


积蓄:~蓄。~备。~金。~放。~运。~户。~量(liàng )。~君(太子,亦称“储贰”、“储宫”、“皇储”)。姓。……


1. 藏 [cáng]2. 藏 [zàng]藏 [cáng]隐避起来:埋~。包~。~奸。~匿。隐~。蕴~。~污纳垢。收存起来:收~。~品。~书。储~。藏 [zàng]储放东西的地方:~府。宝~。道教、佛教经典的总称:道~。大~经。三~(佛教……



汉语拼音:chǔ cáng









  1. 收藏;保藏。

    宋 王应麟 《玉海·艺文·绍兴麟台故事》:“ 淳熙 四年秋, 陈騤 续为《馆阁録》十卷,记沿革、省舍、储藏,修纂、撰述故实,官联、廪禄、职掌。” 清 叶廷琯 《鸥陂渔话·复古殿英石供》:“ 復古 为 理宗 殿名,储藏翰墨之地。” 清 阮元 《小沧浪笔谈》卷三:“ 宋 时宸翰,专阁储藏,疑当直阁者用以题识。”如:储藏室。

  2. 蕴藏。

    杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第三章二:“他那肌肉并不丰满的身体里,象是储藏着使用不尽的精力。”



  1. There was a time when my life was like a bud, all its perfume was stored in its core.


  2. He wants to work on his hobby of photography, but his equipment is all in the storage room in his apartment building.


  3. It's as if millions of Americans are drowning while Republicans stand on the shore, hoarding life preservers by the armfuls.


  4. The word must sit in the lumber room of every cinema, a set of marquee letters permanently joined up and ready to be re-winched into place.


  5. Empty bottle slumbered the bottom of every closet .


  6. The bank was a repository of government funds and a source of loans for individuals and the federal and state governments.


  7. I was going to bed the other night when my wife told me that I had left the light on in the shed. She could see from the bedroom window.


  8. Lesbian Xiao Ying regrets that she came out of the closet too quickly when, at age 19, she told her mother.


  9. I hoped it would show well though I feared that 14 might be pushing it a bit.


  1. 储藏蔬菜的地窖

    root cellar

  2. 储藏量守恒

    conservation of resources.

  3. 食物的储藏不够。

    The storage of food was not enough.

  4. 储藏干草料的顶棚

    A loft for storing hay.

  5. 这些苹果很易储藏。

    These apples store well.

  6. 这些苹果很易储藏。

    These apples store well.

  7. 他把酒储藏在地下。

    He stores his wine underground.

  8. 酒窖,酒栈储藏酒的仓库

    A warehouse for the storage of wine.

  9. 粮仓建筑和粮食储藏

    Granary Construction and Grain Storage

  10. 储藏后, 啤酒即可过滤。

    After storage the beer is ready for filtration.

  11. 在德州教材储藏所。

    Texas School Book Depository.

  12. 在德州教材储藏所。

    Texas School Book Depository.

  13. 他把许多蛋储藏起来。

    He put down a lot of eggs.

  14. 展期后展品保税储藏

    Bonded warehouse for storing exhibits after exhibition

  15. 电导传感器保护和储藏

    Conductivity Probe Care and Storage

  16. 这是储藏船帆的箱子。

    Heres the chest where the galleys sails are stored.

  17. 超市用雪柜储藏冷饮。

    The supermarket uses a refrigerator to store drinks.

  18. 苏联的煤的储藏很丰富。

    There are extensive coal deposits in the U.S.S.R.

  19. 苏联得煤得储藏很丰富。

    There are extensive coal deposits in the U. S. S. R.

  20. 我们往仓库里储藏粮食。

    We store our grain into the storehouse.

  21. 储藏在草料顶棚中的干草

    The hay stored in a hayloft.

  22. 松鼠储藏坚果以防冬天。

    The squirrel hoards up nuts for the winter.

  23. 这个商人储藏大米, 囤积居奇。

    The businessman stored up rice to corner the market.

  24. 他储藏了一窑好酒。

    He has put down a good cellar of wine.

  25. 松鼠常用树洞储藏坚果。

    Squirrels often use a hollow in a tree to store nuts.

