







汉语拼音:ēn qíng








  1. 恩爱之情。男女情爱。

    汉 班婕妤 《怨歌行》:“弃捐篋笥中,恩情中道絶。” 唐 张鷟 《游仙窟》:“希君掌中握,勿使恩情歇。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·定情》:“惟愿取恩情美满,地久天长。” 梁斌 《播火记》二四:“可别忘了俺,记着俺对你恩情重。”

  2. 恩爱之情。骨肉亲情。

    《后汉书·列女传·程文矩妻》:“及前妻长子 兴 遇疾困篤,母惻隐自然,亲调药膳,恩情篤密。”《宋书·朱修之传》:“﹝ 脩之 ﹞性俭剋,少恩情,姊在乡里,饥寒不立, 脩之 未尝供赡。” 冰心 《南归》:“过去这一生中这一段慈爱,一段恩情,从此告了结束。”

  3. 恩惠情谊。

    《儒林外史》第三十回:“夜里又告诉 向太爷 待他家这一番恩情, 杜慎卿 不胜嘆息。”《儿女英雄传》第十六回:“只是老哥哥,你既受他的恩情……也该阻止他一番才是。”



  1. The more happily we live , the more we realize how much we owe to the Party.


  2. Than the day of such high thick than to owe, we can appreciate how much?


  3. To his wife he was very little otherwise indebted, than as her ignorance and folly had contributed to his amusement.


  4. Bit by bit of kindness, can only be remembered, so the situation will be a period of engraved in this years the chapter.


  5. If his house could accommodate any friend of theirs-it would be but a slight acknowledgment of the many favours he owned them.


  6. Thanksgiving is also a grateful for the bounty that the others did not forget to owe lingering emotional heart.


  7. "Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three Chunhui" . . . this poem is not correct to write the mother of his daughter's owe you?


  8. A draft of water would be nectar to me, and I would own myself indebted to you for life itself.


  9. We, however, do not seem to know why we are doing this, and whether they are topophilia or tophophobia?


  1. 君生日日说恩情,

    The darlings every day protest their love

  2. 恩情未报。情义不周

    Owe a debt of gratitude

  3. 党给我们无限恩情。

    The party rains benefits on us.

  4. 骨肉越亲,恩情越深。

    The nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh.

  5. 恩情仪式与珍珠时刻

    Love Rituals and Pearl Moments

  6. 党的恩情比天高。

    The Party's bounty is vaster than the skies.

  7. 党的恩情似海深。

    The kindness of the Party is as deep as the sea.

  8. 桂林, 恩情深厚的地方

    Guilin, a Place to which I Owe my Great Debt of Gratitude

  9. 桂林,恩情深厚得地方

    Guilin, a Place to which I Owe my Great Debt of Gratitude

  10. 你的恩情我永志难忘。

    Never shall I forget your kindness.

  11. 我会永远记得您的恩情

    I am for ever in your debt.

  12. 我欠他慷慨相助的恩情。

    I was in debt to him for his help.

  13. 我将永远铭记你的恩情。

    I shall always remember your kindness.

  14. 世世代代铭记毛主席的恩情

    Generation to generation bear the kindness of president Mao

  15. 党对我们的恩情说不完。

    We owe a great deal to our Party.

  16. 但愿我们能够报答你的恩情。

    I wish we could repay our debt of gratitude to you.

  17. 您的恩情,我永远不会忘记的。

    I'll never forget your kindness.

  18. 我怎么才能报答你的恩情呢?

    How can I reward your kindness ?

  19. 我永远不会忘记你的恩情。

    I shall never forget the favors you have done to me.

  20. 她的恩情象海那样没有边际。

    Her bounty was as infinite as the sea.

  21. 但是,大象没有忘记木匠们的恩情。

    But the Elephant did not forget the kindness of the Carpenters.

  22. 我永远报答不尽你的恩情。

    I owe you a debt of gratitude which I shall never be able to repay.

  23. 您对我的恩情使我终身铭记。

    I will be deeply grateful to you for your kindness for the rest of my life.

  24. 您对我的恩情使我终身铭感。

    I will be deeply grateful to you for your kindness for the rest of my life.

  25. 您可知道我们难以报答您的恩情。

    You know we hard to repay your kindness.

  26. 感恩节您的恩情,我没齿难忘。

    Thanksgiving Day your kindness, I did not Tooth unforgettable.

  27. 我至死不会忘记党的恩情。

    I'll never forget what I owe to the Party to my dying day.

  28. 他记起一位朋友昔日的恩情。

    He remembered past kindness of a friend.

  29. 我会一直记着欠他们的恩情。

    I'll always think of what I owe to them.

  30. 我怎么也报答不了您的恩情。

    How can I ever repay you for your kindness ?


  1. 问:恩情拼音怎么拼?恩情的读音是什么?恩情翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩情的读音是ēnqíng,恩情翻译成英文是 great kindness

  2. 问:恩情区域拼音怎么拼?恩情区域的读音是什么?恩情区域翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩情区域的读音是,恩情区域翻译成英文是 Unjong guyok


