


手抵物体向外或向前用力使物移动:~车。~搡。~拿。~倒。~敲。顺水~舟。使用工具向前移动进行工作:~头。~土。使事情开展:~广。~行(xíng )。~动。~销。进一步想,由已知之点想到其它:~及。~究。~导。~论。~测。~事。往后挪动(时间……





汉语拼音:tuī jǔ








  1. 推选;举荐。

    《淮南子·泰族训》:“废公趋私,内外相推举,姦人在朝,而贤者隐处。” 唐 韩愈 《董府君墓志铭》:“宾接门下,推举人士,侍侧无虚口。” 明 何良俊 《四友斋丛说·史三》:“公独奏请推举刚正有为、智识超卓大臣一员,巡抚 云南 。” 叶圣陶 《潘先生在难中》:“‘当仁不让’,‘一致推举’,几个人一哄地说,笔杆便送到 潘先生 手里。”

  2. 劾举推究。

    《后汉书·李固传》:“ 固 伏尸号哭,推举侍医。”《资治通鉴·汉质帝本初元年》引此文, 胡三省 注曰:“推举者,劾举其侍疾无状,而推究其姦也。”

  3. 指两手推举。举重比赛方式的一种。运动员蹲地先两手提起杠铃置于胸前,然后站直;待裁判发令后将杠铃向上推起,直至双臂伸直,再按裁判发令放下。



  1. The Dalai Lama said lately his successor could be chosen like the Pope, or that he may decide to declare his own successor before he dies.


  2. Even so, the emerging world has been unable to push forward a candidate to head an institution that historically has meant so much to it.


  3. This shows that you're interested in others and increases the likelihood of them tweeting your stuff when you put it out there.


  4. Electing the DPJ is still plainly a risk: the party is inexperienced and, like the LDP, an improbably broad church.


  5. So, at a congress like this, people are already vying to put in their candidature.


  6. vice chairman is unable to perform duties or discharge their duties, directors elected by more than half the auspices of a director .


  7. Ironically, AES became one of the 10 world stocks recommended by TIME magazine at the beginning of the new century.


  8. In 1986, a woman, Geraldine Ferraro, was nominated to run for Vice-President of the United States.


  9. In the moment is recommended for high geography lesson representative, high, and half after function-centered biology has representative.


  1. 推举150公斤

    to press 150kg

  2. 杠铃平卧推举

    barbell pushing and lifting.

  3. 推举一名候选人

    put up a candidate

  4. 被推举为。被展示为

    Be held up as be shown or offered as

  5. 徒手扩张推举宫颈

    noninvasive unarmed expansion of cervix opening

  6. 推举贤能委员会

    Committee on Community Personalities

  7. 他被推举为主席。

    He was nominated president.

  8. 被推举为模范工人

    Be honoured as a model worker

  9. 他们推举他为主席。

    They nominated him president.

  10. 用推举的动作举重

    To raise or lift a weight in a press.

  11. 我们推举他竞选参议员。

    We run him for the Senate.

  12. 大家都推举他当代表。

    We all voted for him as our representative.

  13. 推举某人就任好的工作

    boost a person into a good job

  14. 我想推举刘同志主席。

    I would like to propose Comrade Liu as chairman.

  15. 大家推举他到大会发言。

    They chose him to speak on their behalf at the meeting.

  16. 海浪把船推举到岸边。

    The wave heaved the boat on land.

  17. 我们推举他为我班班长。

    We elected him monitor of our class.

  18. 他被推举为党的领导。

    He is elected to the leadership of the party.

  19. 她被推举为模范工作者。

    She has been held up as a model worker.

  20. 他们推举我为会议的主席。

    They elected me chairman of the meeting.

  21. 二班学生推举她担任班主席。

    The students in Class Two put her in for the chair.

  22. 全人类已经推举出了一位。

    The human race has turned, as one.

  23. 头三名已经被推举出来了。

    First three names have been put forward.

  24. 头三名已经被推举出来了。

    First three names have been put forward.

  25. 他被推举为军队的新领袖。

    He was proposed as the new chief of the military forces.

  26. 他被推举为军队的新领袖。

    He was proposed as the new chief of the military forces.

  27. 格林先生被推举为研究院院士。

    Mr Green was elected to the Academy.

  28. 好的相貌就是一封推举的介绍信。

    Agood face is a letter of recommendation.

  29. 推举唐宋八大家的重要动力

    An Important Drive to Electing Eight Prose Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

  30. 他们推举她进委员会作他们的代表。

    They elected her to represent them on the committee.


  1. 问:推举拼音怎么拼?推举的读音是什么?推举翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推举的读音是tuījǔ,推举翻译成英文是 elect



1.推选;举荐。《淮南子·泰族训》:“废公趋私,内外相推举,奸人在朝,而贤者隐处。” 唐 韩愈 《董府君墓志铭》:“宾接门下,推举人士,侍侧无虚口。”《明熹宗实录》卷七十四:“天启六年七月戊戌二十八,吏部以兵部左侍郎缺,推举江西巡抚郭尚宾,迢递不便到任,以袁可立升兵部左侍郎,魏应嘉升右侍郎。” 明·何良俊 《四友斋丛说·史三》:“公独奏请推举刚正有为、智识超卓大臣一员,巡抚云南 。” 叶圣陶 《潘先生在难中》:“‘当仁不让’,‘一致推举’,几个人一哄地说,笔杆便送到潘先生手里。”