







汉语拼音:shùn xīn






瞬心 [shùn xīn]
  1. 在由若干连杆所组成的机构里面,凡是符合于下列三种定义中的任何一项之点,均为瞬心。



  1. The relationship between polhode and herpolhode of the instant center of a rigid body when it makes a plane parallel motion is presented.


  2. The paper discusses the method of determinating the cam profile, with roller or plat-faced follower, by means of instantaneous centers.


  3. What the eye sees not, the heart craves not.


  4. The second is to locate the ones which are isolated in the instant-center digraph or those which are not within any instant-center circuit.


  5. he article expounds a new method to solve the instantaneous center of velocity between two disconnected members in the mechanism.


  6. On the Behavior of Instantaneous Center and Mechanical Characteristics of a RV Reducer Used in Robot


  7. Theorem on change of the moment of momentum of the rigid body about the instantaneous velocity centre


  8. Research on Finding the Instant Center of a Planar Mechanism and Its Moving Velocity (1)--Finding the Instant Center


  9. Automatic Programming of the Plans for Instantaneous Rotation Center Searching and Recognition of Virtual Restrictions


  1. 加速度瞬心

    instantaneous center of acceleration.

  2. 相对速度瞬心

    relative instantaneous centre of velocity.

  3. 加速度瞬心的研究

    The purpose of reading; Instantaneous Acceleration Center

  4. 求速度瞬心的解析法

    Analytics for Finding the Instantaneous Center of Velocity

  5. 加速度瞬心的径迹方程

    The track eqtion of instantaneous center of acceleration

  6. 若存在,如何找加速度瞬心?

    Is it existed, how to find instantaneous center for acceleration?

  7. 加速度瞬心的四种特殊情况。

    Four special cases are also shown in this article.

  8. 速度瞬心的加速度特性及其应用

    Characteristics of Acceleration of Instantaneous Velocity Center and Its Application

  9. 刚体平面运动加速度瞬心的推导

    Deduction of instant center acceleration of rigid body in plane motion

  10. 求机构速度瞬心的对心四边形法

    Opposite Centric Quadrilateral Method for Finding the Instantaneous Center of Velocity

  11. 求解复杂机构运动瞬心的解析法

    Analytical method for solving instantaneous motion center of complicated mechanism

  12. 速度瞬心轨迹与运动初瞬时加速度瞬心

    The Path of the Instant Center of Velocity and the Center of Acceleration at Initial Instant of Motion

  13. 瞬心多边形及其在机械设计中的应用

    Instantaneous center polygon and its application to mechanical designs

  14. 速度瞬心及其在机构速度分析中的应用

    Instantaneous Velocity Center and Its Application in Mechanism Velocity Analysis

  15. 刚体平面平行运动三瞬心的确定

    Determination of the three instantaneous centers of a rigid body in plane parallel motion

  16. 对速度瞬心动量矩定理的再研究

    A Further Study on the Theorem of Moment of Momentum for Velocity Instantaneous Center

  17. 对速度瞬心的动量矩定理及其应用

    On the Theorem and application of Moment of Momentum for instantaneous center of velocity

  18. 关于相对瞬心的动量矩定理的若干问题

    On the Theorem of Moment of Momentum of Relative Instantaneous Centre

  19. 纯滚动凸轮速度瞬心的加速度及其应用

    Acceleration of velocity instantaneous center on the cam only rolling in plane motion and its application

  20. 求速度瞬心的连杆减缩方法及其推广

    Linkage reduction method for finding instantaneous center of speed and its popularization

  21. 一种确定平面图形加速度瞬心的新方法

    A new way of determining the acceleration of the instantaneous velocity center of plane image

  22. 平面运动刚体加速度瞬心的确定及应用

    Determination and application of instant center of acceleration for rigid body in plane motion.

  23. 指出了瞬心速度图与瞬心图的动态同构关系。

    The dynamic isomorphic relations between instant center velocity chart and instant center chart are indicated as well.

  24. 动瞬心直动 摆动从动件凸轮机构的受力分析

    Action force study of cam mechanism with kinetic instantaneous center straight moving and swing follow

  25. 刚体平面运动时相对速度瞬心的动量矩定理

    Theorem of momentum quadrature of comparative speed in movement of rigid body

  26. 加速度瞬心的研究物理学习过程中迁移性障碍初探

    Instantaneous Acceleration Center On the deflected obstacles in students'physical learning

  27. 采用关节瞬心原理对关节角度等参数计算结果进一步修正。

    Angle parameter results were further improved with the instantaneous joint center principle.

  28. 作平面平行运动的刚体相对于瞬心的动量矩定理

    Theorem on change of the moment of momentum of the rigid body about the instantaneous velocity centre

  29. 研究不作速度分析,仅用三心定理无法求解的速度瞬心问题。

    This paper studies the method of finding the instant center.

  30. 加速度分析所需的各构件的角速度值通过速度瞬心求出。

    The angular velocity values of all links requisite for acceleration analysis are found through the use of instantaneous centers of velocity.


  1. 问:瞬心拼音怎么拼?瞬心的读音是什么?瞬心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞬心的读音是shùn xīn,瞬心翻译成英文是 instantaneous center

  2. 问:瞬心轨迹拼音怎么拼?瞬心轨迹的读音是什么?瞬心轨迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞬心轨迹的读音是,瞬心轨迹翻译成英文是 centrode




