




1. 妻 [qī]2. 妻 [qì]妻 [qī]男子的配偶:~子。~室(指妻子)。~小(妻子和儿女)。~离子散。妻 [qì]以女嫁人。……



汉语拼音:xián qī







  1. And of course she had gotten pregnant right away, like a good, old-style Italian wife was supposed to, and that helped.


  2. She plays private investigator Kalinda Sharma in The Good Wife, a CBS legal drama, which will return for a second season this fall.


  3. it's a good horse that never stumbles. and a good wife that never grumbles.


  4. She would made him a good wife.


  5. All you need for happiness is a good gun, a good horse, and a good wife.


  6. There's a natural feel happy, if encounter, overbearing, also do not have a scenery.


  7. So make your wife a good wife, and make yourself a good husband. And make the neighbor's wife also become a good wife to her husband.


  8. No road is long with your wife.


  9. A good wife and health, is a man's best wealth.


  1. 她是个贤妻良母。

    She is a good wife and a good mather.

  2. 她是一位贤妻良母。

    She is a dutiful wife and loving mother.

  3. 她可以成为他的贤妻。

    She would make him a good wife.

  4. 妻子也是那种典型的贤妻良母

    Virtuous wife and caring mother

  5. 既是贤妻良母, 又是事业强人。

    If not to be a virtuous wife and fine mother and then a strong person undertaking a cause.

  6. 贤妻和健康是男子的至宝。

    A good wife and health is a man's best wealth.

  7. 是贤妻良母的气质,喜欢小动物。

    Is a wife and mother's temperament, likes small animals.

  8. 贤妻最可贵, 恶妇是灾星

    Of earthly goods the best is a good wife A Bad the Bitterest curse of human life

  9. 拿你来说,本是贤妻良母一个。

    Now take you. you were the perfect wife and mom.

  10. 拿你来说,本是贤妻良母一个。

    Now take you. You were the perfect wife and mom.

  11. 拿你来说,本是贤妻良母一个。

    Now take you. you were the perfect wife and mom.

  12. 许多女性已摒弃了贤妻良母的传统角色。

    Many women have abandoned their traditional role as wife and mother.

  13. 她不甘于只是做丈夫心目中的贤妻。

    She wanted her husband to know she was more than just a wife.

  14. 她努力做一个无可挑剔的贤妻。

    She strove to perform all her wifely functions perfectly.

  15. 贤妻与健康乃男人之最大的财富。

    A good wife and health are a man's best wealth.

  16. 贤妻与健康乃男人之最大得财富。

    A good wife and health are a man's best wealth.

  17. 婚后,则期望妇女忠于丈夫,做贤妻良母。

    After marriage, a woman is expected to remain faithful to her husband and be a good wife and mother.

  18. 她所受到的教育教会了她怎样做贤妻良母。

    Her education had taught her how to an enlightened mother and wife.

  19. 她同时具有贤妻和良母的最佳品德。

    She unites the best qualities of a good wife and a tender mother.

  20. 后来她回到家还是贤妻良母,笑容可掬,尽职尽责。

    Then she returned to the family, wife and mother again, smiling an responsible.

  21. 这与只要我们当个贤妻良母又有什么不同?

    This is not very different from what is expected of us as good wives and good mothers.

  22. 拥有一个天性仁爱的贤妻,我当然很幸运。

    I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving by nature.

  23. 得着贤妻的, 是得着好处, 也是蒙了耶和华的恩惠。

    He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.

  24. 妈妈待人真诚, 态度和蔼可亲, 是一位典型的贤妻良母。

    Mother others sincere, friendly attitude is typical of a good wife good mother.

  25. 娶个婚前的处女, 不如娶个婚后的贞女, 处女未必是贤妻。

    Before marrying a marriage maiden, not as female as the chastity after marrying a marriage, maiden may not is virtuous wife.

  26. 我头一次看见她那天就同她说,她将来是一位贤妻良母。

    I told her the day I saw her for the first time that she would make some man a good wife and mother.

  27. 慈母由贤妻良母沦为鸨母, 与社会经济文化发展密不可分。

    The mother image changed from an understanding wife and loving mother to a bawd, which was inseparable with the development of social economy and culture.


  1. 问:贤妻良母拼音怎么拼?贤妻良母的读音是什么?贤妻良母翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贤妻良母的读音是xiánqīliángmǔ,贤妻良母翻译成英文是 good wife and loving mother