


1. 蛇 [shé]2. 蛇 [yí]蛇 [shé]爬行动物,身体细长,体上有鳞,没有四肢。种类很多,有的有毒,有的无毒。以蛙、鼠为食,大蛇亦吞食大的兽类:~蜕。~行。~蝎。~足(喻多余无用的事物)。画~添足。蛇 [yí]〔委(wěi )~……


1. 纹 [wén]2. 纹 [wèn]纹 [wén]丝织物的文理,物件的文理:~理。~饰。条~。水~。指~。斜~。纹 [wèn]器物上的裂痕:这个碗上有一道~。打破砂锅~到底(“纹”谐音“问”,喻对问题穷根究底)。……



汉语拼音:shé wén






  1. 蛇身的花纹。

    茅盾 《子夜》八:“他刚到了楼下厢房,还没坐定,女儿也就来了;拿着蛇纹皮的化妆皮包,是立刻要出门的样子。”



  1. Snake print leather obi belts wrap around smart dresses and ostrich feathers adorn the sleeves of a shift dress.


  2. Liu woman, you are the shoes to the street? Light skin is still a snake skin pattern?


  3. A plausible source, as on Mars, is serpentinization at relatively low temperatures.


  4. It's so lifelike. That's real snake.


  5. Discussing the Name of Serpentine Stones and Prospecting the Mines


  6. Standard Specification for Serpentine Dimension Stone


  7. Environmental protection measures for exploitation snake-rock in Liuba county


  1. 蛇纹过磷酸钙

    serpentine superphosphate.

  2. 蛇纹形石或砖墙

    serpentine wall

  3. 莫斯科金属蛇纹圆尾

    Metal Moscow Snakeskin Round Tail

  4. 蛇纹石一种绿色岩石,如蛇纹大理岩

    Any of various green rocks, such as serpentine

  5. 蛇纹岩体中的硬玉岩与异剥钙榴岩

    Relationship between jadeitite and rodingite in serpentinite complex

  6. 有的地方出现透闪石板条及蛇纹石。

    Tremolite laths and serpentine minerals are present in places.

  7. 有得地方出现透闪石板条及蛇纹石。

    Tremolite laths and serpentine minerals are present in places.

  8. 金川矿石属属蛇纹石多金属硫化矿。

    The ore in Jinchuan Mine is a complex sulfide ore and the main gangue is serpentine.

  9. 蛇纹石化大理岩是主要找矿标志。

    The serpentinized marble is the main ore guide.

  10. 在一个小店里买的这件蛇纹上衣。

    Bought the snakeskin blouse in a thrift store.

  11. 秦皇岛青龙蛇纹石化大理岩的特征

    Features of Serpentined Marble from Qinglong, Qinhuangdao.

  12. 经滑石蛇纹石化,进而碳酸盐化,导致微量金解离。

    After the talc serpentinization and carbonation, micro gold has been separated.

  13. 蛇纹皮革腰带环绕智能服装,鸵鸟羽毛装饰了礼服袖子。

    Snake print leather obi belts wrap around smart dresses and ostrich feathers adorn the sleeves of a shift dress.

  14. 蛇纹石酸浸滤液提镁制备针状纳米氢氧化镁

    Purification of Magnesium by Sulfuric Acid Leaching Filtrate of Serpentine for Preparation of Acicular Nanometer Magnesium Hydroxide

  15. 从蛇纹石制备轻质碳酸镁和轻质氧化镁的扩试研究

    Study of preparing light magnesium carbonate and light magnesia from serpentine in expanded experimental condition

  16. 苦橄岩得斑晶主要为蛇纹石化得自形半自形橄榄石。

    Serpentinized euhedralsubhedral olivine phenocrystals are dominant in the picrites.

  17. 苦橄岩的斑晶主要为蛇纹石化的自形半自形橄榄石。

    Serpentinized euhedralsubhedral olivine phenocrystals are dominant in the picrites.

  18. 由蛇纹石酸浸滤液制备氢氧化镁工艺条件研究

    Study of the technological conditions for the preparation of magnesium hydroxide from the sulfuric acid leaching filtrate of serpentine

  19. 蛇纹竟也跃上运动鞋面,似乎也在宣示小龙年的来临。

    Anguine grain also jumps sneaker face unexpectedly, also be in it seems that declare Xiaolong year advent.

  20. 海山顶部得岩石是由蛇纹石化超镁铁质方辉橄榄岩组成。

    The rocks at the top of the seamount consist of serpentinized ultramafic harzburgite.

  21. 海山顶部的岩石是由蛇纹石化超镁铁质方辉橄榄岩组成。

    The rocks at the top of the seamount consist of serpentinized ultramafic harzburgite.


  1. 问:蛇纹岩拼音怎么拼?蛇纹岩的读音是什么?蛇纹岩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛇纹岩的读音是,蛇纹岩翻译成英文是 Serpentinite

  2. 问:蛇纹石拼音怎么拼?蛇纹石的读音是什么?蛇纹石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛇纹石的读音是,蛇纹石翻译成英文是 Serpentine group

  3. 问:蛇纹木材拼音怎么拼?蛇纹木材的读音是什么?蛇纹木材翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛇纹木材的读音是shé wén mù cái,蛇纹木材翻译成英文是 snake wood

  4. 问:蛇纹石板拼音怎么拼?蛇纹石板的读音是什么?蛇纹石板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛇纹石板的读音是shé wén shí bǎn,蛇纹石板翻译成英文是 serpentine plate

  5. 问:蛇纹大理岩拼音怎么拼?蛇纹大理岩的读音是什么?蛇纹大理岩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛇纹大理岩的读音是,蛇纹大理岩翻译成英文是 ophicalcite

  6. 问:蛇纹岩石棉拼音怎么拼?蛇纹岩石棉的读音是什么?蛇纹岩石棉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛇纹岩石棉的读音是shé wén yán shí mián,蛇纹岩石棉翻译成英文是 serpentine asbestos

  7. 问:蛇纹形石墙拼音怎么拼?蛇纹形石墙的读音是什么?蛇纹形石墙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛇纹形石墙的读音是shé wén xíng shí qiáng,蛇纹形石墙翻译成英文是 serpentine wall