  26. 他的心是事实的储藏处。

    His mind is a reservoir of facts.

  27. 大葱采收处理和储藏技术

    The Technology of Gathering Treating and Storing Shallot

  28. 壁间保险箱及储藏柜

    wall safe and bank

  29. 今天我们有所有的储藏系统。

    Today we have all sorts of storage systems.

  30. 我国有丰富的石油储藏。

    Our country abounds in oil deposits.


  1. 问:储藏拼音怎么拼?储藏的读音是什么?储藏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏的读音是chǔcáng,储藏翻译成英文是 store; contain

  2. 问:储藏室拼音怎么拼?储藏室的读音是什么?储藏室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏室的读音是chǔcángshì,储藏室翻译成英文是 storeroom

  3. 问:储藏屋拼音怎么拼?储藏屋的读音是什么?储藏屋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏屋的读音是chǔ cáng wū,储藏屋翻译成英文是 stock room

  4. 问:储藏库拼音怎么拼?储藏库的读音是什么?储藏库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏库的读音是chǔ cáng kù,储藏库翻译成英文是 storage garage

  5. 问:储藏间拼音怎么拼?储藏间的读音是什么?储藏间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏间的读音是chǔ cáng jiān,储藏间翻译成英文是 dingle

  6. 问:储藏仓库拼音怎么拼?储藏仓库的读音是什么?储藏仓库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏仓库的读音是chǔ cáng cāng kù,储藏仓库翻译成英文是 storage reservoir

  7. 问:储藏场所拼音怎么拼?储藏场所的读音是什么?储藏场所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏场所的读音是chǔ cáng cháng suǒ,储藏场所翻译成英文是 storage space

  8. 问:储藏容积拼音怎么拼?储藏容积的读音是什么?储藏容积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏容积的读音是chǔ cáng róng jī,储藏容积翻译成英文是 storage volume

  9. 问:储藏小室拼音怎么拼?储藏小室的读音是什么?储藏小室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏小室的读音是chǔ cáng xiǎo shì,储藏小室翻译成英文是 storage cabinet

  10. 问:储藏空间拼音怎么拼?储藏空间的读音是什么?储藏空间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏空间的读音是chǔcángkōngjiān,储藏空间翻译成英文是 storage space

  11. 问:储藏货币拼音怎么拼?储藏货币的读音是什么?储藏货币翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏货币的读音是chǔ cáng huò bì,储藏货币翻译成英文是 hoarding of money

  12. 问:储藏建筑物拼音怎么拼?储藏建筑物的读音是什么?储藏建筑物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏建筑物的读音是chǔ cáng jiàn zhù wù,储藏建筑物翻译成英文是 storage structure

  13. 问:储藏物螨类拼音怎么拼?储藏物螨类的读音是什么?储藏物螨类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏物螨类的读音是chǔ cáng wù mǎn lèi,储藏物螨类翻译成英文是 stored product mites

  14. 问:储藏耐久性拼音怎么拼?储藏耐久性的读音是什么?储藏耐久性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏耐久性的读音是chǔ cáng nài jiǔ xìng,储藏耐久性翻译成英文是 package stability

  15. 问:储藏式供水加热器拼音怎么拼?储藏式供水加热器的读音是什么?储藏式供水加热器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏式供水加热器的读音是chǔ cáng shì gōng shuǐ jiā rè qì,储藏式供水加热器翻译成英文是 storage-type service water heater

  16. 问:储藏室致冷贮存设备拼音怎么拼?储藏室致冷贮存设备的读音是什么?储藏室致冷贮存设备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:储藏室致冷贮存设备的读音是chǔcángshì zhìlěng zhùcún shèbèi,储藏室致冷贮存设备翻译成英文是 Air-Cooled Vault Storage Facility



【chǔ cáng】 (1) 把一样东西长久的保管起来。例:储藏在地下室内的马铃薯。 (2)把…积聚收藏起来。例:储藏粮食。 (3)蕴藏而未发掘。例:储藏量;铁矿储藏丰富。

近义词:保藏 储存 蕴藏
