




人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……



汉语拼音:chú míng







  1. 除去名籍,取消原有身份。

    《三国志·魏志·华陀传》:“军吏 梅平 得病,除名还家。” 唐 韩愈 《唐故朝散大夫商州刺史除名徙封州董府君墓志铭》:“公不与吏辨,一皆引伏,受垢除名,徙 封州 。” 清 钱泳 《履园丛话·梦幻·损阴骘除名》:“此卷係抄袭 陈勾山 旧作,窗稿中有其文可查。荐而不售,衣巾尚在;荐而或售,据新例必除名,汝虽无大处分,何苦害人耶?” 高云览 《小城春秋》第三二章:“管他的工头讨厌这小伙子‘倔’,硬把他除名了。”



  1. The lawyer asked to be removed from the case due to a conflict of interest stemming from his association with the client.


  2. But he said that does not mean Pyongyang will definitely be lifted from the U. S. list of state sponsors of terrorism.


  3. The only other place to have been delisted is an antelope sanctuary in Oman, where the government actually wanted to renounce the status.


  4. Despite promising skills, Solo was drummed out of the service when he defied orders and rescued a Wookiee slave, Chewbacca.


  5. The reporting requirement was added a year ago, with 600 companies that failed to comply delisted.


  6. Any violation of any of said rules or guidelines may result in expulsion from competition .


  7. In August, President Bush decided not to remove North Korea from a State Department list of nations suspected of sponsoring terrorism.


  8. Back in college, when I got kicked out of school, I was still in school, I'd just written the song that got me my record deal.


  9. Last I saw them, they were trying to figure out how to get off Santa's Naughty List.


  1. 违者被除名了。

    The offender was extruded.

  2. 他已被除名。

    His name was erased from the list.

  3. 二, 会员之除名。

    II. The expulsion of members.

  4. 二,会员之除名。

    II. The expulsion of members .

  5. 不行,她被除名了。

    We can't.She was expelled.

  6. 他已被拳击队除名。

    He's been dropped from the boxing team.

  7. 将他从工资单上除名

    Lopped him from the payroll.

  8. 这男孩被学校除名了。

    The boy is removed from school.

  9. 他们已经被一个聚会除名了。

    They've been uninvited from a party.

  10. 要求把该国从联合国中除名

    demand the exclusion of the country from the U. N

  11. 这位老医生被医师公会除名。

    The old physician was unfrocked by the Medical Association.

  12. 校长所拥有的可除名学生的权力

    the principals prerogative to suspend a student.

  13. 他们把他从该机构中除名了。

    They cleaned him out of the organization.

  14. 他由于经常旷工而被除名。

    His name was taken off the list because of his frequent absence.

  15. 那医生因不称职而被除名。

    The doctor was struck off for incompetence.

  16. 新闻媒介公告送达除名决定是否有效

    Does the Service of Dismissal Determination by Means of Mass Media Have Legal Validity

  17. 因除名, 辞退和辞职, 离职发生的争议

    disputes arising from expulsion, charge, resignation or severance

  18. 在注册律师名单上,他已被除名。

    He was struck off the lawyer register.

  19. 三周后老板把她从职员中除名了。

    The boss dropped her from the staff after three weeks.

  20. 不交会费的会员将被俱乐部除名。

    Members who do not pay dues will be dropped from the club.

  21. 他们要求把3位议员从议会中除名。

    They are calling for the expulsion of three members of parliament.

  22. 会长通知我说他们已经被协会除名了。

    I am instructed the chairman that they have been expelled from the society.

  23. 环保人士感到高兴,但不被抛弃的除名。

    Environmentalists are pleased by the comeback but not by the delisting.

  24. 在经过那么多年后她被公司除名了。

    She was dumped from the company after all those years.

  25. 俱乐部的负责人发怒了,他把那个球员除名了。

    The steward of the dub lost hid temper and pitched the man out.

  26. 除名或罚时将由比赛志愿者作出判罚。

    Disqualification or time penalties will be performed at the sole discretion of the race volunteers.

  27. 参赛者如有违反上述规则将被除名。

    Any violation of the rules or guidelines may result in expulsion from competition.

  28. 八关于社员资格及入社 退社 除名之规定。

    Regulations on membership, affiliation, disaffiliation, and dismissal.

  29. 天文学家正式将冥王星自太阳系中的行星除名。

    Astronomers have officially kicked planet Pluto out of our solar system.

  30. 违者将以不配从事光荣职业而被除名。

    The offender is extruded as unworthy of an honorable calling.


  1. 问:除名拼音怎么拼?除名的读音是什么?除名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:除名的读音是chúmíng,除名翻译成英文是 strike … off

  2. 问:除名拼音怎么拼?除名的读音是什么?除名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:除名的读音是chúmíng,除名翻译成英文是 strike one's name off


除名,指除去名籍﹐取消原有身份。也用于作为组织内部剔除某成员这一行为的描述。见《三国志·魏志·华陀传》:“军吏 梅平 得病,除名还家。”