









汉语拼音:méi qì dēng






  1. 本生灯的通称。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》十三:“ 刘姑娘 正和 祥子 在煤气灯底下说话呢,大家彼此点了点头。”亦作“ 煤汽灯 ”。 许杰 《台下的喜剧》:“台上点着一盏新式的煤汽灯。”参见“ 本生灯 ”。



  1. It seemed as if he thought a while, for now he arose and turned the gas out, standing calmly in the blackness, hidden from view.


  2. Now he walked back, leaving the lights ablaze, and feeling as if the flat were empty.


  3. Lighting the gas, he sat down, preparing to wait a little while.


  4. "What! " said Carrie, lighting the gas and searching for her clothes.


  5. Where the staircase curved upward the clerk's desk and offices had been located, all done in hardwood and ornamented by novel gas-fixtures.


  6. About half past eight I passed by an absurd little theatre, with great flaring gas-jets and gaudy play bills.


  7. When he prematurely announced that he'd come up with the bulb, stock in gaslight companies took a dive.


  8. The gas light went a little lower; someone started to unload coal; CATS could be heard on the back fences.


  9. The explosion in the mine was triggered off by a careless miner who lit a match looking for his gas light.


  1. 煤气灯吹灭了。

    The gas lamp blew out.

  2. 在煤气灯的时代

    In the era of gaslight

  3. 电灯已经取代了煤气灯。

    Electric light has superseded gas light.

  4. 店铺里的煤气灯点亮。

    Gas begins to start up in the shops.

  5. 煤气灯逐渐为电灯所代替。

    The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting.

  6. 他点上了煤气灯,坐了下来。

    He lit the gas and sat down.

  7. 煤气灯投下一片片幽暗的光。

    Gaslights cast a shadowy glow.

  8. 煤气灯投下一片片幽暗得光。

    Gaslights cast a shadowy glow.

  9. 你们的公寓是用煤气灯还是电灯?

    Is your flat lit by gas or by electricity?

  10. 相反, 他划了根火柴, 点亮了煤气灯。

    Instead, he struck a match and lighted the gas.

  11. 煤气灯是一项多么了不起的发明啊!

    What a glorious discovery is the gaslight!

  12. 煤气灯是一项多么了不起得发明啊!

    What a glorious discovery is the gaslight!

  13. 旧式煤气灯照明已经为电所取代了。

    The old gas lighting has been replaced by electricity.

  14. 在现代家庭里, 电灯已经取代了煤气灯。

    Electric lights have superseded gas lights in modern homes.

  15. 我过去野营时经常坐在煤气灯旁读书。

    When I was camping I used to read by the light of a gaslamp.

  16. 我们经过稀稀拉拉的几家点着煤气灯的铺子。

    We went past a scatter of gas lit shops.

  17. 请把煤气灯开大一点,我想继续看书。

    Please turn up the gas a little, I want to go on reading.

  18. 他习惯于每天夜里提着煤气灯,巡视大院。

    He is used to carrying gas lamps and patrolling the yard every night.

  19. 他习惯于每天夜里提着煤气灯,巡视大院。

    He is used to carrying gas lamps and patrolling the yard every night.

  20. 走廊里的煤气灯应该是开着的,调得比较暗。

    The gaslights in the passage would be on, turned low.

  21. 她走到梳妆台前, 划了根火柴, 点亮了煤气灯。

    She went over to the dresser and struck a match, lighting the gas.

  22. 电灯, 煤气灯安装煤气或电器用的固定在墙上的装置

    A wallanchored fixture for gas or electricity.

  23. 一盏煤气灯嗡嗡地响着。从顶棚投射出暗淡的光。

    A hissing gas lamp suspended from the ceiling cast a dull light.

  24. 你将听到王小姐给出如何正确使用煤气灯的说明。

    You will hear Miss Wang give instructions on how to use a Bunsen burner.

  25. 他们会说, 在煤气灯下看看还凑合, 一到阳光下就现形了。

    True that it passes muster by gaslight, but the sunlight shows it up.

  26. 他坐在那里,眼睛直望着煤气灯那唧唧低吟的黄色火焰。

    He sat.staring at the yellow, singing gaslight

  27. 他坐在那里,眼睛直望着那煤气灯唧唧低吟的黄色火焰。

    He sat staring at the yellow, singing gaslight.

  28. 刘姑娘正和祥子在煤气灯底下说话呢,大家彼此点了点头。

    Miss Liu was talking to Xiangzi under the kerosene lamp. They all nodded to each other.

  29. 我们还能看到从客厅的天花板上垂下一盏三个头的煤气灯

    we should have seen a three globed gaschandelier grow down from the parlor ceiling

  30. 一看见餐室桌上挂着一盏蛋白石球的煤气灯, 他就满意极了。

    The sight of an opalglobed chandelier over the diningroom table was the finishing touch.


  1. 问:煤气灯拼音怎么拼?煤气灯的读音是什么?煤气灯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤气灯的读音是méiqìdēng,煤气灯翻译成英文是 gas arc lamp

  2. 问:煤气灯光拼音怎么拼?煤气灯光的读音是什么?煤气灯光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤气灯光的读音是,煤气灯光翻译成英文是 gaslight

  3. 问:煤气灯罩拼音怎么拼?煤气灯罩的读音是什么?煤气灯罩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤气灯罩的读音是méi qì dēng zhào,煤气灯罩翻译成英文是 gas mantle


