


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 雨 [yǔ]2. 雨 [yù]雨 [yǔ]从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。雨 [yù]下雨,落下:~雪。……







汉语拼音:dà yǔ qīng pén








  • 【解释】:雨大得象盆里的水直往下倒。形容雨大势急。
  • 【出自】:唐·杜甫《白帝》诗:“白帝城中云出门,白帝城下雨翻盆。”


  1. It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A young woman suddenly appeared on the riverbank.


  2. But every now and then the sky grows black, the rain comes down in sheets, and the winds threaten to obliterate our shabby encampments.


  3. And it seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind. Never fading with the sunset when the rain set in.


  4. It was a cold winter day. The wind had brought dark clouds and heavy rain, so it was impossible to take a walk.


  5. The dark coagulated blood. The sky before the heavy rain pours down. The pale dazzling sunshine is squeeze out by dark clouds.


  6. Fortuneteller: You won't pay? Then it's going to rain even harder. (Sudden downpour to Bill) You see! Next time you should pay the money.


  7. The clouds hang low and rainy. But there was a spark of light illuminating the clouds, signaling a new beginning.


  8. A big storm after midnight rained, we do a good job we have to stay within the barrier and let the raft down the river navigation.


  9. It was a very rainy night and there were numerous accidents on Southern California's freeways that evening.


  1. 大雨倾盆。

    The rain was absolutely lashing down.

  2. 大雨倾盆,正下大雨。

    It's raining like old boots.

  3. 大雨倾盆而下。

    The rain was teeming down.

  4. 大雨倾盆的日子

    a teeming wet day

  5. 大雨倾盆而下。

    The heavy rain was beating down.

  6. 闪电熠熠,大雨倾盆。

    Bolts of lightning and heavy rains appeared.

  7. 雷电交加,大雨倾盆。

    There was frequent thunder and lightning, and torrential rain.

  8. 外面一团漆黑, 大雨倾盆。

    Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs.

  9. 有时候整天大雨倾盆。

    Sometimes it keeps showering for a whole day.

  10. 霎时,雷电交加,大雨倾盆。

    In a split second, thunder roared and lightning flashed and it began pouring.

  11. 大雨倾盆, 雨下得很猛烈

    Take shelter from the rain

  12. 大雨倾盆,我们全都湿透了。

    It was teeming down and we all got soaked.

  13. 大雨倾盆而下, 损害了农作物。

    A torrent of rain came down and damaged the crops.

  14. 尽管大雨倾盆, 他照常去上班。

    Despite the pouring rain, he went to his post as usual.

  15. 今日大雨倾盆, 故未如期启程。

    It was pouring today, so I didn't start out as planned.

  16. 突然雷电大作,已而大雨倾盆。

    Suddenly it thundered and lightened, and then rain fell in torrents.

  17. 即使大雨倾盆,我们还是继续前进。

    Even if it rained heavily, we still marched on.

  18. 雷声隆隆, 闪电骇人, 大雨倾盆。

    The thunder was very heavy, the lightning fearful, and it rained in torrents.

  19. 大雨倾盆, 足球赛当然就取消了。

    The rain came pouring down and of course the football game was cancelled.

  20. 大雨倾盆, 一连下了好几个小时。

    The rain teemed down for hours.

  21. 室外大风劲吹,大雨倾盆,时断时续。

    It was blowing and raining hard, off and on.

  22. 就让大雨倾盆洗去了我的伤。

    Let the rain and wash away my tears.

  23. 大雨倾盆, 酒馆前有一个大水塘。

    The rain was pouring and there was a big puddle in front of the pub.

  24. 即使大雨倾盆,他也总是拒绝带伞。

    Even when it was raining heavily, he refused to carry an umbrella.

  25. 大雨倾盆而下, 他催我进屋子去。

    The rain rushed down. He hurried me to the house.

  26. 如果大雨倾盆, 就不要指望我来了。

    In case it pours, do not expect me.

  27. 大雨倾盆,我们店里的伞销售一空。

    Heavy rains cleaned us out of umbrellas.

  28. 倾泻尤指暴雨倾泻或流下大雨倾盆, 正下大雨。

    A pouring or flowing forth, especially a downpour of rain.

  29. 瞬间, 雷鸣电闪, 滂沱大雨倾盆而降。

    Instant, thunder lightning, torrential rain poured down flying.

  30. 现在看天气,或许星期天不会大雨倾盆。

    Look at the sky now, chances are it might not rain cats and dogs on Sunday.


  1. 问:大雨倾盆拼音怎么拼?大雨倾盆的读音是什么?大雨倾盆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大雨倾盆的读音是Dàyǔ qīngpén,大雨倾盆翻译成英文是 it is or the rain is pelting down


大雨倾盆(dà yǔ qīng pén)中国成语词汇,形容词词汇。主指自然现象下雨,形容雨势很大很急。