


1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……




1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……





汉语拼音:liàng rù wéi chū








  • 【解释】:量:计量。根据收入的多少来定开支的限度。
  • 【出自】:《礼记·王制》:“五谷皆入,然后制国用,……以三十年之通制国用,量入以为出。”
  • 【示例】:宜~,汰冗食浮费。
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、定语;指根据收入的多少来决定开支的限度


  1. It was quite a feat. I wish I could tell you that we've followed that pattern ever since: Save it before you spend it.


  2. Spend less than you earn. It's such a simple maxim, and yet very few young adults understand it or know how to follow it.


  3. The governor did not lower spending enough to meet available revenues, explains Dan Hynes, the state's comptroller.


  4. Because what you want people around the world to know is that Washington is going to back to living within its means.


  5. For me, I've been trying to uphold the "live below your means" lesson and so far so good.


  6. On Saturday, Mr. Obama said the budget plan "asks Washington to live within its means. "


  7. It is possible, if you're diligent early on and live below your means, to plan around many of these issues.


  8. Our former church gave it to our family, knowing I'm a single parent trying to make ends meet.


  9. There is no unsustainable progression driving the mechanism of a pay-as-you-go pension system and so it is not a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.


  1. 量入为出。

    Put your hand no further than your sleeve will reach.

  2. 她量入为出

    lived within her income.

  3. 量力而行,量入为出。

    To cut the coat according to the cloth.

  4. 你量入为出吗?

    Do you proportion your expenditure to your income ?

  5. 你得量入为出。

    You have to tailor your spending to your income.

  6. 你量入为出吗??

    Do you proportion your expenditure to your income ?

  7. 你应当量入为出。

    You must keep within your income.

  8. 我必须量入为出。

    I have to adjust my expenditure to my income.

  9. 你应该量入为出。

    You should tailor your spending to your income.

  10. 人人应当量入为出。

    One should fit his spending to his income.

  11. 我们必须量入为出。

    We all have to fit our spending to our income.

  12. 我们须得量入为出。

    We have to suit our spending to our income.

  13. 她过着量入为出的生活。

    She lives within her income.

  14. 我们得削减开支,量入为出。

    We shall have to trim our spending down to fit out income.

  15. 今年我们必须学会量入为出。

    We must cut our coat according to our cloth this year.

  16. 其次,我们必须学会量入为出。

    Second, we have to learn to live within our means.

  17. 你应学会量入为出的生活。

    You should learn to live within your income.

  18. 我们的生活必需设法量入为出。

    We have to contrive to live on our own income.

  19. 诚然,我们的国家未能量入为出。

    Yes, our countries have been living beyond our means.

  20. 用借记卡,你就只能量入为出。

    You can spend only what you have.

  21. 即使不得不借钱过活,也得量入为出。

    Live within your income, even if you have to borrow money to do so.

  22. 当我们缺钱的时候,我尽心量入为出。

    When we were low on money, I stayed within a budget.

  23. 是的,许多人都希望政府开始量入为出。

    Yes, many want government to start living within its means.

  24. 那一年政府为了减税只能量入为出

    The government had to cut its coat according to its cloth in order to lower taxes that year

  25. 我目前得薪水还不高, 所以我们得量入为出。

    My salary is not very large at the moment, so we must cut our coat according to our cloth.

  26. 自从搬到农村后,他们学会了如何量入为出。

    They've learnt how to cut their coat according to their cloth since they moved to the countryside.

  27. 我目前的薪水还不高,所以我们得量入为出。

    My salary is not very large at the moment, so we must cut our coat according to our cloth.

  28. 他们必须根据划拨给他们的款项量入为出办理这一切。

    They would have to do all this within the allocations made to them.

  29. 这种观念与我们传统的量入为出的消费原则不相容。

    This kind of idea and we are traditional keep expenditures within the limits of income consumptive principle is antipathic.

  30. 他舅舅设法过着量入为出的日子,但他阿姨总是入不敷出。

    His uncle hs managed to live within his means, but his aunt always lives beyond her means.


  1. 问:量入为出拼音怎么拼?量入为出的读音是什么?量入为出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:量入为出的读音是liàngrùwéichū,量入为出翻译成英文是 live according to one’s means


量入为出,汉语词汇。读音:liàng rù wéi chū,解释为【量】:计量。根据收入的多少来决定开支的限度。 通俗解释:估计自己到底有几斤几两,然后量力而为。连动式;作谓语、定语;指根据收入的多少来决定开支的限度。