







汉语拼音:tuān jí








  1. 水流急速。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·济水一》:“回流北岸,其势鬱懞,涛怒湍急激疾,一有决溢,弥原淹野。” 宋 程大昌 《演繁露·龙门》:“以予所见,盖 河 鱼趁水而上,於湍急处产子,及其困极,故翻腹随流,不能自主。” 郭沫若 《芍药及其它·小皮箧》:“溪水颇湍急,激石作声,有时悬成小小的瀑布。”



  1. The sound seemed to fill the house, and then she was moving, moving like water, like the cold rushing of a mountain stream.


  2. Jordan, 15, said he tried to grab hold of his friend, but the current separated them as Anthony was pulled downstream.


  3. Police said the ship sailed seriously overloaded fast-flowing waters of the accident cause of the accident is being investigated.


  4. In the end, their raft is drawn into a fast stream and with ever increasing speed they are shot out of a volcano in southern Italy.


  5. To everyone's surprise, that thin and small young man threw himself into the cold swift river and drew that drowning girl onto the bank.


  6. As well, sir, might you try, by a miserable dam, to shut up the flowing of a rapid river!


  7. If only I could tear out my heart and hurl it into the current, then my pain and longing would be over, and I could finally forget.


  8. The name "whitewater" comes from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly.


  9. The path leads up a hill, across a fast-moving stream, back across the stream, and then past the carcass of a sheep.


  1. 水流湍急。

    The current is swift.

  2. 湍急的河流

    a rapid river.

  3. 湍急的水声

    the sound of rushing water.

  4. 湍急的山溪流

    torrential mountain streams.

  5. 冬雨过后,溪流湍急。

    After the winter rains, the stream becomes a raging torrent.

  6. 跳入湍急的水流中

    Diving into a flooding stream

  7. 那是一条湍急的河。

    It is a rapid river.

  8. 那是一条湍急得河。

    It is a rapid river.

  9. 水流经水闸时十分湍急。

    Water went rushing through the lock gates.

  10. 那湍急的水流那激荡的波涛

    The swift current, the choppy waters,

  11. 湍急的水流奔涌过洞口。

    The water rushed through the holes with great rapidity.

  12. 这条河水流湍急,变幻莫测。

    The current of the river is fast flowing and treacherous.

  13. 也许不深,却激烈而湍急

    Perchance not deep, but intense and rapid

  14. 因为在那个地方, 水流湍急危险。

    For at that point the currents were dangerous.

  15. 带它如湍急的江河一样跳动。

    Make it beat, which is like a torrent river.

  16. 那条船任由湍急的河流摆布。

    The boat was at the mercy of the rapid river.

  17. 湍急的水道这样一股水流的渠道

    The channel of such a current.

  18. 时间是一条湍急得往事之河。

    Time is a river of fast memory.

  19. 时间是一条湍急的往事之河。

    Time is a river of fast memory.

  20. 河里水流湍急,没有人能过得去。

    The river was so turbulent that no one could get across.

  21. 湍急得涧水哗啦哗啦地淌下山谷。

    The raging stream bickered down the valley.

  22. 湍急的涧水哗啦哗啦地淌下山谷。

    The raging stream bickered down the valley.

  23. 好像湍急的河流会淹死柔弱的芦苇

    Some say love it is the river that drowns the tender reed

  24. 这里河水湍急因此禁止在此游泳。

    The river flows very fast here, and bathing is forbidden.

  25. 小溪流从山上湍急地往平地流。

    The stream flowed down rapidly from mountain to the ground.

  26. 我舒展肢体,聆听小溪湍急的流淌声。

    I stretched out and listened to the sound of the rushing stream.

  27. 火山, 大湖和湍急的河流横亘全岛。

    Volcanoes, large lakes, and quickly flowing rivers traverse the land.

  28. 小溪注入大河, 消失在湍急的水流中。

    The stream joined the big river and disappeared into the waters of the strong current.

  29. 小船在这湍急的河中总是改变方向。

    The little boat kept veering from its course in such a turbulent river.

  30. 水中湍急的暗流还是让我们翻了船。

    The flowing rapidly undercurrent in water still lets us turn over a ship.


  1. 问:湍急拼音怎么拼?湍急的读音是什么?湍急翻译成英文是什么?

    答:湍急的读音是tuānjí,湍急翻译成英文是 fast-flowing

  2. 问:湍急河流拼音怎么拼?湍急河流的读音是什么?湍急河流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:湍急河流的读音是tuān jí hé liú,湍急河流翻译成英文是 tachydromile



水流急速。 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·济水一》:“回流北岸,其势郁蒙,涛怒湍急激疾,一有决溢,弥原淹野。”