




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:cù rán







  1. 突然;出乎意外。

    宋 王安石 《上仁宗皇帝万言书》:“今乃移其精神,夺其日力,以朝夕从事於无补之学,及其任之以事,然后猝然责之以为天下国家之用,宜其才之足以有为者少矣。”一本作“ 卒然 ”。 金 元好问 《恒州刺史马君神道碑》:“今夫传记所载,猝然就一死以取千载名者多矣。” 清 朱锡 《幽梦续影》:“接人不可以猝然改容,持己不可以偶尔改度。” 柔石 《二月》九:“ 采莲 底母亲的猝然自杀,竟使个个人听得骇然。”



  1. It was the excitement of those readings and the strain of his continual work that brought about his sudden death in 1870.


  2. Owner all drive this abruptly an act of the occurrence Be surprised to be getting more foolish, Porsche Design Shoes, good opportunity!


  3. drum gear, bearing, gap, when the machine is loaded for all of a sudden, drum vibration arising out of the echoes.


  4. Mildred sudden death due to aneurysm, so Ouneisiting popular hit, was the spirit of the doldrums.


  5. He'd emerged from a nightmare to find himself sitting bolt upright on his pallet , his heart racing and his body drenched with cold sweat .


  6. Lincoln's cruel death at the end of the Civil War prompted unprecedented mourning on every continent, among all classes.


  7. Love. Is so sweet - sweetest , dearest , fleetest comer, fledgling of the sudden summer .


  8. A civilization which has been shaping itself through centuries cannot be abruptly attacked.


  9. At then, the national earthquake working meeting was in a intense preparation, the strong shock suddenly hit.


  1. 他猝然死亡。

    He died suddenly.

  2. 颓然或猝然走出

    Flounce out

  3. 猝然间,风暴缓和下来。

    Abruptly the storm eased.

  4. 莉拉的船猝然停下。

    Lila's boat came to a dead stop.

  5. 他不耐烦地猝然甩掉外衣。

    He impatiently jerked his coat off.

  6. 她于25岁时不幸猝然辞世。

    She met a tragic and untimely death at 25.

  7. 汽车猛然一颠,猝然停下。

    The car gave a sudden jerk and came to a dead stop.

  8. 她气呼呼地猝然离开了舞台。

    She flounced off the stage with an air of pique.

  9. 一看见它,他们猝然停住了。

    The sight of it stopped them dead.

  10. 她脚下一打滑猝然跌坐在地上。

    She dipped and came a cropper on her backside.

  11. 那只老鹰猝然飞下捕捉其猎物。

    The eagle swooped down on its prey.

  12. 接着汽车猝然离开车库,疾驰而去。

    Then abruptly the car pulled out of the garage and continued on.

  13. 她无意中吞下毒药, 猝然死去。

    She accidentally swallowed the poison and death was instantaneous.

  14. 他的问题猝然把我给问倒了。

    He caught me off base with that question.

  15. 她儿子猝然辞世的消息使我大吃一惊。

    The news of her son's sudden death bowled me out.

  16. 听着,你不能猝然在这里谈论死亡。

    Listen, you can't just swoop in here and start talking about dying.

  17. 她的猝然去世使该党陷入群龙无首的境地。

    Her sudden death left the party leaderless.

  18. 本来灿素的蓝色猝然变为灰蒙蒙的昏暗颜色。

    The original gorgeous blue to grey has a grey colour.

  19. 本来灿素得蓝色猝然变为灰蒙蒙得昏暗颜色。

    The original gorgeous blue to grey has a grey colour.

  20. 这猫头鹰猝然下扑, 用爪子抓起一只老鼠。

    The owl swooped and picked up the mouse in its claws.

  21. 家父的猝然离世留下了尚未完全安排妥当的身后事。

    The unexpectedness of my father's death meant that his affairs were not entirely in order.

  22. 这场猝然而至得猪瘟, 据报道, 已造成80多人死亡。

    The sudden and to the swine fever, it is reported that has resulted in80 deaths.

  23. 这场猝然而至的猪瘟,据报道,已造成80多人死亡。

    The sudden and to the swine fever, it is reported that has resulted in80 deaths.

  24. 一只猫头鹰从山岭之巅猝然扑下, 无声无息, 但明亮如焰。

    An owl swoops from the ridge top, noiseless but bright as flame.

  25. 她猝然翻转信笺, 看到这封信来自戈岗的特里威克大夫。

    She flipped over the page to see that it was from Dr Treweek of Gogong.


  1. 问:猝然拼音怎么拼?猝然的读音是什么?猝然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猝然的读音是cùrán,猝然翻译成英文是 all of a sudden

  2. 问:猝然排出拼音怎么拼?猝然排出的读音是什么?猝然排出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猝然排出的读音是cù rán pái chū,猝然排出翻译成英文是 abrupt discharge

  3. 问:猝然一停地拼音怎么拼?猝然一停地的读音是什么?猝然一停地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猝然一停地的读音是,猝然一停地翻译成英文是 jerkily



读音: cù rán 英文:Abruptly
