


与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……


1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:wài jiān








  1. 亦作“ 外閒 ”。外边,外面。

    《东观汉记·明德马皇后纪》:“时上欲封诸舅,外閒白太后,太后曰:‘吾自念亲属皆无柱石之功。俗语曰:时无赭,浇黄土。’”閒,一本作“ 间 ”。《南史·蔡廓传》:“殿内将帅,正听外间消息;若一人唱首,则俯仰可定。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四九回:“外间的人,传説 月卿 和 采卿 是恩相好。”

  2. 谓外地。

    鲁迅 《呐喊·故乡》:“我说外间的寓所已经租定了,又买了几件家具,此外须将家里所有的木器卖去,再去增添。”

  3. 数间相连的房屋中直接通到外面的房间。

    《儿女英雄传》第三回:“那庙里通共两间小房子, 安老爷 住了里间,外间白日见客,晚间家人们打铺。”



  1. After deer slayer had cast a look about him in the outer room, he raised a wooden latch.


  2. Copies of any independent accountant's management letters or outside consultants' reports issued during the historical period.


  3. Along with the frequent letters and telegrams from the teachers and students to urge Cai to stay, suspicion began to emerge.


  4. Extracellular matrix is composed of four families: collagens, proteoglycans, elastin and extracellular matrix structural glycoproteins.


  5. Not knowing the pitfalls, outside organizations have severally reported the Gini index of China to be rising dangerously.


  6. The library consisted of two rooms , but the only entry to the inner room was through the outer one .


  7. Maintains contact with outside labour and transport contractors, surveyors and internal shipping and marketing departments.


  8. Yet her sheer size created a bunker against the outer world. She would protect me against all my foes.


  9. We also hope that the clarification given by the CFA will end all speculation and concerns over its judgment.


  1. 她住在外间。

    She lives in the out room.

  2. 脑外间隙增宽

    Extracerebral space enlargement.

  3. 外间的寓所已经租定。

    The outer room is rented.

  4. 她把点燃的蜡烛丢在外间里。

    She left candles unattended in the den.

  5. 投诉调查组负责调查内部及外间提出的投诉。

    The complaints investigation unit which handles both internal and external complaints.

  6. 外间竟然这么缺少仁爱,这是很可惜的。

    It is a pity that there should be so little charity abroad.

  7. 美国国会议员接受外间机构聘用的限制

    Restrictions on Outside Employment of Members of the United States Congress

  8. 与外间承包商接触, 以供应运输及劳工服务。

    Handles outside contractors in supplying transport and labour services.

  9. 在执行工作前, 外间评核人员均会接受培训。

    Training is provided for the ER before they take up their duties.

  10. 环境因子对鱼鳃细胞外间质的影响初探

    Effects of environmental factor on extracellular matrix of fish gills

  11. 其他类异戊二稀则分泌到细胞外间隙中。

    Other isoprenoids are excreted into the extracellular space.

  12. 磁共振显示眶内肌锥外间隙囊性病变。

    Magnetic resonance image showed an intraorbital, extraconal cystic lesion.

  13. 外间梯度测深法及其在深部找矿中的应用效果

    Outside grads detecting method and its application effect in deep ore exploration

  14. 杀鹿人略略看了外间, 便卸下一根木闩。

    After Deer slayer had cast a look about him in the outer room, he raised a wooden latch.

  15. 腰骶部脊神经根在硬膜外间隙的解剖研究

    A Study of the Anatomical Features of Lumbosacral Nerve Roots in Epidural Space

  16. 他们也可向申诉专员公署和廉政公署等外间组织投诉。

    They may also complain to external bodies such as the Ombudsman and the Independent Commission against Corruption.

  17. 侧入法腰部硬膜外间隙穿刺角度的临床研究

    Clinical Study about Angle Formed by Side Puncture to Epidural Space in Waist

  18. 让他在外间办公室等候着, 那将可教训他以后客气点。

    Let him cool his heels in the outer office, that will teach him to be more polite.

  19. 娜塔莎准许玛夫鲁莎走开后,便穿过大厅向外间走去。

    And after releasing Mavrusha, Natasha crossed the big hall and went to the vestibule.

  20. 游离得髓核移位至后方硬膜外间隙是非常少见得。

    Epidural migration of a sequestrated disc to posterior epidural space is rare.

  21. 游离的髓核移位至后方硬膜外间隙是非常少见的。

    Epidural migration of a sequestrated disc to posterior epidural space is rare.

  22. 他皱着眉头,把文件拿近一些,按响了外间办公室的铃声。

    With a frown he pulled a file towards him and buzzed the outer office.

  23. 他皱着眉头,把文件拿近一些,按响了外间办公室的铃声。

    With a frown he pulled a file towards him and buzzed the outer office.

  24. 硬脊膜外间隙阻滞对脉搏氧饱和度仪测定时间的影响

    The Effect of Epidural Blockade on Pulse Oximeter Detection Time

  25. 最简单的解释是腰麻时硬膜外针未在硬膜外间隙。

    The simplest explanation is that the epidural needle is not actually in the epidural space at the time of attempted spinal puncture.


  1. 问:外间拼音怎么拼?外间的读音是什么?外间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外间的读音是wàijiān,外间翻译成英文是 outer room; the outside; the external world

  2. 问:外间守善拼音怎么拼?外间守善的读音是什么?外间守善翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外间守善的读音是Wàijiān Shǒushàn,外间守善翻译成英文是 Hokama Shuzen




拼音:waì jiān 基本解释 1. [outer room]∶相通的几间屋子中能直通到外的那一间 2. [the external world;outside circle]∶指外界 详细解释 1. 亦作“ 外闲 ”。外边,外面。 《东观汉记·明德马皇后纪》:“时上欲封诸舅,外闲白太后,太后曰:‘吾自念亲属皆无柱石之功。俗语曰:时无赭,浇黄土。’”闲,一本作“ 间 ”。《南史·蔡廓传》:“殿内将帅,正听外间消息;若一人唱首,则俯仰可定。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四九回:“外间的人,传说 月卿 和 采卿 是恩相好。” 2. 谓外地。 鲁迅 《呐喊·故乡》:“我说外间的寓所已经租定了,又买了几件家具,此外须将家里所有的木器卖去,再去增添。” 3. 数间相连的房屋中直接通到外面的房间。 《儿女英雄传》第三回:“那庙里通共两间小房子, 安老爷 住了里间,外间白日见客,晚间家人们打铺。”