











汉语拼音:xiāo fáng ān quán



  1. For usage of pyrotechnics, approval should be obtained from the hotel management and also a written approval from the Fire Safety Bureau.


  2. Keep the fire safety in mind; prevention first should be often hung in the heart!


  3. The management of warehouses storing inflammable goods must be in execution of relevant state regulations on fire control safety.


  4. the perfect fire security system, carries out the fire protection responsibility system.


  5. Do you think the authorities should provide feasible and cost-effective guideline for fire safety improvement works?


  6. The safety management of fire control in the engine cabin of the ship is very important in the ship safety management.


  7. Following public consultation earlier this year, we have drawn up a programme to improve fire safety in private buildings.


  8. Company fire safety integrated management. Ensure fire equipment and facilities availability. Fire appliances testing annual.


  9. They developed a network of wireless devices to help plot the safest escape routes during a fire.


  1. 消防安全隐患

    fire risks.

  2. 消防安全保卫

    fire security.

  3. 消防安全例行

    fire security routine inspection.

  4. 商场消防安全

    marketplace fire protection safety.

  5. 消防安全检查员

    fire runner

  6. 消防安全操作规程。

    Diesel pile driverSafety operation rules.

  7. 赛马场消防安全标准

    Standard on Fire Safety in Racetrack Stables

  8. 全面检讨消防安全措施

    Comprehensive review of fire safety measures

  9. 对职工进行消防安全培训。

    Conduct fire control safety training on employees.

  10. 力安达消防安全工程有限公司。

    LAD Fire Protection Security Engineering Co., Ltd.

  11. 上海方齐消防安全设备有限公司。


  12. 高校图书馆消防安全工作非常重要。

    The fire fighting work is very important in the university library.

  13. 我们遵守有关消防安全的全部条例。

    We comply with all fire safety rules.

  14. 敞开楼梯间消防安全措施的探讨

    Preliminary discussion on fire safety measures design of open stairwell

  15. 香港写字楼消防安全需求的调查研究

    Survey on fire safety requirements for office buildings in Hong Kong

  16. 车用乙醇汽油消防安全技术初探

    Initial probing of the fire safety technique for vehicle usage ethanol gasoline

  17. 布达拉宫消防安全问题及防范措施初探

    Discussion on the safety problems and fire prevention measures of the Potala Palace

  18. 大型购物中心消防安全性能化评估分析

    Evaluation of Functional Fireproof for the Fire Fighting System at a Shopping Mall

  19. 森工贮木场消防安全评估的内涵和方法

    The Connotation and Means of Fire Safety Assessment of Forest Industry Timber Yard

  20. 浅谈室内装饰的消防安全隐患与防火监督管理

    On the fire incipient fault of indoor trim and the fire supervise and management

  21. 嵌入式内外置活动防护门窗符合消防安全要求。

    Embedded within the external activities of protective doors and windows comply with fire safety requirements.

  22. 狮子山隧道和香港仔隧道的塑胶围板的消防安全问题

    Fire safety of plastic boards in Lion Rock Tunnel and Aberdeen Tunnel.

  23. 展位搭建应与展馆墙体保留0。5米以上的消防安全距离。

    The brooch walls should have a distance of 0.5 meter to the building wall.

  24. 世纪之交对火灾形势和拓展消防安全技术领域的思考

    Reflections On the Fire Situation and the Development of Fire Safety Technology at the Meet of the Two Centuries

  25. 负责消防设备 安全设备及环境保护设备的管理。

    Responsible for firefighting, security and environment protection of all company.

  26. 指导, 检查与监督公司安全, 消防等后勤保障工作

    Guide, check and monitor the company security, fire prevention and other logistic work.

  27. 协助主管,在工厂内执行政府在安全和消防方面的要求。

    Implement fire protection and security requirement that from government, assist supervisor.

  28. 戴上防烟面具和消防手电,沿安全出口方向有序撤离。

    Everyone draw on a smoke mask, take with a flashlight, then evacuate in order on emergency exit.

  29. 确保安全出口, 消防通道等通畅无障碍

    Keep escape routes and rescue access ways free from obstruction

  30. 对本部门的安全, 环保, 消防工作负全面责任。

    Be fully responsible for the safety, environment and fire fighting issue department.


  1. 问:消防安全拼音怎么拼?消防安全的读音是什么?消防安全翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán,消防安全翻译成英文是 fire safety

  2. 问:消防安全周拼音怎么拼?消防安全周的读音是什么?消防安全周翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全周的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán zhōu,消防安全周翻译成英文是 fire safety week

  3. 问:消防安全服拼音怎么拼?消防安全服的读音是什么?消防安全服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全服的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán fú,消防安全服翻译成英文是 fire safety clothing

  4. 问:消防安全例行拼音怎么拼?消防安全例行的读音是什么?消防安全例行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全例行的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán lì xíng,消防安全例行翻译成英文是 fire security routine inspection

  5. 问:消防安全委员拼音怎么拼?消防安全委员的读音是什么?消防安全委员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全委员的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán wěi yuán,消防安全委员翻译成英文是 fire safety officer

  6. 问:消防安全工程拼音怎么拼?消防安全工程的读音是什么?消防安全工程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全工程的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán gōng chéng,消防安全工程翻译成英文是 Fire Safety Engineering

  7. 问:消防安全措施拼音怎么拼?消防安全措施的读音是什么?消防安全措施翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全措施的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán cuò shī,消防安全措施翻译成英文是 means of escape

  8. 问:消防安全教育拼音怎么拼?消防安全教育的读音是什么?消防安全教育翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全教育的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán jiào yù,消防安全教育翻译成英文是 fire safety education

  9. 问:消防安全标志拼音怎么拼?消防安全标志的读音是什么?消防安全标志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全标志的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán biāo zhì,消防安全标志翻译成英文是 fire protection safety sign

  10. 问:消防安全科学拼音怎么拼?消防安全科学的读音是什么?消防安全科学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全科学的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán kē xué,消防安全科学翻译成英文是 fire safety science

  11. 问:消防安全检查员拼音怎么拼?消防安全检查员的读音是什么?消防安全检查员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全检查员的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán jiǎn chá yuán,消防安全检查员翻译成英文是 fire runner

  12. 问:消防安全系统法拼音怎么拼?消防安全系统法的读音是什么?消防安全系统法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全系统法的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán xì tǒng fǎ,消防安全系统法翻译成英文是 fire safety system approach

  13. 问:消防安全合格证书拼音怎么拼?消防安全合格证书的读音是什么?消防安全合格证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消防安全合格证书的读音是xiāo fáng ān quán hé gé zhèng shū,消防安全合格证书翻译成英文是 fire safety certificate


