







汉语拼音:liǎng quán








  1. 顾全双方或两方面;于两方面皆无损害。

    《韩诗外传》卷十:“ 申鸣 曰:受君之禄,避君之难,非忠臣也;正君之法,以杀其父,又非孝子也。行不两全,名不两立。”《三国志·魏志·荀攸传》:“今兄弟遘恶,此势不两全。” 金 王若虚 《五经辨惑下》:“事有不幸而莫能两全,亦权其轻重而处之耳。” 叶圣陶 《城中·搭班子》:“他要维持一家的生命,我要发展一校的生命,两全是办不到的。”



  1. She drawn something on paper for half of the day trying to find some way was satisfactory to both parties.


  2. So, let us bravely face life seems not to get both things, the courage to give up, perhaps to get the perfect ending.


  3. at the core of the debate is a quandary expressed mainly by the Times of London.


  4. Speaking from the practical manufacture, it's hard to satisfy sharpness and weight!


  5. New studies show that sword tail fish have evolved a clever solution: use ultraviolet light.


  6. Even so, he says, "the truth is, there are ways to get the job and still get the compensation you want. "


  7. Can the region exploit its hidden treasures and keep locals happy, too?


  8. All kinds of efficient methods and measures shall be adopted to protect and develop as the final goals.


  9. 21As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals.


  1. 忠孝难以两全。

    It is difficult to be a loyal subject and a filial son at the same time.

  2. 我既想住在海边, 又想住在办公室附近, 但是没法两全。

    I'd like to live close to the beach and close to my office, but I can't have things both ways.

  3. 世事两难全。

    You can not eat your cake and have it also.

  4. 刚才两发全中

    who just hit a double.

  5. 同时做两份全职工作根本没法过。

    Two full time jobs is no way to live.

  6. 两份全职工作等着我时就坚持不了了

    That died the minute I took on two fulltime jobs.

  7. 阿德里奇再两罚全中,把比分进一步扩大。

    Aldridge added a pair of free throws to extend it.

  8. 前两年几乎全靠奖学金维持生活。

    In his first two years, he lived almost entirely on scholarships.

  9. 应该把解放生产力和发展生产力两个讲全了。

    Both the liberation and the expansion of the productive forces are essential.

  10. 原因是我在那买了根牙刷, 两天内全掉光了毛。

    The reason is that I bought a root toothbrushes, all within two days of hair out.

  11. 诊断结果她的两只耳朵几乎全聋。

    The verdict she was nearly deaf in both ears.

  12. 打开电视只有两个频道, 全是朝语得。

    There are two channels only to turn on the TV set, are all the Korean one.

  13. 打开电视只有两个频道, 全是朝语的。

    There are two channels only to turn on the TV set, are all the Korean one.

  14. 他在过去的两个赛季是全联盟得分王和出场时间列第四。

    He led the league in scoring and was fourth in minutes in each of the past two seasons.

  15. 我已读了鲁迅全集中的两卷。

    I had read two rolls among Lu Xun complete works.

  16. 看它的精力全在它两腰,它的力量在腹部的肌肉。

    Behold the strength in his loins, and his vigor in the sinews of his belly.

  17. 我只晚了两分钟, 可他们全走了。

    I was only two minutes late but they'd all buggered off.

  18. 风琴上包括乐器全音域的两个主音栓之一

    either of the two principal stops on a pipe organ that form the tonal basis for the entire scale of the instrument

  19. 风琴上包括乐器全音域得两个主音栓之一。

    Either of the two principal stops on a pipe organ that form the tonal basis for the entire scale of the instrument.

  20. 由于高压突然增加了两倍,电子管全烧坏了。

    As the voltage was abruptly trebled the valves burnt.

  21. 这面孔上所仅有的小变动全在这两个凹处或瘪处。

    The only little change that the face ever showed resided in the two compressions or dints.

  22. 这面孔上所仅有得小变动全在这两个凹处或瘪处。

    The only little change that the face ever showed resided in the two compressions or dints.

  23. 莫天全困惑来自两个方面,一个是企业,到底该怎么走?

    Mo Tianquan Bewilderment comes from two respects, one is an enterprise, how should go after all.

  24. 在集中营里关了两年他的身体全垮掉了。

    His health, as a result of his two years in a concentration camp, was naturally shot to pieces.

  25. 两扇窗户都是全开的,苍白的月亮光洒满了卧室。

    With both windows open wide, the light of the waning moon spilled across the bedchamber.

  26. 二全音符相当于两个全音符的一个音符

    A note equivalent to two whole notes.

  27. 分析了全电动注塑机的两种射胶系统。

    Two kinds of injection systems of full electric molding machine are analyzed.

  28. 浮动球阀具有全通径和缩径两种结构形式。

    ANSI full bore and necking of two structural forms.

  29. 全闭式垃圾中转站两种提机构的结构比较

    Make a comparison between two kind of lifting mechanisms whole close refuse transfer staion

  30. 如果状态是全双工,则两个磁盘处于同步模式。

    If the state is full duplex, the two disks are in sync.


  1. 问:两全拼音怎么拼?两全的读音是什么?两全翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两全的读音是liǎngquán,两全翻译成英文是 to satisfy both sides; to have regard for both...

  2. 问:两全其美拼音怎么拼?两全其美的读音是什么?两全其美翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两全其美的读音是liǎngquánqíměi,两全其美翻译成英文是 satisfy both sides

  3. 问:两全齐美拼音怎么拼?两全齐美的读音是什么?两全齐美翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两全齐美的读音是liǎngquánqíměi,两全齐美翻译成英文是 satisfy both sides

  4. 问:两全保险拼音怎么拼?两全保险的读音是什么?两全保险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两全保险的读音是liǎng quán bǎo xiǎn,两全保险翻译成英文是 endowment insurance




拼音:liǎngquán英文:[be satisfactory to both parties;have regard for both demands]