




玉器,泛指珍贵的东西:~贝。~剑。~物。~藏(zàng )。国~。财~。珍~。传(chuán)家~。如获至~。~贵。帝王的印信,借指帝位:~座。登大~(皇帝登基)。敬辞,用于称别人的,~地。~刹(称呼庙字)。~号(称呼别人的店铺)。指金属货……



汉语拼音:fǎ bǎo










  1. 佛教语。指教义和教典。是构成佛教的佛、法、僧三宝之一。

    《维摩经·佛国品》:“法宝普照,而雨甘露。” 唐 张说 《唐陈州龙兴寺碑》:“戒珠如月,独洁麒麟之行;法宝如山,普闻狮子之吼。” 清 龚自珍 《与江居士笺》:“ 自珍 之学,自见足下而坚进,人小贫穷,周以财帛,亦感檀施,况足下教我求无上法宝乎?”

  2. 神话中能降伏妖魔的宝物。

    清 李渔 《蜃中楼·试术》:“蒙 玉皇 授我三件法宝,一来成就好事,二来降服火龙。” 鲁迅 《中国小说史略》第十六篇:“﹝ 妙吉祥童子 ﹞復生 炎魔天王 家,是为灵耀,师事天尊,又诈取其金刀,炼为金砖以作法宝,终闹天宫,上界鼎沸。”

  3. 比喻有特效的武器、方法或经验。

    毛泽东 《<共产党人>发刊词》:“统一战线,武装斗争,党的建设,是中国共产党在 中国 革命中战胜敌人的三个法宝。” 魏巍 《挤垮它》二:“﹝敌人﹞还遍设了地雷、跳雷、挂雷、照明雷等等的地雷阵,让这些法宝去保护他。” 茅盾 《色盲》三:“浪漫主义把恋爱当作神秘的圣殿,颓废主义又以为是消忧遣愁的法宝。”

  4. 珍宝。



  1. If this invisible pressure is applied to the children one of the best magic.


  2. They used the equation as a kind of talisman, a bit of mathematical magic to protect them against criticism if anything went wrong.


  3. Rachel also gives great advice on packing light and her biggest time saving tip of having a toiletries bag ready to go at all times.


  4. Making it work better was one of the main reasons why the Labour government created the post of mayor.


  5. The law-and-order clampdown that was at the heart of his victory in last April's general election is in trouble on two fronts.


  6. Tom got out his chief jewel, the brass door-handle, and held it out so that she could see it.


  7. "I never want my eldest son to stop telling jokes. A sense of humour is the best weapon against disappointment and negativity. "


  8. The U. S. government used to fight inflation with monetary and fiscal policies. But nowadays these two weapons are no longer effective.


  9. I use this insect amulet to coax Neal out of the Pavilion, through the long parking lot and back to the car.


  1. 阿游击队的法宝

    Alchemy of Fedyaeenism

  2. 战胜敌人的法宝

    magic weapon for defeating the enemy

  3. 嘉吉的四大法宝

    Four magic weapons of Cargill

  4. 她给了我一样法宝。

    She gives me a talisman.

  5. 芬兰节能六大法宝

    Six rules of energy saving in fenland

  6. 在网上战胜敌人的法宝?

    The best way to vanquish your enemies on the internet

  7. 这才是我们赚钱的法宝。

    This is how we make our money.

  8. 那样多的法宝都破了。

    Hosts of magic weapons have in fact been defeated.

  9. 网上商店成功的三件法宝

    Three Key Factors to Successful Shop Online

  10. 我们超众的技术是我们的法宝。

    Our superior technology is our ace in the hole.

  11. 诚实守信企业致胜的法宝

    Honest keep promise is a magic weapon that enterprise delivers to win

  12. 问题是如何用好这一法宝。

    The question is how to put it to good use.

  13. 因为我有一样你没有的法宝

    Because I have something that you don't have.

  14. 为了这法宝, 他什么都愿意干。

    For this quality he is prepared to do anything.

  15. 高产高效矿井建设的三大法宝

    Three magic keys of mine construction

  16. 这些法宝对商业有怎样的影响?

    What will be the impact on business?

  17. 机智和勇敢是化解危险的法宝。

    Quick wits and courage are the magic weapons for defeating enemies.

  18. 就是是你人生成功的三大法宝。

    This is how you win the game of life.

  19. 在网上战胜敌人的法宝?忽视他们。

    The best way to vanquish your enemies on the internet Ignore them.

  20. 美貌有时是一种极为强大的法宝

    Beauty is sometimes a most powerful talisman.

  21. 质量是我们在竞争中取胜的法宝。

    Quality putting us ahead of the competetion.

  22. 利基营销中小企业制胜的法宝

    Niche the Magic Key to Subdue for the Mediumsized and Small Enterprises.

  23. 而倾听则是了解别人最佳的法宝。

    And listen to understand others is the best magic weapon.

  24. 而倾听则是了解别人最佳得法宝。

    And listen to understand others is the best magic weapon.

  25. 绩效考核是人材管理制胜的法宝。

    Effect Test is key to the success of talent administration.

  26. 商标已经成为现代企业商战的法宝。

    Trademark already becomes the magic weapon for modern enterprises to win during commercial war.

  27. 保持理智, 镇定是你工作制胜的法宝。

    Keep reason, composedness is a magic weapon to deal with business.

  28. 而所有得法宝, 都集中于内容二字。

    And all a magic weapon, center at content 2 words.

  29. 而所有的法宝,都集中于内容二字。

    And all a magic weapon, center at content 2 words.

  30. 耐心、坚持和汗水是成功的必胜法宝。

    Patience, Persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.


  1. 问:法宝拼音怎么拼?法宝的读音是什么?法宝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法宝的读音是fǎbǎo,法宝翻译成英文是 magic weapon