







汉语拼音:jí xū







  1. 急切需要。

    清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·颐养·疗病》:“其人急需之物,可以当药。人无贵贱穷通,皆有激切所需之物。” 吴组缃 《山洪》三一:“多多制备草鞋和干粮,作为临时的急需。”



  1. It is an almost impossible problem to solve, as the vast amounts of money needed to do so just do not exist.


  2. He said what the rebels need most right now is training, but made clear that should not be up to the United States.


  3. The company official said he was in a hurry to fill the position.


  4. Often some sort of competency center is a good approach to building a critical mass of the appropriate skills.


  5. Royalties will be donated to the Children's High Level Group, to benefit institutionalised children in desperate need of a voice.


  6. Dear passengers, carriage crowded, please try to close to the door, let the passengers are needed, thank you for your cooperation!


  7. Handy Ted is getting ready to do some work on his place and he is in desperate need of your help.


  8. Mr Darling said the measure, effective from December 1, was intended "to help everyone and deliver a much-need injection into the economy" .


  9. Landlord son to go abroad, need cash, price negotiable, excellent opportunity not to be missed, do not hesitate, see room bar.


  1. 急需零件。

    We need the components urgently.

  2. 我急需钱。

    I need money quick.

  3. 我急需钱。

    I need money quick.

  4. 他急需钱。

    He was in urgent need of money.

  5. 我急需现金

    I need cash in a hurry.

  6. 他急需现金。

    He is pretty hard up for cash.

  7. 急需去解手。

    The call of nature was urgent.

  8. 花急需浇水。

    The flowers need watering badly.

  9. 我们急需放松

    We gotta get out of our heads.

  10. 我们急需药品。

    We are in urgent need of medicine.

  11. 草坪急需浇水。

    The lawn in crying out to be watered.

  12. 地板急需擦洗。

    This floor is crying out to be scrubbed.

  13. 急需专业翻译!

    Consumer professional translators needed!

  14. 急需救护车司机。

    Ambulance drivers are urgently needed.

  15. 这满足了急需。

    it supplies an urgent need.

  16. 急需高技术劳动力。

    Highly skilled workforce is badly needed.

  17. 急需时见真情

    True love shows itself in time of need.

  18. 我们急需此货。

    We are in urgent need of these goods.

  19. 这些人急需救济。

    These people are in urgent need of relief.

  20. 他急需入院治疗。

    He was in dire need of hospital treatment.

  21. 我们现在急需现款

    We are strapped for cash right now.

  22. 妹妹生病, 急需用钱。

    Sister ill money urgently needed

  23. 这些卡车急需修理。

    The trucks are badly in need of repair.

  24. 现在我急需一胜

    and I need a victory.

  25. 这个问题急需立法。

    Legislation on this issue is urgently needed.

  26. 水灾难民急需救助。

    The flood victims were in instant need of help.

  27. 立案接待急需改革

    Urgent Need of Reform on the Reception of Filing a Case

  28. 我急需一件春装。

    I need a spring suit badly.

  29. 我们急需一等品。

    We are in great need of Grade A.

  30. 我现在就急需帮助。

    I need help now.


  1. 问:急需拼音怎么拼?急需的读音是什么?急需翻译成英文是什么?

    答:急需的读音是jíxū,急需翻译成英文是 be in urgent need of; badly need

  2. 问:急需某物拼音怎么拼?急需某物的读音是什么?急需某物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:急需某物的读音是jí xū mǒuwù,急需某物翻译成英文是 to be in need of something

  3. 问:急需品总表拼音怎么拼?急需品总表的读音是什么?急需品总表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:急需品总表的读音是jí xū pǐn zǒng biǎo,急需品总表翻译成英文是 Master Urgency List

  4. 问:急需人员需求拼音怎么拼?急需人员需求的读音是什么?急需人员需求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:急需人员需求的读音是jí xū rén yuán xū qiú,急需人员需求翻译成英文是 Critical Officer Personnel Requirement

  5. 问:急需流动资金拼音怎么拼?急需流动资金的读音是什么?急需流动资金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:急需流动资金的读音是jí xū liú dòng zī jīn,急需流动资金翻译成英文是 press for liquid fund

  6. 问:急需程度标记拼音怎么拼?急需程度标记的读音是什么?急需程度标记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:急需程度标记的读音是jí xū chéng dù biāo jì,急需程度标记翻译成英文是 Urgency of Need Designator

  7. 问:急需的重要物资拼音怎么拼?急需的重要物资的读音是什么?急需的重要物资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:急需的重要物资的读音是jí xū de zhòng yào wù zī,急需的重要物资翻译成英文是 Immediately Vital Cargo

  8. 问:急需军用品计划表拼音怎么拼?急需军用品计划表的读音是什么?急需军用品计划表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:急需军用品计划表的读音是jí xū jūn yòng pǐn jì huà biǎo,急需军用品计划表翻译成英文是 Military Urgency Planning List




拼音:jíxū英文:urgent need