




堂屋的侧边:~隅(棱角,喻品行端方,有气节)。不贪污:~洁。~正。~明。便(pián )宜,价钱低:物美价~。察考,访查:“且~问,有不如吾诏者,以重论之”。姓。……



汉语拼音:dī lián








  1. 便宜,价格低。

    李大钊 《战后之妇人问题》:“那些资本家也很愿意雇用这工价低廉的女工。” 王西彦 《人的世界·第三家邻居》:“几经考虑,为了收费比较低廉,他却进了另一家设备简陋的公立医院。”



  1. The two-passenger hybrid aims to be fuel efficient, easy to repair, safe to drive and inexpensive to own.


  2. The serum alternate of the invention has price as low as 60 percent of that of bovine serum and stable quality.


  3. But the share of electricity generated by renewables is still far behind that of dirty-but-cheap coal, which will rise to almost 44%.


  4. To live as he had in a council house all his life, with nothing to look forward to but a gold watch and a pension?


  5. I did some competitive research and one of the best design companies out there was charging such a low rate that it was blasphemous!


  6. This kind of intersect system has several features: higher intersect precision, safety and reliability, easy to handle and lower price.


  7. This medium-dry powder manufacturing easier, does not require the use of complex machines and equipment, and low-cost easy to promote.


  8. The elastic clip and the elastic clip mechanism have simple structure and low cost, and are easy to be manufactured and assembled.


  9. Then, slowly, relatively low price of the two or three line of the city, it is "the land of idyllic beauty" ?


  1. 物价低廉。

    Prices are low.

  2. 非常低廉。

    really, really cheap.

  3. 低廉的东西

    twopenny halfpenny thing.

  4. 极低廉的房租

    nominal rent.

  5. 日用品价格低廉。

    Articles of everyday use are economically priced.

  6. 要价低廉的商店

    a cheap store

  7. 低廉的生产成本

    low production cost

  8. 收费低廉的饭馆

    a cheap restaurant.

  9. 运费低廉的交通线

    differential route

  10. 价格低廉, 欲购从速

    Enjoy our economy prices now!

  11. 以最低廉的价格

    on the rims

  12. 经济衰退, 所以物价低廉。

    Low price is a consequence of economic failure.

  13. 经济衰退,所以物价低廉。

    Low price is a consequence of economic failure.

  14. 价格低廉的欧洲之旅

    Traveled to Europe on the cheap

  15. 从成本低廉到物价腾贵

    From a cheap country to a very expensive one

  16. 我们产品价格低廉, 具有竞争力。

    Our product is lower priced than the competition.

  17. 它价格低廉,行驶费用也经济。

    It is inexpensive to buy and economical to run.

  18. 咱们的商品品质优良, 价格低廉。

    Our goods are of best quality and lowest price.

  19. 第三,那当然是工价的低廉。

    In the third place, of course, their wages are very low.

  20. 创造出舒适并且价格低廉的接口。

    for their bodies.

  21. 我们深陷在工资低廉的工作中。

    We're stuck in jobs that don't pay very well.

  22. 货物大量生产, 结果价格必定低廉。

    The more goods produces in bulk in the long run, the cheaper the price is.

  23. 它又薄又轻,成本低廉,不易破碎。

    It was thin and light, inexpensive to make and quite durable.

  24. 那些价格低廉的座位能招徕观众。

    Those cheap seats will fetch in the people

  25. 较普通电报低廉但稍迟缓之日间电报

    day letter

  26. 承包土地流转价格低廉的原因分析

    Analysis on the Reason of Low Price in Land Contract

  27. 他们索价低廉, 使别人无法同他们竞争。

    The low prices they asked killed their competition off.

  28. 他们索价低廉,使别人无法和他们竞争。

    The low prices they asked killed their competition off.

  29. 广告便宜了做好广告, 即快捷又低廉

    ADS CHEAP GET good ads fast and cheap

  30. 第二点,它的价格需要极其低廉。

    Second, it had to be extremely affordable.


  1. 问:低廉拼音怎么拼?低廉的读音是什么?低廉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低廉的读音是dīlián,低廉翻译成英文是 cheap



dīlián [low] 便宜;价值低,水准不高, 价格低廉、成本低廉。 造句; 由于运输成本低廉,现在的运河的运输量竟然是三条津浦铁路, 单线的总合。

近义词:便宜 廉价

反义词:昂贵、高昂 属于形容词 词组: 低廉的物价