


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu rú








  1. 犹如,好像。

    《诗·大雅·召旻》:“昔先王受命,有如 召公 ,日辟国百里,今也日蹙国百里。” 唐 韩愈 《寄三学士》诗:“归舍不能食,有如鱼中鉤。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·崔秀才》:“吾闻人心不同,有如其面。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“她来自田间,心直口快,待 曾 家的子女,有如自己的骨肉。”

  2. 如果,假如。

    《史记·商君列传》:“ 公叔 病有如不可讳,将柰社稷何?”《资治通鉴·后晋齐王开运二年》:“今 唐 兵不出数千,将军拥众万餘,不乘其未定而击之,有如 唐 兵惧而自退,将军何面目以见陛下乎!” 清 顾炎武 《义士行》:“有如不幸先朝露,此恨悠悠谁与诉?”

  3. 古人誓词中常用语。

    《左传·僖公二十四年》:“所不与舅氏同心者,有如白水!” 杨伯峻 注:“‘有如’亦誓词中常用语, 文 十二年《传》‘有如 河 ’……‘有如白水’即‘有如河’,意谓 河 神鉴之。”《左传·襄公二十五年》:“ 晏子 仰天叹曰:‘ 婴 所不唯忠於君、利社稷者是与,有如上帝!’”



  1. Enlightment came to her. The pilgrimage of humans was something like a star. There was no forever shining.


  2. Her eyes are coloured with stibium, and her nostrils are shaped like the wings of a swallow.


  3. "There's one other place I know of with as much Indian stuff in it as you got here, " he said.


  4. To feel you all around me, And to take your hand, along the sand, Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind.


  5. All this cavalry debouched on the plateau, and it was like the appearance of an earthquake.


  6. The general with the bandaged head, bent forward as though fleeing from danger, strode towards Kutuzov, his thin legs moving swiftly.


  7. Since the spring, alas, with shevchenko did not like the dilemma, and Lin, our deficiencies in deep sorrow is tired sigh and stillness.


  8. The old gentleman swivelled his eyes on him like opera glasses and went on coughing: hack, hack, hack: the vocal chords dry as straw.


  9. These pieces burst upon the London scene with an explosive vitality comparable to that of the American musical comedies of recent years.


  1. 畏怯有如小鸟!

    Timid as a Bird!

  2. 畏怯有如小鸟!

    Timid as a Bird!

  3. 公司有如时钟。

    Companies are like clocks.

  4. 有如亚当与夏娃

    Like an Adam and an Eve.

  5. 有如下几点

    following points.

  6. 有如圣者的容颜。

    The features of a saint.

  7. 她待我们有如陌生人。

    She treated us as if we were strangers.

  8. 她举止有如一个学生。

    She bears herself like a student.

  9. 海浪冲击船身, 有如呜咽。

    The sea water washed mournfully against the sides of the boat.

  10. 观赏城郊,有如观赏两栖动物。

    To study the suburbs is to study the amphibious animal.

  11. 物价飞涨, 有如脱缰之马。

    Prices were running wild.

  12. 她的举止经常有如淑女。

    She always conducts herself like a lady.

  13. 有如印度的梅莉史翠普。

    like the Meryl Streeps of India.

  14. 下围棋有如指挥军队作战。

    Playing Weiqi is just like directing military operations.

  15. 这时点击它,有如火上加油。

    Clicking on a train wreck just pours gasoline on it.

  16. 现在你有如下的选择。

    So here's your options.

  17. 现在你有如下的选择。

    So here's your options.

  18. 我的安全性有如传奇一般。

    My safety is legendary.

  19. 他的话对她有如蜂蜜。

    His words were honey to her.

  20. 他们有如失散多年的恋人。

    They look like a pair of lovers separated for many years.

  21. 他们被教养得举止有如绅士。

    They were bred to behave like gentlemen.

  22. 背景设置有如真正夜空般大小

    And it's at the scale of the night sky.

  23. 刺进了感官, 有如饮过毒鸩

    My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,

  24. 游戏中的火炮有如下种类

    The following types of artillery are in the game

  25. 刺进了感觉, 有如饮过毒鸩。

    My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk.

  26. 人造雪花, 都有如梦境一般。

    Artificial snow, and all that is like a dream.

  27. 带着恨意的问话, 有如灾难

    Oh in a plague of hateful questioning

  28. 那青年有如阿多尼斯的容貌。

    The youth has Adonic features.

  29. 那青年有如阿多尼斯得容貌。

    The youth has Adonic features.

  30. 有如在我伤痛时滋生得温馨?

    Warmth that feeds from my pain?


  1. 问:有如拼音怎么拼?有如的读音是什么?有如翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有如的读音是yǒurú,有如翻译成英文是 be like

  2. 问:有如电的拼音怎么拼?有如电的的读音是什么?有如电的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有如电的的读音是,有如电的翻译成英文是 electrical

