




原故,原由,事物发生前已具备的条件:原~。~素。~果。病~。理由:~为(wéi )。~而。依,顺着,沿袭:~此。~之。~循(a.沿袭;b.迟延拖拉)。~噎废食。陈陈相~。……



汉语拼音:lái yīn








  1. 前来的原因。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷一:“主人 王老儿 见 金老 揖坐了,问其来因。”

  2. 事情的缘由。

    《明成化说唱词话丛刊·花关索认父传》:“ 关公 厅上从头説,夜来四梦是何因。从头説与军师道,军师圆梦有来因。”《明成化说唱词话丛刊·花关索认父传》:“军师説道添一个, 庞统 又道灾一人。专等午时交三刻,吉凶今日见来因。”



  1. Produce a drag-and-bad because of a blade and a printing plate between the impurities, and extends to the ground knife back.


  2. It were better for thee to come with me, for I know where the Valley of Pleasure lies, and what things are wrought there.


  3. Let no man therefore despise him: but conduct him forth in peace, that he may come unto me: for I look for him with the brethren.


  4. Produce a paste version for various reasons, the main reasons for water conveyance. inking and stress three aspects.


  5. Here, we do not entirely separations in prepress production personnel or ink supplier, but find out some of the other.


  6. in its paper punches-drum teeth in its force, tooth row of teeth pad is not in the same plane is hit, common causes of a wrinkle.


  7. Offset printing process, the paper turns displacement is printed matter produce echoes one of the main reasons for the failure.


  8. The reasons are: baked version before suites of dust, dirt or other than designated mark clean up is not completely in a timely manner.


  9. If, let's say ink pigment deployed correctly, in that case, the color change is usually caused because the inclusion of a solvent.


  1. 德得来因杆菌

    Doderlein bacillu.

  2. 来因是冷固胶层太薄。

    The reason is thermosetting plastic is too thick.

  3. 以上是纸弛打折起皱的次给来因。

    These are the wrinkled paper discount factors.

  4. 纸弛带静电得次给来因是摩擦生电。

    The paper mainly attributable to the static friction.

  5. 纸弛带静电的次给来因是摩擦生电。

    The paper mainly attributable to the static friction.

  6. 对一些人来因的食物都可能打扰到睡眠。

    For some people, any food or beverage with caffeine in it can disturb sleep.

  7. 来因是胶布滚筒与印版滚筒得不张力太轻。

    The reason is that blanket drum and a printing plate cylinder pressure is too heavy.

  8. 来因是胶布滚筒与印版滚筒的不张力太轻。

    The reason is that blanket drum and a printing plate cylinder pressure is too heavy.

  9. 来因是橡布滚筒与印版滚筒间的不张力太大。

    Because the rubber and the Chief of the rollers and plates roller pressure is too large.

  10. 来因是橡布滚筒与印版滚筒间得不张力太大。

    Because the rubber and the Chief of the rollers and plates roller pressure is too large.

  11. 同时, 剥皮也是橡皮布暗不天获得不塑性的次要来因。

    At the same time, peeling rubber blanket surface is flexibility.

  12. 氛围洋得湿量也是导致网版不耐用得轻给来因。

    The air humidity is also not durable mask important reasons.

  13. 这次跨越来因河得悲剧得仇杀得开端是些什么呢

    What were the beginnings of this tragic feud across the Rhine

  14. 这也是印版耐印力回升得来因之一, 但不常被关心。

    This is the Indian plate one of the reasons for the decline, but often overlooked.

  15. 这也是印版耐印力回升的来因之一, 但不常被关心。

    This is the Indian plate one of the reasons for the decline, but often overlooked.

  16. 油墨及纸张的组不合也不定是引起印版呈现暧昧的来因。

    The constituents of ink and paper may also be caused by a printing plate appear fuzzy.

  17. 油墨及纸张得组不合也不定是引起印版呈现暧昧得来因。

    The constituents of ink and paper may also be caused by a printing plate appear fuzzy.

  18. 这些板滞性杂质都是变成印版网穴畅通得屈接来因。

    These mechanical impurities are blocking the plate network points.

  19. 这些板滞性杂质都是变成印版网穴畅通的屈接来因。

    These mechanical impurities are blocking the plate network points.

  20. 包被发送到国际目的地可能需要更长的时间来因海关延误。

    Packages being sent to international destinations may take longer to arrive due to customs delays.

  21. 她因来晚而请求原谅。

    She excused herself for coming late.

  22. 医生用可卡因来进行局部麻醉。

    Is used as a local anaesthetic by doctors.

  23. 就跟很多厨师一样,他用可卡因来。

    He, like many chefs, started using cocaine to.

  24. 多年来她因惦念儿子的安全一直忧虑不安。

    She has been smitten by anxiety for her son's safety for many years.

  25. 近年来,因雇主的疏忽造成了众多的工伤和死亡。

    In recent years, employer negligence has resulted in numerous workplace injuries and deaths.

  26. 同样的,那些用来减轻因免疫系统失控所引发的疾病

    Likewise, antiinflammatory drugs used to allay diseases caused by outofcontrol immune systems.

  27. 礼来公司因销售再普乐而面临联邦和州得调查。

    Lilly faces federal and state investigations oer its marketing of Zyprexa.

  28. 礼来公司因销售再普乐而面临联邦和州的调查。

    Lilly faces federal and state investigations oer its marketing of Zyprexa.

  29. 两天来,他因身体衰弱无力,受到尊重。

    For two days he was languorous and esteemed.

  30. 工作时,如果你走神了,就来点咖啡因。

    At work, if you are zoned out, have some caffeine.