







汉语拼音:wǒ màn






  1. 佛教语。谓执我见而倨傲。

    《成唯识论》卷四:“我慢者,谓踞傲,恃所执我,令心高举,故名我慢。” 南朝 梁 慧皎 《高僧传·明律论》:“此则自讚毁他,功不赎过,我慢矜高,盖斯谓也。” 唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎续集·寺塔记上》:“今有 梵 僧 憍陈如难陀 ,以粉画坛,性狷急我慢,未甚通 中华 经。” 章炳麟 《驳神我宪政论》:“太次生我慢,我慢者,或名五大初,或名转异,或名燄炽。”



  1. After all, it was the emotional side of it that slowed me down, but bringing them out into the open helped me immensely.


  2. My parents were always telling me to hurry up, and my grandparents told me to slow down , " one friend said. "


  3. It was quite an experience. It does slow you down but I was able to really see each flower.


  4. I maybe did it in a week, but I was steady.


  5. So, I jogged over to him, and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, I saw a tear in his eye.


  6. If I do it slowly, and no one finds me for a couple of days, there won't be anything they can do about it.


  7. The other is "gaman, " considered a virtue. It means to be patient and persevere in the face of suffering.


  8. If you could put down your arrogance, your ego, stretch out your hands to them, they would definitely hold them and give you a warm hug.


  9. Yeah, it's just a little something to hold my slow jams. -Oh, yeah? -Yeah.


  1. 我慢了下来。

    I slow down.

  2. 我快你快,我慢你慢,我停你停。

    I go fast, you go fast; I go slowly, you go slowly. I stop, you stop.

  3. 他叫我慢点开车。

    He tells me to drive slowly.

  4. 谁游泳游得比我慢?

    Who swims slower than me?

  5. 说来话长,我慢点再告诉你。

    It's a long story. I'll tell you later.

  6. 几个月前,我慢跑根本不在话下。

    A few months ago, I could jog without any problem.

  7. 我慢半拍,就好像你是闪电,我是雷声。

    It is like you are the lightning and I am the thunder.

  8. 除了让我慢下来,你什么忙也没有帮。

    You've done nothing but slow me down.

  9. 然后我进了飞燕诺, 他们让我慢一点。

    Then I was at Feyenoord so they asked me to do it a little slower.

  10. 每当我慢下来,我的血管就像要生锈了。

    Every time I slow down, it's like my veins start to rust.

  11. 史蒂文几个月前,我慢跑根本不在话下。

    Steven A few months ago, I could jog without any problem.

  12. 步柢那足机有多贵,我皆要购。因为我慢需有个足机。

    No matter how expensive the cellphone is, I'll buy it because I need one badly.

  13. 搁浅在河中的沙洲是指狂妄、傲慢或贡高我慢。

    Landing on a small island in the middle of the river means conceit, pride or haughtiness.

  14. 从事此工作者不得贡高我慢,必须以虔诚恭敬的态度来工作。

    A volunteer must cultivate a respectful and sincere attitude and conceit.

  15. 以恭敬心对治我慢,就能消除业障,增长福德与智慧。

    By using respect to overcome pride, we can eliminate karmic obstacles, and increase our merits and wisdom.

  16. 我喜欢慢跑。

    I just like jogging.

  17. 我表慢了4分钟。

    My watch is four minutes slow.

  18. 早餐之前,我要慢跑。

    I jog before breakfast.

  19. 我一天慢跑五哩。

    I jog five miles a day.

  20. 我长期慢跑锻炼身体。

    I've been jogging a lot to get myself into shape.

  21. 我拖慢了你的脚步。

    I'm slowing you down too much.

  22. 我上周慢跑了三公里。

    I jogged three miles last week.

  23. 我记得早上我出去慢跑了。

    I remember jogging this morning.

  24. 像我这般年纪,我喜欢慢跑。

    At my age, I like to jogging.

  25. 不能因为我拖慢了行程。

    We can't slow down because of me.

  26. 冬季让你猜我笑慢一点。

    I guess the winter makes you laugh a little slower.

  27. 我喜欢慢摇但我只喜欢女声的慢摇。

    I like the slow roll but I only like girls shake slow.

  28. 我觉得我对慢跑不太感兴趣。

    I do not think jogging appeals to me very much.

  29. 我发现慢跑对我挺有好处的。

    I find jogging does me good.

  30. 你总是叫我开慢点, 亲爱的。

    You always tell me to drive slowly, darling.