


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 括 [kuò]2. 括 [guā]括 [kuò]扎,束:~发(束起头发)。~约肌。包容:包~。概~。总~。囊~。括 [guā]榨取,搜求:搜~(亦作“搜刮”)。……


1. 号 [hào]2. 号 [háo]号 [hào]名称:国~。年~。字~。指人除有名、字之外,另起的别称:别~(如“李白,字太白,~~青莲居士”)。标志:记~。排定的次序或等级:编~。~码。扬言,宣称:~称(a.名义上是;b.以某名著称……



汉语拼音:dà kuò hào







  1. Code that comprises the body of a function, even if it is a single line, must be contained within left and right braces.


  2. used to indicate aggregation OR to clarify the grouping of quantities when parentheses and square brackets have already been used.


  3. In syntax, braces and a vertical bar indicate a choice between two or more items.


  4. The left brace that marks the beginning of the function body, class member block, interface member block, or enumeration block is missing.


  5. You can set a breakpoint on a particular memory allocation by setting the global variable _afxBreakAlloc to the number shown in the braces.


  6. Similarly, the constraints in a constraint list for a generic type parameter must be enclosed in braces.


  7. The text within a pair of braces is evaluated as an expression .


  8. Existing command lines that use braces are still supported, but it is now recommended that you use parentheses to surround the options.


  9. Text within a pair of braces will be evaluated as a field, property or method.


  1. 大括号用于列矩阵。

    Braces are used for the column matrices.

  2. 不要键入大括号。

    Do not type the braces.

  3. 键标记中大括号不匹配。

    Mismatched braces in key label.

  4. 控制字, 控制符号, 以及大括号控制信息。

    The control words, control symbols, and braces constitute control information.

  5. 在大括号内, 可以包含任何公式。

    Within the braces, you can include any formula.

  6. 可以使用大括号指定查询表达式。

    You can use curly braces to specify query expressions.

  7. 但是,大括号中的表达式指定的是

    However, the expression in the curly braces specifies the

  8. 声明块放在大括号中,由声明组成。

    The declaration block is surrounded by curly braces and made up of declarations.

  9. 在本例中,大括号表示值列表。

    In this case, curly brackets indicate a list of values.

  10. 大括号中的表达式替换为其计算结果。

    The expressions in the curly braces are replaced by the result of its evaluation.

  11. 大括号用于把若干个字组合成一个意思。

    Curly braces are used to group words together into a single argument.

  12. 大括号用于把若干个字组合成一个意思。

    Curly braces are used to group words together into a single argument.

  13. 将括在大括号内的代码设置为可折叠的

    To make code enclosed in braces collapsible

  14. 大括号对中的文本按表达式进行求值。

    The text within a pair of braces is evaluated as an expression.

  15. 所有大括号都必须匹配良好, 并且不能嵌套。

    All curly braces must be well matched and cannot be nested.

  16. 所有在大括号里面的代码都由我们自己编写。

    Everything inside of the curly braces is the code I am writing.

  17. 此错误可能由缺少右大括号,右圆括号或分号引起。

    This error may be caused by a missing closing brace, right parenthesis, or semicolon.

  18. 因此,必须使用转义序列显示文本左大括号或右大括号。

    Consequently, you must use an escape sequence to display a literal opening brace or closing brace.

  19. 按照在格式项中遇到大括号的顺序依次解释它们。

    Braces in a format item are interpreted sequentially in the order they are encountered.

  20. 不能工作, 请使用大括号。否则, 会导致一个语法错误。

    Won't work, use braces. This results in a parse error.

  21. 大括号表示联合数组,它的键值组合由逗号分隔。

    Curly braces denote an associative array, with its keyvalue pairs separated by commas.

  22. 我们想要的东西有趣,聪明的,是因为有大括号和矫正。

    We want something funny and clever that has to do with braces and orthodontists.

  23. 大多数行开始处的大括号中的数字指定对象的分配顺序。

    The numbers in braces at the beginning of most lines specify the order in which the objects were allocated.

  24. 您也可以指定重复使用的最低和最高数量大括号内。

    You can also SPECIFY repetition using a minimum and maximum number inside curly brackets.

  25. 在语法中, 大括号和竖线表示其中有若干项可供选择。

    In syntax, braces and a vertical bar indicate a choice between two or more items.

  26. 一对大括号之间的文本将作为字段、属性或方法来计算。

    Text within a pair of braces will be evaluated as a field, property or method.

  27. 括号有小括号, 中括号, 角括号和大括号。

    These are Parentheses, Square brackets, Angle brackets and Brace.

  28. 不支持解释嵌套的大括号。

    Interpreting nested braces is not supported.

  29. 不应键入方括号和大括号。

    The brackets and braces should not be typed.

  30. 添加标记函数体开头的左大括号。

    Add the left brace that marks the beginning of the function body.


  1. 问:大括号拼音怎么拼?大括号的读音是什么?大括号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大括号的读音是dà kuò hào,大括号翻译成英文是 braces; curly brackets


