







汉语拼音:shū chú








  1. 见“ 书厨 ”。



  1. A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.

  2. Mr Dombey turned his head away, and going slowly to the bookcase, and unlocking it, brought back a book to read.

  3. CNY visitings is merely a time for you to go check out other people's bookshelves.

  4. Inside were a comfy couch and easy chairs, a tall fabric houseplant in a corner, and a large high-definition television set atop a credenza.

  5. She gazed at it for some time and then added, 'You don't need bookcases at all.

  6. In particular, bought whenever there is a new book, put it in a bookcase that feeling is to purchase the right to use the Web version.

  7. The photograph falls out of the cupboard as I reach for a book.

  8. Would you please help me to put the shelf up; I can't do it myself.

  9. We've found a good carpenter to build some bookcases for us.


  1. 五个隔的书橱

    a bookcase in five sections

  2. 老书橱里的经典

    Classics in the old bookshelf

  3. 这个书橱有四层。

    This bookcase has four layers.

  4. 暂时将就使用的书橱

    a makeshift bookcase

  5. 他做完了一个书橱。

    He accomplished the building of the bookcase.

  6. 这个书橱不是我用的。

    This bookcase isn't for me.

  7. 靠墙立着一个书橱。

    A bookshelf stood against the wall.

  8. 你漆过书橱的背面吗?

    Did you paint the back of the bookcase?

  9. 我们把这个书橱放进去。

    We can set the bookcase in.

  10. 这些书橱我买一个可以吗

    May I have one of these bookcase.

  11. 那书橱是一个大玻璃橱,

    The bookcase was a large cupboard with glass doors

  12. 我们把书橱靠着墙放好吗?

    Shell we Put the bookcase against the wall?

  13. 那空间太小,书橱放不进去。

    That space is too small, the bookcase wont go in.

  14. 这些是我的书, 它们在书橱里。

    These are my books, they're in the bookcase.

  15. 我有一个小书橱, 里面有不少书。

    And I have a little bookshelf, in it there are many books.

  16. 我想让这个书橱不要靠着墙。

    I want the bookcase to stand free of the wall.

  17. 她数了数,发现书橱里共有33本书。

    When she counted the books, she found that, all told, there were 33 in the bookcase.

  18. 组装书橱应该是个简单的装配活。

    Putting the bookcase together should be a simple assembly job.

  19. 我估计这个书橱装有上千册书。

    I would say the bookcase contains about 100 books.

  20. 这书橱很不结实,装不了这么多书。

    This bookcase is too unstable to hold so many books.

  21. 你想要设计拥有自己品位的书橱吗?

    Do you want to design your own taste of bookcase?

  22. 这书橱装有50册书,但它能装下100册。

    The bookcase contains fifty volumes but holds a hundred.

  23. 你最好在两扇窗户之间装一个书橱。

    You'd better have a bookcase built in between the windows.

  24. 他们找了个好木匠为我们做一些书橱。

    We've found a good carpenter to build some bookcases for us.

  25. 他有书在大多他的书橱和字典在其他二。

    He had books in most of his bookcases and dictionaries in the other two.

  26. 在我书房里有一个高及天花板的书橱。

    In my study, there is a bookshelf that reaches up to the ceiling.

  27. 那个自私的学生总是占用最大的书橱和书桌。

    That selfish student always appropriates the biggest bookcase and desk.

  28. 你最好把这个书橱镶装在两扇窗户之间。

    You'd better have the bookcase built in between the windows.

  29. 书橱意思是有多个架子组成的一件家具

    bookcase is a piece of furniture with shelves that you keep books on.

  30. 刚才, 我姐姐帮助我抬了一只旧书橱上楼。

    A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.


  1. 问:书橱拼音怎么拼?书橱的读音是什么?书橱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:书橱的读音是shūchú,书橱翻译成英文是 bookcase, often with glass doors



【拼音】shū chú


【引证解释】 1.藏书的橱柜。《警世通言·王安石三难苏学士》:“ 徐伦 去后, 东坡 见四壁书橱关闭有锁,文几上只有笔砚,更无馀物。” 2. 喻指学问淹博的人。《宋史·吴时传》:“ 时 敏於为文,未尝属稿,落笔已就,两学目之曰‘立地书厨’。” 宋 叶适 《题端信师帖》:“ 淳熙 初,都下禅讲尚多宿旧名人,师年少,操矛入室,援据古今,中其机要,咸相顾叹骇曰:‘信书厨,不可与争也!’” 3. 讽喻读书多而不能运用的人。《南齐书·陆澄传》:“当世称为硕学,读《易》三年不解文义,欲撰《宋书》竟不成。

王俭 戏之曰:‘ 陆公 ,书厨也。’” 唐 韦縠 《序》:“余少博羣言,常所得志,虽秋萤之照不远,而雕虫之见自佳。古人云:自听之谓聪,内视之谓明也。又安可受诮於愚卤,取讥於书厨者哉?” 鲁迅 《而已集·读书杂谈》:“倘只看书,便变成书厨,即使自己觉得有趣,而那趣味其实是已在逐渐硬化,逐渐死去了。”