







汉语拼音:lái yóu








  1. 来历;缘由。

    《南齐书·孝义传·朱谦之》:“ 张绪 、 陆澄 是其乡旧,应具来由。”《水浒传》第十二回:“ 杨志 道:‘和你往日无寃,昔日无讐,一物不成,两物见在,没来由杀你做甚么?’” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·论文·杜牧之》:“考其来由,裁其短长,十得四五,足以应当时之务矣。” 萧军 《羊·职业》二:“我同(H君)的女人全不知道他这话是怎样的来由,全默着。”



  1. She was melancholy with an obscure sadness of which she did not herself know the secret.


  2. The origin of this phrase is linked with an early British practice, at a time when forests were still the exclusive property of royalty.


  3. Slowly but surely my heart began to beat faster with an unreasonable fright. What was there in the woods to cause me harm?


  4. No one is sure how the expression began. One story is that it came from a military ceremony held when a soldier was forced out of an army.


  5. I remember my sister, Maryam, telling me about the time they took her to the torture room and beat her without reason.


  6. Although it is just a joke, but I feel cold opening speaker at.


  7. Hidden breast soup is just the wind, which red wine selection papaya soup, reason as follows: how breast, red papaya soup useful?


  8. Insurance contract in terms of defense should not be negates the establishment of insurance fraud.


  9. These tasks will keep bugging you and making you feel stressed out for no reason.


  1. 他出名的来由

    his claim to fame

  2. 他出名的来由

    his claim to fame

  3. 文件的来由和发展

    the pedigree of a document

  4. 毫无来由地哭泣。

    Crying for no apparent reason.

  5. 这是没来由的。

    This is coming outta nowhere.

  6. 这里头有一点来由。

    Thereby hangs a tale.

  7. 孩子们留下来由保姆照顾。

    The children were left in charge of the nurse.

  8. 孩子们留下来由保姆照管。

    The children were left in the charge of a nurse.

  9. 李商隐得儿子衮师名字来由?

    Li shang yin's son dagon simulation at name division?

  10. 李商隐的儿子衮师名字来由?

    Li shang yin's son dagon simulation at name division ?

  11. 他讲了他学针灸的来由。

    He explained how he came to study acupuncture.

  12. 把你如此做的来由告知我。

    Tell me the reason why you did it.

  13. 就因为这没来由的紧张恐慌

    I had this irrational fear.

  14. 他讲了自己学针灸的来由。

    He explained how he came to study acupuncture.

  15. 莫找捏词失败,只找来由成功。

    No excuses for failure, only to find grounds for success.

  16. 我爸爸经常没来由地对我发脾气。

    My father is always angry with me for no reason.

  17. 我爸爸经常没来由地对我发脾气。

    My father is always angry with me for no reason.

  18. 这只狗原来由我进口到英国。

    This dog was originally imported into the UK by me.

  19. 这只狗原来由我进口到英国。

    This dog was originally imported into the UK by me.

  20. 但没来由的恐慌也会造成破坏。

    But unjustified panic also causes devastation.

  21. 沈迷於杀人, 来由子弹射击得请求

    Addicted to killin and the appeal from the cap peelin

  22. 沈迷於杀人, 来由子弹射击的请求

    Addicted to killin and the appeal from the cap peelin

  23. 别担心,蒂姆大叔,你将来由我们照顾。

    Don't worry, Uncle Tim, your future is safe in our hands.

  24. 毫无来由地感觉到深刻的内在悲伤。

    Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason.

  25. 当前全球性金融危机的来由和发展趋势研究

    Research into the Reason for the Current Global Financial Crisis and Its Developing Trend

  26. 滇东, 滇东北马姓回族名称来由浅析

    Research on Cause of Designation for the Hui People with Surname of Ma in the East and Northeast of Yunnan

  27. 没来由的打我, 把我像奴隶一样使唤。

    He beat me for no reason and treated me like a slave.

  28. 给自己一个来由遗忘,那么爱自己地你。

    Please give me a reason to forget you, who loves me so much.

  29. 这样,灵魂就有了来由,原来是上帝吹的气。

    Here we find the origin of soul, which is breath of God.

  30. 他带着非常诧异的表情,听着事情的全部来由。

    With a decidedly amazed expression, he listened to a complete confession.


  1. 问:来由拼音怎么拼?来由的读音是什么?来由翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来由的读音是láiyóu,来由翻译成英文是 reason



来由,指原因;缘故。语出《南齐书·孝义传·朱谦之》:“ 张绪 、 陆澄 是其乡旧,应具来由。”