







汉语拼音:tuō xiāo








  1. 商品供不应求,一时供应不上。

    郑义 《迷雾》:“一直敞开供应的白糖,现在市面上脱销了。”《人民日报》1981.9.16:“当前,某些日用小商品脱销断档的问题比较突出,给人民生活带来许多不便,应当引起有关部门的重视。”



  1. By virtue of this superior quality, this product is often sold out of stock in many areas.


  2. By virtue of this superior quality, this product is often sold out of stock in ma fantastic rooms.


  3. Throwing away leftovers is often better business than risking running out of stock.


  4. Yet appropriate attire always seems to be out of stock.


  5. If an item is out of stock, the company policy is to ship what is available, and then ship the rest whenever the stock is replenished.


  6. Fixed Bundle product with required option must have "Configure" button inactive if one of the option is out of stock.


  7. In terms of tracking inventory for shipping, we went from having weekly out-of-stock products to having almost no out-of- stocks.


  8. As a matter of fact, we have run out of stock for a few weeks .


  9. My family started using this product a couple of years ago, but have had a hard time finding it in the local stores.


  1. 许多东西都脱销了。

    Too many items are out of stock.

  2. 这种蓝衬衫已脱销。

    The blue skirts are out of stock.

  3. 该店得蛋刚脱销。

    The store was fresh out of eggs.

  4. 所询之货已脱销。所询之货已脱销。

    The goods you enquire for are out of stock.

  5. 上海充气玩具狗卖脱销

    Inflatable toy dog in Shanghai fall short of supplies

  6. 对不起,烤面包器已脱销了。

    I'm sorry, toasters are out of stock.

  7. 奔驰牌的车已经脱销了。

    The Benz cars are out of stock.

  8. 奔驰牌的床已经脱销了。

    The Benz beds are out of stock.

  9. 然而,合适的衣服似乎总是脱销。

    Yet appropriate attire always seems to be out of stock.

  10. 现在它脱销,你不可能买到的。

    You can't buy it because it's out of stock.

  11. 海狸先生,伐木者,正持续大批脱销。

    Mr. Beaver, Woodchopper, keeps selling out in droves.

  12. 你来信要买的词典现在脱销了。

    The dictionary you wrote for is out of stock.

  13. 你想要的参考书现在已经脱销了。

    The reference book you want is out of stock.

  14. 你所询问的这种货物已经脱销了。

    e. g. The goods you enquire for are out of stock now.

  15. 这部词典当时已脱销,很难弄到。

    The dictionary was then out of print and was hard to come by.

  16. 其原因是,此货品在我处已经脱销。

    The reason is that the product you need has been out of stock.

  17. 有时商店里的某些杂货会有脱销的现象。

    The stores are sometimes sold out of certain groceries.

  18. 事实上我们的货已脱销几个星期了。

    As a matter of fact, we have run out of stock for a few week.

  19. 海狸先生木偶配套用品在人群中脱销一空。

    Mr. Beavers Woodchopper kits selling out in droves.

  20. 上海一家药店经理表示此类药物已脱销。

    A manager of a pharmacy in Shanghai says they are already out of stock.

  21. 扔掉余货总比冒着脱销的风险好。

    Throwing away leftovers is often better business than risking running out of stock.

  22. 许多商店已经脱销了,这增加了父母的紧迫感。

    Many stores have run out of Zhu Zhus, increasing the urgency that parents feel.

  23. 他喜爱听他所臆想出来的产品暂时脱销的回答。

    He loved to be told that one of his imaginary products was temporarily out of stock.

  24. 几个星期以来一直有人订购几种脱销的产品。

    Several out of stock items have been on order for week.

  25. 这么多的孩子买了玩具火箭, 现在商店都脱销了。

    So many children have bought toy rockets that the store is now out of stock.

  26. 一些零售商要求顾客预约购买卷烟,以避免脱销。

    Some retailers are asking customers to make reservations to purchase cigarettes to avoid running out of stock.

  27. 我们上周有一些豆宝宝毛绒玩具,但现在脱销了。

    We had some Beanie Babies last week but now we're all out.

  28. 对不起, 烤面包器已脱销了。面包是在烤炉里烤制的。

    I'm sorry, toasters are out of stock. Bread is baked in an oven.

  29. 贵方所需货品目前脱销,因此我们无法向您报盘。

    The item you required is presently sold out and, therefore, we cannot send you an offer.


  1. 问:脱销拼音怎么拼?脱销的读音是什么?脱销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱销的读音是tuōxiāo,脱销翻译成英文是 be sold out

  2. 问:脱销拼音怎么拼?脱销的读音是什么?脱销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱销的读音是tuōxiāo,脱销翻译成英文是 drain on supplies




注音:tuōxiāo 脱销: 1.商品供不应求﹐一时供应不上。脱销指某种牌号的商品因销售较快在商店里暂时无货可供。

英语解释 sell out Pick out 挑选出·..sell out卖光、脱销·..Work out 解决