







汉语拼音:liǎng xìng






  1. 结成婚姻关系的两家。

    《南齐书·礼志上》:“夫人伦之始,莫重冠婚,所以尊表成德,结欢两姓。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷五:“元来 唐 时衣冠人家,婚礼极重。合卺之夕,凡属两姓亲朋,无有不来的。” 清 余怀 《<板桥杂记>小引》:“五伦之外,无妨别缔良缘;两姓之餘,到处可逢佳偶。”



  1. As the town with the yellow, two surnamed Yao majority, hence the name "Huang Yao. "


  1. 门上有两块姓名牌。

    There were two name plates on the door.

  2. 在西方国家,人们通常有三个名字,两个名一个姓。

    In Western countries, people usually have three names, two given names and one family name.

  3. 两个月前一名姓杨的质检员发现了这种物质。

    It was found out two months ago by a woman quality inspector surnamed Yang.

  4. 两人被控故意杀人,其中张姓男子负有主要责任。

    Both were charged with intentional homicide, for which Zhang was primarily liable.

  5. 两人完婚以后, 他改姓女家的姓, 为华家传宗接代。

    After the wedding, he took her family's name, to perpetuate the Hua line.

  6. 蒙太古大人, 两大相互仇杀家族的族姓头人之一。

    Montague, heads of two houses at variance with each other.

  7. 如果有一个姓你认识的不止一个,那就圈两次。

    If you know more than one person with the same last name, circle it twice.

  8. 那姓高的老汉死啦,他想,可是青杨树才栽上两年。

    Old Gao is dead, he thought. But his trees have only been in the ground two years.

  9. 配有两只外套农架附有可拆装的肩带,箱锁和姓名牌。

    Complete with two coathangers, detachable shoulder strap, padlock, and a name tag.

  10. 支持姓韩这小子吧,他骂的三人中有两个我听着都不顺耳。

    To support this Han brat? I've heard nasty stuff about two of the three people he insulted.

  11. 我们这里有两位叫这个姓的。

    We have two persons with that name here.

  12. 我们这里有两位姓布朗的人。

    We have two Browns here.

  13. 我们这里有两位姓布朗得人。

    We have two Browns here.

  14. 虽然他们两人同姓,但他们没有亲属关系。

    Although their surnames are identical, they are not of kin.

  15. 汉姓一般都是一个字,最多是两个字。

    The surname of Han people has one character, and two characters at most.

  16. 两个人虽然同名同姓,但生活,际遇各有不同。

    The two share the same name but their lives and fates are not likely the same.

  17. 我们这里有两位姓史密斯得先生。你要找哪一位?

    We have two Mr Smiths. Which do you want?

  18. 我们这里有两位姓史密斯的先生。你要找哪一位?

    We have two Mr Smiths. Which do you want?

  19. 这位周姓盗贼闯进一家富人家、发现了两枚巨大钻戒。

    Zhou broke into a wealthy home and found two huge diamond rings.

  20. 我们这里有两个迈克。可不可以请你告诉我他贵姓呢?

    We have two Mikes here. Could you tell me his last name, please?

  21. 两千年前的汉代,华阴山北面,住着一姓杨的农户。

    During the Han dynasty, about two thousand years ago, to the north of Huayin Mountain, there lived a family called Yang.