.

  7. The fact that you caused no damage and did not steal any data is not only irrelevant, it may actually be hard to prove!

  8. And the fire it had started was sure to destroy all evidence of his stealing valuable stock from the accountants' office.

  9. Intel did not say who was behind the attacks, from where in the world they originated, or what information, if any, had been taken.


  1. 欺骗世人, 窃取名誉

    Gain fame by deceiving the public

  2. 被同事窃取的研究。

    Research that was stolen By a colleague.

  3. 窃取借条行为之定性

    The Act of Stealing IOU and Its Nature Determination

  4. 处理商业机密窃取问题。

    The Economic Espionage Act of.

  5. 恶意代码可以窃取口令。

    Malicious code may steal this password.

  6. 被某个女生给窃取了。

    Some girl stole it from us.

  7. 他窃取了所有的利润。

    He pocketed all the profits.

  8. 处理或收受窃取的财物

    handling or receiving stolen property

  9. 它们窃取了艺人的权利。

    They have stolen the rights of artists.

  10. 窃取来自敌人的力量点。

    Steals power points from the adversary up to five times.

  11. 你的身份易被窃取吗?

    Are You an Easy ID Theft Target?

  12. 窃取, 刺探, 提供军事机密罪

    crime of stealing, spying out or providing military secrets

  13. 甩尾正确或用于窃取了。

    flick it right or left for a steal.

  14. 偷窃, 窃取未经允许而拿走窃取

    To remove without permissionfilch.

  15. 小偷窃取了我家的银子。

    The thief helped himself to our family silver.

  16. 那个魔术的秘密被窃取了?

    The magical secrets were stolen?

  17. 窃取电子脉冲铸币机设计图。

    Steal the blueprints for the EMP chips.

  18. 窃贼打碎了窗子, 窃取了音响。

    The thief smashed the window and stole the stereo.

  19. 永远鄙视窃取音乐, 品味低俗者。

    Despise to steal music and taste a cheap forever.

  20. 从实验室窃取电子脉冲芯片原型。

    Steal prototype EMP chip from the lab.

  21. 它是窃取机会和事业的贼

    Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise.

  22. 社会学习确实是种观察性窃取

    Social learning really is visual theft.

  23. 我的计算机一会儿前被窃取了。

    My computer was stolen a while ago.

  24. 这些间谋策划窃取政府得机密。

    The spies hatched a scheme to steal government secrets.

  25. 这些间谋策划窃取政府的机密。

    The spies hatched a scheme to steal government secrets.

  26. 我们必须不让神学窃取我们的责任。

    We must never let our theology rob us of our responsibility.

  27. 您窃取了我的心,和你欺骗了我。

    You've stolen my heart, and you cheated on me.

  28. 间谍从基地窃取了一些军事情报。

    The spy stole some military information from the base.

  29. 法律保护商业秘密不被非法窃取。

    The law protects trade secrets from wrongful appropriation.

  30. 谁窃取了你的剪贴板中的内容

    Whos stealing your clipboard contents.


  1. 问:窃取拼音怎么拼?窃取的读音是什么?窃取翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窃取的读音是qièqǔ,窃取翻译成英文是 steal

  2. 问:窃取圣物拼音怎么拼?窃取圣物的读音是什么?窃取圣物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窃取圣物的读音是qiè qǔ shèng wù,窃取圣物翻译成英文是 sacrilege

  3. 问:窃取情报拼音怎么拼?窃取情报的读音是什么?窃取情报翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窃取情报的读音是qièqǔqíngbào,窃取情报翻译成英文是 steal intelligence

  4. 问:窃取儿童罪拼音怎么拼?窃取儿童罪的读音是什么?窃取儿童罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窃取儿童罪的读音是qiè qǔ ér tóng zuì,窃取儿童罪翻译成英文是 crime of child-stealing

  5. 问:窃取信道信息拼音怎么拼?窃取信道信息的读音是什么?窃取信道信息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窃取信道信息的读音是,窃取信道信息翻译成英文是 wiretapping

  6. 问:窃取刺探提供军事机密罪拼音怎么拼?窃取刺探提供军事机密罪的读音是什么?窃取刺探提供军事机密罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窃取刺探提供军事机密罪的读音是qiè qǔ cì tàn tí gōngjūn shì jī mì zuì,窃取刺探提供军事机密罪翻译成英文是 Crime of Stealing; Spying out or Providing Mil...




拼音:qiè qǔ 词性:动词 释义:偷取;以不正当手段取得(权力,地位等) 示例:窃取机密。他们结党营私,妄图窃取国家大权。