


1. 涌 [yǒng]2. 涌 [chōng]涌 [yǒng]水由下向上冒出来:~泉。~流。汹~。泪如泉~。像水涌出:~现。~动。风起云~。天边~出一轮明月。涌 [chōng]方言,河汊。……


液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……



汉语拼音:yǒng liú







  1. 喷涌流淌。

    方志敏 《可爱的中国》:“母亲的血在涌流出来……她的眼泪和血在竞着涌流。” 邹韬奋 《经历》附录:“往往讲到孤女患难,或义妇含冤的凄惨的情形,她两人便都热泪盈眶,泪珠尽往颊上涌流着。”

  2. 犹奔泻。

    杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第一章:“敌人像潮水一样,哗地涌流到东边山根下。”



  1. You didn't speak and there was a sort of current, a flow of energy around the place, around him, and what he was creating.


  2. When you maintain the state of flow it will feel as if there's powerful energy working through you, driving you onward.


  3. But soon, by God's power, her little oil jar began pumping like an offshore rig, and she had as much oil as she could contain.


  4. They believe the data support an idea current among marine biologists , that of the " shifting baseline " .


  5. The love of God and of Christ is shed abroad in his heart, and becomes a well of living water, flowing forth as love to the Lord Jesus.


  6. As such, the current through the motor winding cannot be turned on or off instantaneously without involving infinite voltages!


  7. So far, the core problem of transformer differential protection is still how to precisely identify the magnetizing inrush current.


  8. Metallic coatings, autocatalytic (without foreign current) separated nickel phosphorus alloy coatings, specifications and test methods.


  9. Above is only the theory part of restraining inrush current research.


  1. 变压器涌流

    inrush current of transformer.

  2. 波涌流灌溉

    Surge irrigation.

  3. 伤口处涌流出的血液

    blood gushing from a wound

  4. 水在农村到处涌流漫溢。

    Water was gushing and fanning out all over the countryside.

  5. 强化财富观念促进财源涌流

    Reinforce the Consciousness of Wealth and Bring Out Fortunes

  6. 它是生命的深泉在涌流。

    it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

  7. 熔岩沿火山坡面涌流而下。

    The lava flowed down the sides of the volcano.

  8. 青春是生命得深泉在涌流。

    It is the freshness of the deep spring of life.

  9. 青春是生命的深泉在涌流。

    It is the freshness of the deep spring of life.

  10. 热水不断地从水龙头中涌流出来。

    The hot water was springing out of the tap.

  11. 岩浆就会从火山口缓缓涌流出来。

    The lava will just ooze gently out of the crater.

  12. 怜悯江河涌流不断,迫我不断来歌咏。

    Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for loudest praise.

  13. 当真理化为行动, 公义便得以涌流。

    Righteousness follows when truth springs into action.

  14. 涌流上小山复流下威廉王大街。

    Flowed up hill and down King William Street.

  15. 来个心房得大扫除吧!让生命得源泉涌流。

    Tidy your heart and let the fountain of life flows.

  16. 来个心房的大扫除吧!让生命的源泉涌流。

    Tidy your heart and let the fountain of life flows.

  17. 涌流沟灌土壤入渗模型的研究现状

    Present Situation of the Research on Soil Infiltration Models under Surge Irrigation

  18. 涌流灌溉是一种节水型地面灌溉新技术。

    Surge irrigation is a new kind of water saving technique for surface irrigation.

  19. 计及剩磁的变压器励磁涌流的仿真研究

    Simulation Research on Transformer Inrush Current in Consideration of Remnant Magnetic Flux

  20. 当我的双腿开始移动的时候,我的思维开始涌流。

    Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.

  21. 变压器涌流分析及微机保护配置与应用研究

    Transformer Flashy Flow Analysis and PC Protect Allocation and Application Study

  22. 变压器励磁涌流鉴别技术的现状和发展

    Trend and Situation of Distinguish Technology of Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Current

  23. 和应涌流对变压器差动保护的影响及对策

    The Influences and Countermeasures of Sympathetic Inrush Current in Transformer Differential Protection

  24. 和应涌流对变压器差动保护影响的试验研究

    Test and study on the effect of surge current on differential protection for transformer

  25. 涌流灌溉是80年代发展起来的一项地面灌溉新技术。

    Surge flow irrigation is a new surface irrigation technique developed in1980 s.

  26. 油从触到了大暗礁得油船上涌流而出。

    Oil is gushing from the tanker which ran aground on the large reef.

  27. 油从触到了大暗礁的油船上涌流而出。

    Oil is gushing from the tanker which ran aground on the large reef.

  28. 在这纸中一新的循环归纳类型生涌流被报告。

    In this paper a new circulating inductive type of bearing current is reported.

  29. 与海水咫尺相隔的宋井中涌流出汩汩甘泉。

    The water in a Song Dynasty well near the sea still tastes sweet today.

  30. 恶潮涌流之河滞塞着无法平息的忿怒古老火焰

    Rivers flowing with evil shall be obstacles the old flame of ire unappeased


  1. 问:涌流拼音怎么拼?涌流的读音是什么?涌流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涌流的读音是yǒngliú,涌流翻译成英文是 flow rapidly; pour; stream




拼音:yǒng líu 基本解释 [vomit] 喷涌流淌 山下涌流着宽阔的江水 详细解释 1. 喷涌流淌。

方志敏 《可爱的中国》:“母亲的血在涌流出来……她的眼泪和血在竞着涌流。” 邹韬奋 《经历》附录:“往往讲到孤女患难,或义妇含冤的凄惨的情形,她两人便都热泪盈眶,泪珠尽往颊上涌流着。” 2. 犹奔泻。

杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第一章:“敌人像潮水一样,哗地涌流到东边山根下。”