


1. 浸 [jìn]浸 [jìn]泡,使渗透:~泡。~透。~种(zhóng )。~渍。~没(mò)。沉~(亦称“浸沉”)。逐渐:~染。~渐。~润。……





汉语拼音:jìn rǎn








  1. 逐渐感染;逐渐沾染。

    南朝 宋 颜延之 《庭诰文》:“故曰丹可灭而不能使无赤,石可燬而不能使无坚;苟无丹石之性,必慎浸染之繇。” 唐 张九龄 《敕处分县令》:“或以烦碎而不专意,或以僻远而不畏法,浸染成俗,妨夺为常。嗷嗷下人,於何寄命?” 唐 元稹 《戒励风俗德音》:“尚念因而化之,亦既去其尤者。而宰臣等惧其浸染,未克澄清。” 明 高攀龙 《说类·困学记》:“而最受病处,在自幼无小学之教,浸染世俗,故俗根难拔。”



  1. This paper aims to call upon a sophisticated understanding of Virginia Woolf 's work in terms of philosophically inflected aesthetics.


  2. and he is never bored, and life is only too short, and he is steeped through and through with a profound yet temperate happiness.


  3. As their individual temperatures scale up and down, they form a trinity, each becoming an aspect of the other's identity.


  4. 30 treatments are carried out for one pair of jeans, including hand-dipped dyeing, sewing and adding in distressed detailing.


  5. Unlike Melville and Faulkner, Bellow did not come from a culture saturated in the rhythms and imagery of the English Bible.


  6. Since towel fabric has unique loose structure, continuous padding of it with vat dyes was performed, followed by wet shortened steaming.


  7. Opinion is always biased, coloured by the culture, the education, the knowledge which one has.


  8. After hours, days, of elemental splendour, it's bracing to see the seaside grow suddenly productive and menacing.


  9. South Korean hostage is wrong? Why Afghanistan, the land must be disseminated this painful blood?


  1. 浸染状滑石

    disseminated talc.

  2. 浸染机。浸轧机

    impregnating mangle

  3. 玷污或深深浸染

    To stain or dye deeply.

  4. 天空被红色浸染。

    The sky reddened.

  5. 他是个浸染工人。

    He was a dipper.

  6. 绳状浸染机

    rope impregnating mangle.

  7. 硝酸银浸染染剂

    silver nitrate impregnation stain

  8. 浸染在灿烂的光辉中

    Grasses and flowers are lesping lightly

  9. 他们在染缸中浸染织品。

    They dipped the fabric in a vat of dye.

  10. 春,一桢浸染生命之色画布。

    Spring, disseminated color canvas of life.

  11. 他的血浸染了这块木头。

    His blood anointed this wood.

  12. 教育贵于薰习,风气赖于浸染。

    Education is worth more than the evolution of thoughts. Social atmosphere is reliant on osmosis.

  13. 纯涤针织物浸染小样配色入门

    Elementary Introduction to the Colour Matching in Laboratory Dip Dyeing of Polyester Knits

  14. 浸染豇豆的一种病毒分离物的鉴定

    Identification of an unknown virus isolated from Cowpea.

  15. 有机物和铀的浸染到处是共同延伸的。

    The organics and impregnations of uranium are everywhere coextensive.

  16. 汉麻织物活性染料浸染染色工艺研究

    Research on Hemp Fabric Dyeing with Reactive Dyes The Wide Han

  17. 自然铜呈板片状,网脉状,浸染状产出。

    The native coppers shows occurrence in slabflaky, net veined and impregnated.

  18. 那一怀得心事,在浸染,滋润,在翩翩起舞。

    That bosom's concern,is being contaminated,moistens,is dancing lightly.

  19. 那一怀的心事,在浸染,滋润,在翩翩起舞。

    That bosom's concern, is being contaminated, moistens, is dancing lightly.

  20. 微细粒浸染型金矿石选金试验研究

    Experimental study on gold extraction from fine grained disseminated gold ore

  21. 棉织物浸染活性艳绿的疵病及对策

    Dip dyeing of cotton fabric with reactive brilliant green

  22. 大多数情况下, 很难逆转染料的浸染过程。

    In most cases, it is difficult to reverse the dye bleeding process.

  23. 大多数情况下,很难逆转染料的浸染过程。

    In most cases, it is difficult to reverse the dye bleeding process.

  24. 春, 绝对是一桢浸染着生命之色得画布。

    Spring is definitely a life ching disseminated the canvas color.

  25. 春,绝对是一桢浸染着生命之色的画布。

    Spring is definitely a life ching disseminated the canvas color.

  26. 活性匀染剂在活性翠蓝浸染中的实用性能

    Application of Leveling Agent for Reactive Dyes to the Exhaust Dyeing with Reactive Turquoise Blue

  27. 矿石类型以石英脉型和细脉浸染状为主。

    Vein type in the quartz and veinlet are the main ore types.

  28. 戏曲创作也不可避免地浸染了时代的色彩。

    Dramas indite was also inescapability.

  29. 固色代用碱在活性染料浸染中的应用

    Application of the alternative alkali for fixation in dip dyeing of reactive dyes

  30. 不想再让忧郁的心情浸染这五颜六色的春光。

    Don't carry the sadness in the light of spring again.


  1. 问:浸染拼音怎么拼?浸染的读音是什么?浸染翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浸染的读音是jìnrǎn,浸染翻译成英文是 dip-dye; be gradually influenced

  2. 问:浸染线拼音怎么拼?浸染线的读音是什么?浸染线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浸染线的读音是jìn rǎn xiàn,浸染线翻译成英文是 infection thread

  3. 问:浸染矿床拼音怎么拼?浸染矿床的读音是什么?浸染矿床翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浸染矿床的读音是,浸染矿床翻译成英文是 dissemination ore deposit

  4. 问:浸染状构造拼音怎么拼?浸染状构造的读音是什么?浸染状构造翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浸染状构造的读音是,浸染状构造翻译成英文是 disseminated structure



亦称竭染,为染料应用术语。将被染物浸渍于含染料及所需助剂的染浴中,通过染浴循环或被染物运动,使染料逐渐上染被染物的方法。 将纺织物反复浸渍在染液中,使之和染液不断相对运动的染色方法。