


1. 愉 [yú]2. 愉 [tōu]愉 [yú]和悦,快意:~快。~悦。欢~。不~之色。愉 [tōu]古同“偷”,苟且敷衍。……


1. 悦 [yuè]悦 [yuè]高兴,愉快:喜~。愉~。和颜~色。心~诚服。取~于人。使愉快:~耳。赏心~目。姓。……



汉语拼音:yú yuè








  1. 欢乐,喜悦。

    汉 荀悦 《汉纪·宣帝纪四》:“千载一会,愉悦无斁。” 唐 王昌龄 《过华阴》诗:“人生屡如此,何以肆愉悦。”《清史稿·后妃传·太祖孝慈高皇后》:“后庄敬聪慧,词气婉顺,得誉不喜,闻恶言,愉悦不改其常。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第三章:“电灯光发出特别明亮愉悦的光辉。”



  1. This whole thing was news to the BPMN team as they (including me) were blithely assuming that we were trying to define a language.


  2. He shaved them off, washed, dried, and stomped off to the kitchen to find something pleasant to put in his mouth.


  3. They may have made you feel perfect for each other, because you did not have to do much to make each other happy.


  4. But all this would count nothing had not the orange such delightful qualities of taste.


  5. Of course it's quite possible to get more pleasure out of being at work than being with your family - although not many will admit to it.


  6. David, don't be unhappy, ' she said cheerfully. ' You know you can trust me, and I'll always be your friend '


  7. It had to do with the familiar pleasure one feels when the internal networks of the mind and the outer patterns of reality suddenly match.


  8. I spent a lovely couple of hours that way, and later I had an easy time getting back to work -- real work, not just goofing off at my desk.


  9. There was a pleasant tinkling note in her voice as she handed him a cup.


  1. 心要求愉悦

    The heart ask for pleasure.

  2. 兴高采烈的愉悦的。

    Full of high spiritedgaiety jolly.

  3. 是不怎么愉悦

    Yeah, it's not pleasant.

  4. 极度忧郁或愉悦

    Excessively sentimental or sweet.

  5. 低传真的愉悦节拍

    Audio Delite at Low Fidelity

  6. 拥有的力量和愉悦

    of seeing the world from exciting new perspectives.

  7. 轻松愉悦的娱乐,休闲。

    The amusement easily dulcified, recreation.

  8. 我的心该狂欢愉悦。

    My heart should be wildly rejoicing.

  9. 我的心该狂欢愉悦。

    My heart should be wildly rejoicing.

  10. 会让我们感到愉悦吗?

    Would they delight us?

  11. 总统面带愉悦的神情。

    There was an amused look on the President's face.

  12. 这些色彩让感官很愉悦。

    These colors please the senses.

  13. 愉悦的表情来自乐观的心。

    A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance.

  14. 谈话令人愉悦,非常有趣

    And it was really enjoyable, really interesting.

  15. 还是为人写作而愉悦自身?

    Or yourself by writing for others

  16. 香的有令人愉悦的气味的

    Having a pleasant odor.

  17. 诗得目得在于使人愉悦。

    The aim of poetry is to please.

  18. 瞧,我想和你分享愉悦。

    See, I want to share that with you.

  19. 猫喜欢令其愉悦得味道。

    Cats love pleasant smells.

  20. 猫喜欢令其愉悦的味道。

    Cats love pleasant smells.

  21. 我听见了那愉悦的笑声。

    I hear the cheerful chatter.

  22. 诗的目的在于使人愉悦。

    The aim of poetry is to please.

  23. 低下你愉悦而疲惫的头。

    Lay down your sweet and weary head.

  24. 营造愉悦心境建设和谐校园

    Building Jovial Mental State to Construct Harmonious Campus

  25. 你已然征服愉悦,且愉悦是你的。

    You have conquered pleasure and pleasure is yours.

  26. 还要尽力让病人保持愉悦

    but you will keep your patients happy.

  27. 愉悦的吟游诗人拨动琴弦

    A merry minstrel with his fingers fast

  28. 她的眼睛闪耀着愉悦的光芒。

    Her eyes twinkled with amusement.

  29. 我希望你神魂颠倒,我希望你欢心愉悦。

    I want you to be swept away, I want you to levirate.

  30. 家具是否令人感觉轻松愉悦

    Was furniture adequate for relaxation


  1. 问:愉悦拼音怎么拼?愉悦的读音是什么?愉悦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愉悦的读音是yúyuè,愉悦翻译成英文是 cheerful

  2. 问:愉悦的拼音怎么拼?愉悦的的读音是什么?愉悦的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愉悦的的读音是,愉悦的翻译成英文是 gladder

  3. 问:愉悦蓼拼音怎么拼?愉悦蓼的读音是什么?愉悦蓼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愉悦蓼的读音是yúyuèliǎo,愉悦蓼翻译成英文是 Polygonum jucundum

  4. 问:愉悦葶苈拼音怎么拼?愉悦葶苈的读音是什么?愉悦葶苈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愉悦葶苈的读音是yúyuètínglì,愉悦葶苈翻译成英文是 Draba jucunda



“愉悦”是个多义词,它可以指愉悦(网络用语), 愉悦(汉语词语)。