


1. 何 [hé]2. 何 [hē]3. 何 [hè]何 [hé]疑问代词(a.什么,如“~人?”b.为什么,如“~必如此?”c.哪样,怎样,如“~不?”“~如?”d.哪里,如“~往?”e.发表反问,如“~乐而不为?”)。副词,多么:~其壮……


1. 处 [chǔ]2. 处 [chù]处 [chǔ]居住:穴居野~。存在,置身:设身~地。~心积虑。~世。跟别人一起生活,交往:融洽相~。决定,决断:~理。对犯错误或有罪的人给予相当的惩戒:~罚。~决。止,隐退:~暑。处 [chù]地方:……



汉语拼音:hé chù








  1. 哪里,什么地方。

    《汉书·司马迁传》:“且勇者不必死节,怯夫慕义,何处不勉焉!” 唐 王昌龄 《梁苑》诗:“万乘旌旗何处在?平臺宾客有谁怜?”《宋史·欧阳修传》:“ 脩 论事切直,人视之如仇,帝独奬其敢言,面赐五品服。顾侍臣曰:‘如 欧阳脩 者,何处得来?’” 茅盾 《一个女性》五:“但是何处有爱呢?何处是爱呢?”



  1. How much of your day is spent thinking about things other than where you are and what you're doing, physically, at this moment?


  2. Where's the payoff on the humanities? It's not easy to persuade such loving parents that the humanities do indeed payoff.


  3. After a hypomanic episode, "individuals may experience an episode of lethargy, where they can't een get out of bed, " she said.


  4. So you think may have happened in the past, but do not know where but there is no sign that winter north of the ice hanging tree.


  5. For organisations that are beginning to look at this type of work, it's not always easy to know where to begin.


  6. A large question for News Corp. now is how much further the scandal will extend.


  7. And let this come back to the different trouble spots you know off, LET YOUR HIGHER SELF HELP YOU TO DETERMINE WHERE. . .


  8. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now.


  9. All Layne knew was that her name was Sherry and she was about a year younger than he was when she "disappeared. "


  1. 何处飘香?

    Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance Flowing

  2. 起源于何处?

    Where did XP come from?

  3. 何处是归程?

    Where is the way to home?

  4. 何处惹尘埃?

    Where can the dust alight?

  5. 知道何处/ 何时…

    to know where/ when

  6. 冰球源于何处?

    Where does ice hockey originate?

  7. 我错于何处?

    Where did I go wrong.

  8. 鹰将在何处?

    Where will the eagle be?

  9. 何处是吾家?

    Yet where is my home?

  10. 船停在何处?

    Where did the ship berth ?

  11. 何处得秋霜!

    From where comes autumn frost in sight?

  12. 他们往何处去?

    Whither did they go?

  13. 不论我到何处

    No matter where I rove.

  14. 你定居于何处?

    Where are you domiciled?

  15. 母语往何处去?

    Whither our mother tongue ?

  16. 心在何处,财在何处。

    Where your heart is there your treasure is.

  17. 何处有香丘?

    Where can I find the grave of your fragrance lie?

  18. 你在何处独行

    In this hustling and bustling street.

  19. 莱茵河发源於何处?

    Where is the source of the Rhine?

  20. 何处不能超车?

    At what places is it unlawful to overtake or pass?

  21. 网络广告何处去

    Where Is Advertisement over Net Going.

  22. 人生何处不相逢。

    Men may meet but mountains never.

  23. 在夜空中的何处。

    and where it is in our night sky.

  24. 天涯何处无芳草。

    She is not the only fish in the ocean.

  25. 无涯何处无芳草。

    There are plenty of other pebbles on the beach.

  26. 又藏在何处呢

    Where could he hide them?

  27. 借问酒家何处有,

    When I ask a shepherd boy where I can find a tavern

  28. 刨根问底,错于何处?

    Lay down a list of what is wrong.

  29. 我应在何处等候?

    Where shall I wait

  30. 桃花源究竟在何处?

    But where after all was this ancient shangrila?


  1. 问:何处拼音怎么拼?何处的读音是什么?何处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:何处的读音是héchù,何处翻译成英文是 Where …?

  2. 问:何处是我家?拼音怎么拼?何处是我家?的读音是什么?何处是我家?翻译成英文是什么?

    答:何处是我家?的读音是,何处是我家?翻译成英文是 Kde domov můj?



【拼音】hé chǔ



【示例】 《东周列国志》第一百六回:“太子丹曰:‘荆卿何名?何处人氏字?’” 茅盾 《一个女性》五:“但是何处有爱呢?何处是爱呢?”