







汉语拼音:zài suǒ






  1. 犹言所在地。

    《史记·平準书》:“郡不出铁者,置小铁官,便属在所县。”《后汉书·光武帝纪下》:“﹝ 建武 十四年﹞十二月癸卯,詔 益 凉 二州奴婢,自八年以来自讼在所官,一切免为庶人,卖者无还直。” 杨树达 《积微居读书记·后汉书·光武纪下》“詔 益 梁 二州奴婢”:“在‘在所’今言‘所在地’,‘在所官’谓所在地之官署。”《宋书·孝武帝纪》:“凡诸守莅亲民之官,可详申旧条,勤尽地利。力田善蓄者,在所具以名闻。”《新唐书·藩镇传·李正己》:“政令严酷,在所不敢偶语,威震邻境。”



  1. It should also make sure that regional assessments benefit from global expertise, not just that of those living in the regions in question.


  2. And on an appointed day Herod arrayed himself in royal clothing and sat on the judgment seat; and he delivered a public address to them.


  3. He loves us as we are. : He delights himself in the creature on account of rays of his image seen in them.


  4. That part of a luminaire designed to reflect the luminous flux of the lamps in required directions by means of specular reflection .


  5. The frequency and high cost of this has led to reluctance by some operators to have this maintenance done at the required frequency.


  6. In the model domain, the surface currents of the SCS have the closest relations with the monsoon with an apparent seasonal variation.


  7. "With a comparatively good language background, students will concentrate more on their lessons, " she said.


  8. Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem.


  9. In the design provided, each button in the control bar was actually just a single word of text and looked more like a link than a button.


  1. 成败利钝在所不计

    Irrespective of success or failure

  2. 亲自上阵也在所不惜

    even if I have to do it myself.

  3. 我们纵然肝脑涂地, 在所不惜。

    We would be ready to die the cruelest death for our principles without any grudge.

  4. 请在所选框中打勾


  5. 即使血洗天下我也在所不惜!

    If you would only have loved me!

  6. 在卢旺达,在所罗门群岛。

    In Rwanda, in the Solomon Islands.

  7. 为了国家赴蹈火也在所不惜。

    He would go through fire and water for his country.

  8. 所提索赔写在所附文件之中。

    The claim is set out in the enclosed document.

  9. 更多信息包含在所附文件。

    More information is included in attached document.

  10. 在所罗门时代银子不值钱。

    Silver was not accounted of in the days of Solomon.

  11. 命在所赐予我们的不是绝望。

    Our destiny offers, not the cup of despair.

  12. 我们在所干得这行相当出色。

    We do what we do very very well.

  13. 我们在所干的这行相当出色。

    We do what we do very very well.

  14. 在所给的示例,还得到以下的值

    In the given example, this also leads to

  15. 在所选范围中右移一个域

    Move within a selection right one field

  16. 阅读必须在所标示的课前完成。

    Readings must be completed before the class number noted.

  17. 在所说的那一天,我们在加的夫。

    On the day in question we were in Cardiff.

  18. 在所发的答题纸上写下答案。

    Write your answers on the sheet provided.

  19. 荧光体层形成在所述放电室中。

    Phosphor layers are formed in the discharge cells.

  20. 那人在所犯得罪中不独一人死亡。

    And that man did not perish alone in his iniquity.

  21. 撞在所挂的墙上, 发出不祥的预兆。

    Clanged on the wall, where it hung, with a sound of sinister omen.

  22. 在所说的那一天,我们在加地夫。

    On the day in question we were in Cardiff.

  23. 撞在所挂得墙上,发出不祥得预兆。

    Clanged on the wall, where it hung, with a sound of sinister omen.

  24. 在所述蚀刻停止图案上形成绝缘层

    forming an insulation layer over the etch stop pattern

  25. 你是拿破仑,我你约瑟芬,为你在所不惜!

    If you are Napoleon, I am your Josephine, refuses to balk for you!

  26. 为了获得他们的支持,任何代价均在所不惜。

    No price is too high for winning their support.

  27. 在他84岁那年,他在所热爱的费城去世。

    He died at 84 in his beloved Philadelphia.

  28. 那人在所犯的罪中不独一人死亡。

    And that man did not perish alone in his iniquity.

  29. 那些支持者知道他难免出错,他们在所不惜。

    even though they knew that Hathaway might be fallible.

  30. 你要在所披的外衣上四围做繸子。

    Make tassels on the four corners of the cloak you wear.


  1. 问:在所不惜拼音怎么拼?在所不惜的读音是什么?在所不惜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在所不惜的读音是zàisuǒbùxī,在所不惜翻译成英文是 will not grudge; will be regardless of the cost...

  2. 问:在所不计拼音怎么拼?在所不计的读音是什么?在所不计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在所不计的读音是zàisuǒbùjì,在所不计翻译成英文是 Will not begrudge.

  3. 问:在所不辞拼音怎么拼?在所不辞的读音是什么?在所不辞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在所不辞的读音是zàisuǒbùcí,在所不辞翻译成英文是 will not decline under any circumstances...

  4. 问:在所难免拼音怎么拼?在所难免的读音是什么?在所难免翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在所难免的读音是zàisuǒnánmiǎn,在所难免翻译成英文是 unavoidable; can hardly be avoided