




1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……



汉语拼音:lài hǎo






  1. 方言。好歹;无论如何。




  1. It 's a tradition. - That sounds nice. Okay, well.


  1. 你最好没有还赖在床上

    You better not still be in bed.

  2. 你最好没有还赖在床上。

    You better not still be in bed.

  3. 所以我就赖你十年,就十年好不好?

    So I be to bilk you to ten ages, ten ages are not ok?

  4. 对谁都讲好话的人不可信赖。

    Never trust a man who speaks well of everybody.

  5. 手艺不好赖家什。

    A bad workman always quarrels with his tools.

  6. 她是群众信赖的好干部。

    She's a good cadre trusted by the masses.

  7. 活狗胜过死狮。好死不如赖活着。

    a living dog is better than a dead lion.

  8. 他们定好了八月份去布赖顿。

    They settled to go to Brighton in August.

  9. 赖斯是甜美的,但她不是好欺负的。

    Rice may be sweet, but she's no pushover.

  10. 最好的解决安全信赖的问题的方法和花费!

    Best Solution to the problem of Security Reliance and Cost!

  11. 魔鬼的恶事得以成全全赖好人的袖手旁观。

    All it takes for the triumph of evil is for the good man to do nothing.

  12. 赖盖特镇向下绵延好几百英尺。

    The town of Reigate is spread out hundreds of feet below.

  13. 赖盖特镇向下绵延好几百英尺。

    The town of Reigate is spread out hundreds of feet below.

  14. 想想你和布赖恩还有和好的机会吗?

    Think there's any chance you and Brian will get back together?

  15. 问得好,肯尼士斯鲍及赖利慕迪着

    Im Glad You Asked by Kenneth Boa and Larry Moody, Victor Books.

  16. 第五, 有好得人民, 人民对我们党有最大得信赖。

    Fifth, the good people who have the utmost faith in our Party.

  17. 我们公司的产品质量确实很好, 是值得信赖的。

    The quality of products of our corporation is indeed high and dependable.

  18. 第五,有好的人民,人民对我们党有最大的信赖。

    Fifth, the good people who have the utmost faith in our Party.

  19. 我们必须互相信赖,然后找出最好的解决方法

    We have to rely on others, and shape the process in the best way possible.

  20. 血粉是高赖氨酸, 低精氨酸的好来源泉

    Blood meal is an excellent source of high lysine and low arginine

  21. 藉由辛苦的工作,我信赖我的生活将会是比较好的。

    With hard working, I trust my life will be better.

  22. 虽说他上的学校不好,但他好赖是个大学生。

    He is still a university graduate, even though his university isn't famous.

  23. 赖瑞感谢自己运气好, 因为他的马还活著。

    Larry is thanking his lucky stars that his horse is still alive.

  24. 赖瑞感谢自己运气好,因为他得马还活著。

    Larry is thanking his lucky stars that his horse is still alive.

  25. 好的,我们的方法就是 用计算机 但是绝不倚赖于计算机

    Well, the way we've come up with uses computers but doesn't depend on them.

  26. 为什么我不该信赖那些一直待我这样好的人 呢

    Why should I not confide in those that have been so kind to me

  27. 相信有您们的信赖与支持,我们会力争做的更好。

    I believe you have the trust and support, we will strive to do better.

  28. 赖格尔的衣服已很破旧,但是若李穿得好。

    Laigle's coat was threadbare, but Joly was well dressed.

  29. 好的,赖尔先生,他用带有浓重法国口音的英语说。

    Good, Mr Ryle,'he said in English with a strong French accent.

  30. 那些信誉好的单位所经营的网站一般都是可信赖的。

    Web sites run by reputable outfits generally can be trusted.