







汉语拼音:huā ruǐ







  1. 亦作“ 花蘂 ”。花的雄蕊和雌蕊的统称。

    南朝 梁 何思澄 《奉和湘东王教班婕妤》:“虚殿帘帷静,闲阶花蕊香。” 唐 孟浩然 《夏日辨玉法师茅斋》诗:“物华皆可翫,花蘂四时芳。” 唐 李商隐 《春日》诗:“蝶衔花蕊蜂衔粉,共助青楼一日忙。”

  2. 含苞未放的花,花蕾。

    唐 杜甫 《上巳日徐司录林园宴集》诗:“鬢毛垂领白,花蕊亚枝红。” 宋 范成大 《瑞香花》诗:“酒恶休拈花蘂嗅,花气醉人醲胜酒。”



  1. A bee emerged from the heart of the rose, circled my head twice and flew off across the garden.


  2. Yellow stamen and pistil seems to be flowing bright lives, set up a peach is so beautiful charming, and very different from elsewhere.


  3. By contrast the thermal lily is just a centimetre wide - with tiny satin white flowers with a butter yellow centre.


  4. Attract bees and butterflies, and happy flying tumble, dotted with honey bother to bring it a bunch of flower!


  5. Hibiscus flowers are yellow-tipped stamens and continuously as if a gold in the under petals exceptionally beautiful background.


  6. Season of spring chill chilly wind, slowly and with the light rain, wake up sleeping for a season shoots and buds.


  7. The middle of the flower seems to some like a long bright yellow corn as the soft stems.


  8. Thoughts like a endless stream, like a gentle breeze in the clouds, like a fragrance bursts of flower, like a residual sound Swirling Xiao.


  9. Between the branches and leaves dark green, red petals children, pink-tipped stamens yellow, attract bees buzzing.


  1. 向日葵琥珀花蕊项链

    Sunflower Jadeite With Amber Pistil Necklace

  2. 花蕊象征春天的到临。

    Blossoming symbolizes the coming of spring.

  3. 美存在于无数春天的花蕊开放时。

    It unfolds into the numberless flowers of spring.

  4. 我喜欢花形图案,白色花朵,红色花蕊。

    I would like a flower design, white flowers with red petal.

  5. 淡淡的花蕊心里流淌着蝴蝶的吮吸声。

    In the light stamen and pistil heart the flow butterfly sucks the sound absorption.

  6. 杏花里的花蕊是嫩黄色的,像小豆芽。

    Apricot Lane is a bright yellow flower, like a small bean sprouts.

  7. 内藏的不伸出花冠之外的,如不伸出花冠的雄性花蕊

    Not protruding beyond a surrounding part, as stamens that do not project from a corolla.

  8. 爱在昨天, 不停的想念, 花蕊的凋谢, 情感的善变。

    The fickle can adjust their workout scenery and sound track.

  9. 藏红花粉来源于番红花的三个花柱和花蕊。

    Saffron is the three stigmas and style of the crocus flower.

  10. 恍然间,彼岸花开,血色花蕊,引渡着迷惘的游魂。

    Come to realize, the Bana open, bloody flower, the extradition of the Lost souls.

  11. 结果炮制前后的花蕊石红外光谱图有明显差异。

    Results The IR spectrometry of Ophicalcitum was different before and after calcination.

  12. 心皮, 种子荚果就做你娃娃的头, 花蕊就当衣领。

    The carpel, or seed pod, serves as your doll's head. The stamens will form a collar.

  13. 奇妙的是一朵新花包含了所有的花在她的花蕊之中。

    And what is wonderful is that a new flower contains all the flowers in it.

  14. 她的头颅是花蕊修长的大腿如花茎伸向岌岌可危的大地

    Her body is a flower her slender thighs like floral axes extend into the dangerous earth

  15. 中间的花蕊上似乎长着一些似玉米一样嫩黄色的软茎。

    The middle of the flower seems to some like a long bright yellow corn as the soft stems.

  16. 那灌木丛里的知更雀就在叼起的花蕊里栖养安年。

    The bushes in the mouth bird flowers habitat raising An Nian.

  17. 秋天来到了, 花蕊夫人为排遣心中的寂寞, 带着随从去踏青。

    Came in the fall, Huaruifuren Paiqian for lonely hearts, with the entourage to TaQing.

  18. 吸引着蜂蝶,欢快地飘舞翻飞,点缀花心那一簇带蜜的花蕊!

    Attract bees and butterflies, and happy flying tumble, dotted with honey bother to bring it a bunch of flower!


  1. 问:花蕊拼音怎么拼?花蕊的读音是什么?花蕊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花蕊的读音是huāruǐ,花蕊翻译成英文是 pistil; stamen

  2. 问:花蕊石拼音怎么拼?花蕊石的读音是什么?花蕊石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花蕊石的读音是huāruǐshí,花蕊石翻译成英文是 Ophicslcite; Ophicalcitum

  3. 问:花蕊同长拼音怎么拼?花蕊同长的读音是什么?花蕊同长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花蕊同长的读音是huā ruǐ tóng cháng,花蕊同长翻译成英文是 homogony

  4. 问:花蕊异长拼音怎么拼?花蕊异长的读音是什么?花蕊异长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花蕊异长的读音是huā ruǐ yì cháng,花蕊异长翻译成英文是 heterogony

  5. 问:花蕊同长的拼音怎么拼?花蕊同长的的读音是什么?花蕊同长的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花蕊同长的的读音是huā ruǐ tóng cháng de,花蕊同长的翻译成英文是 homogonous

  6. 问:花蕊异长的拼音怎么拼?花蕊异长的的读音是什么?花蕊异长的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花蕊异长的的读音是huā ruǐ yì cháng de,花蕊异长的翻译成英文是 heterogonous

  7. 问:花蕊夫人 (后蜀)拼音怎么拼?花蕊夫人 (后蜀)的读音是什么?花蕊夫人 (后蜀)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花蕊夫人 (后蜀)的读音是,花蕊夫人 (后蜀)翻译成英文是 Lady Huarui



“花蕊”是个多义词,它可以指花蕊(模特), 花蕊(植物)。