


总括,总起来:~一。~率(shuài)。~帅。~摄(统辖)。~考。~筹。~战。~共。~购~销。事物的连续关系:系~。血~。传(chuán )~。体~。……





汉语拼音:tǒng chóu







  1. 通盘筹划。中国近代史资料丛刊《太平天囯·史致谔档案》:“职道每与善后筹餉各局员绅统筹出入,未尝不叹措手之难。”《清史稿·穆宗纪一》:“諭 曾国藩 统筹 江 北军务。” 阿英 《许穆夫人》:“他统筹这样情况,就替 齐国 做了一个援助 邢 卫 两国,以增强 齐国 霸主威信,而不遭受损失的军事计划。”



  1. has everything coordinated and organized for the matter in hand.


  2. Need a good SEO strategy for data analysis in many effective basis, and that to a more comprehensive coordinating the entire SEO project.


  3. Fiscal policy is an important means of macroeconomics and will become effective instrument of balancing urban and rural development.


  4. The project , if it takes off the ground, will be co-ordinated by the university s history department .


  5. At least Band Four holder. Good command of office software, strong analytical ability and problem solving ability.


  6. mr yang joined haccp on 2 october and takes over from mrs betty fung , cyberport coordinator , as the executive head of the company.


  7. Overall planning of the urban and rural developments is one of the most important measures to carry out the scientific development concept.


  8. A fine style, treats people with sincerity, interpersonal relations, to calm steady and can be reasonably arrangements in the life.


  9. In a new period, attention is increasingly given to space planning as a whole, which makes it become an integral part of regional planning.


  1. 统筹养老金

    public pool pension.

  2. 统筹方法网络

    PERT network

  3. 养老保险统筹

    endowment insurance plan.

  4. 约翰统筹该计划。

    John heads up the project.

  5. 农产品统筹派购

    Unified purchasing of farm products by the state according to the fixed quotas

  6. 社会保险统筹办公室

    General planning office of social insurance

  7. 瞻前顾后, 统筹安排

    all factors taken into consideration in making overall arrangement

  8. 货币汇率统筹制度

    currency pooling system

  9. 养老保险社会统筹

    pension insurance policy

  10. 统筹协调筹备工作

    coordinate preparatory work

  11. 统筹中的政策导向

    co ordination of policy oriented

  12. 海洋学统筹委员会

    Interagency Committee on Oceanography

  13. 协调, 统筹能力较强。

    Good Coordination and Planning ability.

  14. 协调,统筹能力较强。

    Good Coordination and Planning ability.

  15. 农村发展的统筹方法

    An integrated approach to rural development

  16. 其作划入统筹基金。

    Its are made delimit as a whole fund.

  17. 主角的统筹才是重点

    It's about the dominance of the protagonist.

  18. 论成渝经济统筹发展

    The Theory of Unitary Development of Chengdu and Chongqing

  19. 三方会议和统筹委员会会议

    tripartite meetings and co ordination committee meetings.

  20. 统筹规划海洋的开发和整治。

    Overall planning for marine development and control.

  21. 社会统筹与个人账户相结合

    social orchestration and personal accounts combined together

  22. 历史档案馆, 教育统筹局

    Public Records Office and Education and Manpower Bureau

  23. 教育统筹局已改名为教育局。

    Education and Manpower Bureau is renamed as Education Bureau.

  24. 教育统筹委员会对教育制度的检讨。

    The Education Commission s review of the system.

  25. 统筹医疗保险保费测算方法研究

    Study of Calculating Method to Pool Medical Insurance Fee

  26. 队中一部份人是统筹的人。

    Part of this team is a coordinator.

  27. 统筹方法中分布律的多样性

    The variety of distributions for the critical path method

  28. 急性喉炎患儿的护理急救统筹

    Nursing Emergency Management of the Children with Acute Laryngitis

  29. 统筹推进城镇化和新农村建设。

    We will balance promoting urbanization and building a new countryside.

  30. 基于统筹方法的数控铣床开发研究

    Research on the Special CNC Milling Machine Based on CPM


  1. 问:统筹拼音怎么拼?统筹的读音是什么?统筹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统筹的读音是tǒngchóu,统筹翻译成英文是 make an overall plan

  2. 问:统筹兼顾拼音怎么拼?统筹兼顾的读音是什么?统筹兼顾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统筹兼顾的读音是tǒngchóujiāngù,统筹兼顾翻译成英文是 take every aspect into consideration through c...

  3. 问:统筹全局拼音怎么拼?统筹全局的读音是什么?统筹全局翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统筹全局的读音是tǒngchóu quánjú,统筹全局翻译成英文是 plan on the basis of the situation as a whole...

  4. 问:统筹法拼音怎么拼?统筹法的读音是什么?统筹法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统筹法的读音是tǒng chóu fǎ,统筹法翻译成英文是 Overall Planning Method

  5. 问:统筹安排拼音怎么拼?统筹安排的读音是什么?统筹安排翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统筹安排的读音是tǒng chóu ān pái,统筹安排翻译成英文是 unified planning and overall arrangement...

  6. 问:统筹方法拼音怎么拼?统筹方法的读音是什么?统筹方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统筹方法的读音是tǒng chóu fāng fǎ,统筹方法翻译成英文是 program evaluation and review technique

  7. 问:统筹资金拼音怎么拼?统筹资金的读音是什么?统筹资金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统筹资金的读音是tǒng chóu zī jīn,统筹资金翻译成英文是 pooling of capital

  8. 问:统筹计划法拼音怎么拼?统筹计划法的读音是什么?统筹计划法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统筹计划法的读音是tǒng chóu jì huà fǎ,统筹计划法翻译成英文是 overall planning method



[plan as a whole] 通盘筹划