










  1. Li He was a short-lived Chinese poet of the late Tang Dynasty, known for his unconventional and imaginative style.


  2. if not see a way, the most important thing is not to wake him, you see, the Tang Dynasty poet Li He, not weary I heart?


  3. Li He was known for his rose and elegant beauty, which was a reflection of his life story and his poetry style.


  4. Taken Li He and Li Po as examples, Part four attempts to inspire students and fire their imagination through thinking in images.


  5. Li Bai, Li He, and Li Shang-yin are the distinguished representatives of poems in the Tang Dynasty.


  6. Arch name is borrowed from the Tang Dynasty poet Li He 's poem " at Qi Zhou nine cigarette lighter, a cup and water" .


  7. Therefore, Li He, Qu Yuan and Li Bai are known as the three greatest romantic poets in the Chinese poetry history.


  8. Li died a petty and poor official at the age of 27.


  9. In the poetry history of China's Tang Dynasty, Li He is a poet whose poems are extremely special and disputable.


  1. 李贺诗歌的艺术渊源

    The Artistic Origins of Lihes Poems

  2. 李贺诗歌的死亡氛围

    Atmosphere of Death in Li He's Poems

  3. 李贺诗歌的结构艺术

    On the Artistry of the Structure of LI He's Poetry

  4. 论李贺诗歌的生命意识

    Life Consciousness in Li He's Poetry

  5. 鲁迅与李贺,杜甫关系初探

    On Lu Xun and Li Huo, Du Fu

  6. 试析李贺诗歌的病态美

    On the Beauty in the Morbid State of Li Hes Poems.

  7. 论李贺诗歌中的怨女形象

    The Gloomy and Distressed Female Image in Lihe's Poems

  8. 论李贺诗歌的风格及其形成。

    On the styles of Li he's poems and th.

  9. 李贺的变态心理与诗歌创作

    On Li He's Abnormal Psychology and Poetic Creation

  10. 李贺诗歌审美倾向的特异性

    Superfineness of Aesthetic Tendentiousness in Li He's Poems

  11. 李贺的死亡意识与酒神精神

    On the Death Awareness and Dionysus Spirit of the Poet Li He

  12. 论道教文化对李贺诗歌的影响

    The Influence of Taoism culture to Li He's Poems

  13. 浅谈李贺诗歌的魔幻现实主义特征

    A Discussion on the Realistic Characteristics of Fantasy in Li He's Poems.

  14. 论李贺诗歌的生命主题及其构成

    On the Life Subject and Its Structure of LI He's Poems

  15. 李贺诗歌的特点及其教育学思考

    A thought of LiHe's poetic characteristic and its education

  16. 李贺与济慈诗歌艺术的比较分析

    Comparative Study on Poetry of Li He and Keats

  17. 论李贺诗歌的凄怨意象及其成因

    On Imagery of Complaints of Miseries by Li He and Its Reasons

  18. 李贺诗歌的通感手法及其心理机制

    Associational Rhetoric and Psychological mechanism in Li He's Poems

  19. 论李贺的古体诗创作及其声韵特色

    Aesthetic feature of poem style and poetical rule in poetry of Li He

  20. 论李贺对曹植诗歌的继承与发展

    On how li he inherited and developed cao zhi's poems

  21. 李贺诗歌中, 色彩描写运用得相当频繁。

    Color description is frequently applied in LI He's Poems.

  22. 论李贺诗歌蒙太奇式意象组合的结构方式

    Explore the Structural Pattern of Montage Imagery Combination of Li Hes Poems.

  23. 论宋末元初文人对李贺诗歌的接受

    On the Acceptance of the Lihe's Poems by the Scholars in the Late Song and Early Yuan Dynasties

  24. 论郭璞游仙诗在李贺笔下的继承与发展

    On the Inheritance and Development of GUO Pu's Immortal Poems Under LI He's Description

  25. 唐代贵族生活与李贺诗歌的贵族化倾向

    The Aristocratic Life of the Tang Dynasty and Li He's Poetry Attribute with Character of Nobility

  26. 唐代诗人李贺曾对端砚艺人极为推崇,他作诗说

    The Tang Dynasty poet Li He once wrote the following lines to show his love and respect for artisans who made inkstones at Duanzhou

  27. 据说很多文人都很欣赏她, 白居易和李贺都为她写过诗。

    It's said that many literati appreciated her very much, and both Bai Juyi and Li He have wrote poems about her.


  1. 问:李贺拼音怎么拼?李贺的读音是什么?李贺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:李贺的读音是Lǐ Hè,李贺翻译成英文是 Li He, a Tang Dynasty poet



“李贺”是个多义词,它可以指李贺(歌手、主持人), 李贺(演员制片人), 李贺(唐代诗人), 李贺(现代小说作家), 李贺(阿尔山市市长李贺), 李贺(党群口分工委副书记)。