




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:dǒu rán








  1. 骤然,突然。

    《剪灯馀话·江庙泥神记》:“奴等蒲柳陋姿,丹铅弱质,偶得接见於光范,陡然忽动其柔情,莫或自持,是不可忍,故冒禁而相就,遂犯礼以私奔。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○四回:“ 多老爷 陡然吃了一惊道:‘亲……亲……亲家!有话好……好的説。’” 鲁迅 《野草·好的故事》:“仿佛有谁掷一块大石下河水中,水波陡然起立,将整篇的影子撕成片片了。”



  1. Just over a year after the recovery started, its initial vigor has abruptly subsided, thrusting the world into a new period of uncertainty.


  2. And then, out of nowhere, the pain in his scar peaked. As he clutched his forehead and closed his eyes, a voice screamed inside his head.


  3. Prices, which zoomed up in the first part of this year, are now steady and should not increase again for several months.


  4. Feeling poorer and with fewer people prepared to lend them money, consumers are cutting back: witness the slump in car sales.


  5. The eagerness in his manner tightened abruptly into formality as several people approached him to say good-bye.


  6. President Obama has warned that spiralling healthcare cost could break, bankrupt the United States if the system is not reformed.


  7. The approach to the Gardens sloped like a hillside and the several parts of the structure rose from one another tier on tier.


  8. And a savage economic downturn in 2008 has added urgency to the heart-searching about immigration's costs and benefits.


  9. Autumn is usually a good time for immigrant species, but it's the sheer number and diversity this year that's special.


  1. 总统竞选陡然升温。

    The presidential election is suddenly hotting up.

  2. 飞机陡然向左侧斜飞行。

    The plane banked steeply to the left.

  3. 公司利润上月陡然下降。

    The company's profits dipped steeply last month.

  4. 悬崖在那个地方陡然下降。

    The cliff drops away at that point

  5. 飞机陡然向左侧倾斜飞行。

    The plane banked steeply to the left.

  6. 学习日语的兴趣陡然上升

    an explosion of interest in learning Japanese

  7. 陡然, 他失去了自制, 跳了起来。

    All at once his nerves gave way, and he sprang to his feet.

  8. 有时它下落,接着又陡然升起。

    Sometimes it dipped down but rose again steeply.

  9. 调节器陡然从我嘴里抽走。

    The regulator was jerked from my mouth.

  10. 曲线平滑的开始, 而不是陡然出现。

    The curve starts smoothly, never out of a sudden.

  11. 尤其自1996年以来,下降速度陡然加快。

    Especially since 1996, drop speed is accelerated unexpectedly.

  12. 瀑布水从一定高度上陡然而下瀑布

    A steep descent of water from a height a cascade.

  13. 一狭窄山脊陡然朝雪盖山顶延伸。

    A narrow ridge runs up to a snowy summit.

  14. 地面陡然下降,出现了一个小峡谷。

    The land drops steeply away into a small valley.

  15. 于是陡然站住了,吴荪甫转脸看着少奶奶。

    He suddenly stopped and turned to look at his wife.

  16. 初期的上升进程之后, 发展陡然平稳下来。

    After initial logarithmic progress growth plateaued sharply.

  17. 今年上半年陡然上涨的物价现在稳定了。

    Prices, which zoomed up in the first part of this year, are now steady.

  18. 各种内部人士报道,用户数量在陡然下降。

    Various insiders report that user numbers have declined precipitously.

  19. 当你有孩子的时候, 你的生活会有陡然的改变。

    Your life changes dramatically when you have a baby.

  20. 从山顶陡然而下令人目眩的山坡

    the dizzy descent from the summit

  21. 那该如何解释其支持率的陡然下跌呢?

    So what explains this precipitous fall in support

  22. 这一次, 他陡然失去了惯常的宁静态度。

    For once he was wrenched out of his wonted calm.

  23. 这一次, 他陡然失去了惯常得宁静态度。

    For once he was wrenched out of his wonted calm.

  24. 陡然进去旁人的车道,或存心遏止旁人并线。

    Cutting others off in a lane, or deliberately preventing someone from merging.

  25. 大量的用人单位退工裁员,失业率陡然上升。

    A large number of employers lay off, the unemployment rate suddenly increased.

  26. 那个骑马的人从受惊的马上陡然掉了下来。

    The rider was precipitated from the startled horse

  27. 那个骑马的人从受惊的马上陡然掉了下来。

    The rider was precipitated from the startled horse

  28. 我乐于感受那种社会氛围与气候的陡然变化。

    I enjoy sensing the sudden changes in social atmosphere and climate.

  29. 他的个性从此陡然一变,所有的邻居都开始爱他。

    He undergoes a personality change, and all his neighbours start to love him.

  30. 西海岸的连绵山岭,使来自太平洋的风陡然上升。

    Winds from the Pacific Ocean are forced abruptly upward by a succession of mountain ranges along the West Coast.


  1. 问:陡然拼音怎么拼?陡然的读音是什么?陡然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陡然的读音是dǒurán,陡然翻译成英文是 suddenly



陡然 dǒu rán 释义: 1.骤然;2.突然(源自《现代汉语词典》);形容形势急转,令人猝不及防,感到意外。

【陡】1.斜度很大,近于垂直。2. 突然,有形势急转之义。

近义词:猛然、忽然、骤然。 相近词:徒然
